She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 400: Your nephew's calculations are really loud.

Chapter 400: Your nephew’s calculations are really loud

Lu Qingran on the side also hissed, "You are so courageous. Everyone in the entire circle knows how much Grandpa Qi loves Mo Wei. Could it be that he is from an alien planet?"

According to seniority, Lu Qingran and Qi Sijin are of the same generation. Although he and Qi Jingci are usually brothers, in real terms, he is one generation younger, but he doesn't care much about seniority.

Qi Sijin shrugged upon hearing this, "Who knows?"

He has not seen a cowardly and brainless person like Mr. Wu for a long time.

Qi Jingci gave Jing Yi a look, and the latter immediately understood and followed the police to go through the formalities.

After everything was taken care of, several people left the police station. After getting in the car, Jing Yi handed an injury report to Qi Jingci.

“Sir, this is Mr. Wu’s injury report.”

Lu Qingran tightened her nose, "Why do you want this?"

Even so, he still approached with curiosity.

 The next second, the look on Lu Qingran's face was suddenly replaced by shock.

"I'll go! Two hands, two legs, three ribs plus a spine...Ajin, you've made a person crippled, tsk, the beating is quite symmetrical." Lu Qingran couldn't help sighing.

 From this report, we can see how serious Qi Sijin’s actions were at that time.

   Tut, tut, one word to describe it, it’s terrible.

With this degree of disability, even if the law does not punish him in the end, he will no longer be able to continue to do evil, or in other words, he will even lose his basic ability to move.

Qi Jingci glanced through it roughly, raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Qi Sijin with interest.

 The attack is sharp and the means are ruthless.

 Normally you wouldn't know it, but he actually has this kind of ability.

Qi Jingci slowly put the report back into the bag, flipped it away casually, and asked as if unintentionally: "It's very neat, it looks like you are very skilled. You have done a lot of work abroad?"

Qi Sijin froze for a moment, still looking out of the car, pretending to be confused: "Uncle, are you kidding? How could I do this so often abroad?"

It is true that this is often done, but it is basically a mission, and it will be bloody. This time he reduced his strength, but he didn't expect Mr. Wu to be so reluctant to fight. He didn't use much force and it ended up like this. Who could he blame?

Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci could see this with just an injury report, and his eyes were a bit vicious.

Qi Sijin couldn't help but trembled in his heart.

 If he continues like this, his vest may not be covered for long before the secret is exposed. What will happen then... I don’t dare to think about it.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows. Seeing that he was pretending to be stupid, he did not continue to ask, but asked: "Does Weiwei know about this?"

Qi Sijin shook his head, "I hid it from her, and she didn't even notice."

 “Where are the old man and the others?”

“…I just told my third uncle to you.”

Qi Jingci's eyes flashed with surprise, and he turned to look at him, "I didn't know you and I have such a good relationship."

The first thing that comes to mind about this kind of thing is him.


Qi Sijin was silent for a long time, then quietly opened his lips and said: "Actually, that's not the case. I only told you because I was afraid that the old man and the others would be worried."

Furthermore, he knew that Qi Jingci would have a way to settle all this easily.

Hearing this, Lu Qingran couldn't help but laugh.

“You’ve been doing this for a long time and you’re just treating your third brother as a tool?”

 He looked at Qi Jingci with a smile and gloated: "Your nephew's plan is so loud, you don't have any reaction?"

His tone was clearly intended to sow discord, and Qi Sijin's face darkened as expected.

    Sigh, I’ve been stuck lately, I can’t hold back the plot, I’m going bald [crazy]



 (End of this chapter)

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