She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 404: Please face the next scene squarely

Chapter 404: Please face the next scene.

Liu Yige couldn't help but laugh twice when he saw Ning Feng's subtle expression, "Mr. Xiao Ning, are you going to ask for your advice next?"

Ning Feng was speechless and silent, and finally showed an expression that didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "...Okay, it looks like I have to notify the company to prepare public relations."

The tragedy is still his. He is a shareholder of MZ and a big star, but now he has to act as a tour guide, and there is a possibility of betraying his lust.

 There is no one else who can do this.


Ning Feng closed his eyes and thought about it, this is actually not bad. If he is photographed by the paparazzi while accompanying Liu Yige and exposed, then the outside world may forget about the scandals between him and Lu Qingran, which also indirectly solves his current problem. distress.

Moreover, if Lu Qingran misunderstood, given his temper, he would definitely not continue to pester him, and then he would be completely at ease.

 In this way, it is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Ning Feng’s originally resistant expression became much lighter.

As long as we can get rid of Lu Qingran's dog-skin plaster, anything will do.

Lu Qingran was sitting in the car, sneezed unexpectedly, touched her nose, and wondered: "Who is thinking of me?"

 Suddenly a sneer came from inside the car.

Qi Sijin said sarcastically: "Maybe I'm scolding you."

"It's different. I have a hunch that someone must be thinking about me." Lu Qingran looked very sure.

“…” Qi Sijin’s eyes looked like he was looking at an idiot, “Why do you believe these idiots?”

Lu Qingran was stunned by him and remained silent for a long time before she said dullly: "...I just have an intuition. Do you understand your intuition?"

Qi Sijin said he didn’t quite understand and gave him a ruthless sneer.

 Lu Qingran: “…”

Lu Qingran didn't want to communicate with this guy who was in conflict with him, so he focused his eyes on Qi Jingci, "Third brother, where are we going?"

 He could see clearly just now, when Qi Jingci suddenly asked Jing Yi to change direction.

Qi Sijin has wanted to ask this question for a long time, but since he had just admitted himself to the police station and asked Qi Jingci for help, he didn't dare to say anything along the way.

Now that the question came out of Lu Qingran’s mouth, he couldn’t help but **** up his ears to listen.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes, and his dark eyelashes covered the expression in his eyes. In the darkness of the car, he suddenly chuckled, without any emotion, and said in a very calm tone: "Go and catch him."      Lu Qingran: “…”

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 Go, what are you going to catch?

Lu Qingran felt like he was deaf at this moment, his mouth was open for a long time, and his jaw was almost dislocated.

 There was a sudden silence in the car.

 Qi Sijin silently savored what Qi Jingci just said over and over again, and was basically sure that his third uncle's sour tone, with an inexplicable sense of resentment, was 100% directed at Li Jiu.

 So, he will probably have to face a large crematorium later.

Qi Sijin put his hand into his pocket and rubbed the edge of his phone carefully, thinking deeply about whether he should send a message to Li Jiu.

  After hesitating between family affection and the boss for a while, Qi Sijin decisively chose Li Jiu.

    四:Boss, the third uncle is on the way here with a knife. ]

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows after receiving this message from him, expressing surprise that he was staying with Qi Jingci at this time, but it only took a moment for the dark color to return to normal.

      九:Oh? How long until it arrives? ]

 Qi Sijin: “…”

So she knew Qi Jingci was going?

     四:…It is estimated that there are still a few minutes. ]

      九: Oh, let him not be anxious, I’ll wait for him. ]

Qi Sijin: “???”

 Qi Sijin’s face went blank.

 No, can you please face the scene you are going to face next?

Is his third uncle's nickname of Ju Hai for nothing?

 A large-scale jealousy scene, the kind of cremation, takes place within minutes.

   This number of chapters made me have the urge to type a garbled article (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻

By the way, today I recommend a new book written by sisters, Youth Campus Essays, the writing style is relatively fresh and fresh, you can be happy~

Introduction: Jiang Nan believes that it takes three steps to trick Zhai Taotao into a bowl. The first step is to prepare a big enough bowl. The second step is to put delicious food in the bowl. The third step is to wait!

But Jiang Nan also forgot the most important point. Zhai Taotao was willing to take the bowl. The most important thing was that the bowl was prepared by Jiang Nan.



 (End of this chapter)

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