She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 405: Ning Feng: It can’t be such a coincidence, right?

Chapter 405 Ning Feng: It can’t be such a coincidence, right?

In the private room, everyone stared at Li Jiu sitting there drinking by himself, one cup after another.

"Boss, are you... thirsty?" Ning Feng looked at her inexplicably, with faint signs of twitching at the corners of his mouth.

Due to the special characteristics of Li Jiu's body, she is basically immune to alcohol. No matter how high the alcohol content is, she drinks it just like plain water.

Li Jiu chuckled, tilted her fair neck back slightly, and drank the last bit of wine left in the cup.

 “Someone wants to settle a score with me, so he needs to be prepared.”

Others looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

Li Jiu smiled and said nothing.

Aren’t you here to settle accounts? She wanted to see how he could handle it when she was drunk.

 If he really wanted to care, don't blame her for being "drunk" on the spot.

 A few minutes later, everyone was stunned when they saw the man suddenly appearing at the door.

Qi Jingci pushed open the door and walked in, feeling the cold air outside, causing the atmosphere in the box to suddenly turn negative. His cold eyes lightly scanned everyone present, and finally landed on Li Jiu sitting in the middle.

She was leaning on her seat, her head resting on her hands, her expression was languid, her eyebrows were lowered, and her long eyelashes covered her emotions. She was like an old monk in trance, and was out of tune with her surroundings.

Perhaps aware of Qi Jingci's appearance, he finally raised his eyelids. His fair and clear cheeks were flushed with a faint blush, and his eyes were a little brighter, but they still looked lazy and slightly drunk.


 This was the first thought that flashed through Qi Jingci’s mind.

  The anger he had accumulated dissipated the moment he saw her. The provocation and teasing on the phone just now were forgotten by him in the blink of an eye.

Qi Jingci only stood there for a second, then raised his legs and walked towards Li Jiu, completely ignoring everyone present.

Liu Yige, who was sitting next to Li Jiu, had a frozen expression for a moment. Watching this man who suddenly appeared and looked unusual, he walked up to Li Jiu, leaned down slightly, and said in a very soft tone: "Jiujiu, have you drunk too much?"

After he said this, Li Jiu seemed to have taken a long time to understand the meaning of this sentence. His eyelashes trembled slightly, his eyes moved, his tone was a bit drunk, and he said in a hoarse voice: "You are here..."

Had it not been known that she was pretending to be drunk, everyone present would have been deceived by her.

With such acting skills, it would be a waste not to join the entertainment industry!

Liu Yige, who was still confused on the side: "..."

 Oh my god, her hair is getting cold.

 What is going on?

Before she could react to Li Jiu's sudden act of pretending to be drunk, she was faced with such a scene the next second.

Liu Yige sat next to Li Jiu and felt the oppressive aura coming from Qi Jingci very clearly.

Although she has met quite a few big shots, she feels that this big shot is particularly awesome, something that cannot be described in words.

Liu Yige silently moved towards the distance, while desperately winking at others to inquire about the situation.

Ning Feng knew Qi Jingci. After all, who in the imperial capital didn’t know Qi Sanye?

It's just that he was obviously very surprised by Qi Jingci's sudden appearance. When he calmed down and thought about it carefully, he quickly came up with a guess.

The "someone" Li Jiu just said refers to him, right?

  Seeing Qi Jingci completely ignoring everyone present and focusing only on Li Jiu, Ning Feng was 100% sure of his guess.

  Well, except for this one, there may be no one who can be treated so carefully by his boss.

Ning Feng was silent for a moment, then mouthed the words to the three people who were still confused: the boss's boyfriend.

 Everyone who understood his lip language said: “…”

 The enlightenment is enlightening, a bolt from the blue, and the soul is flying to the sky.

It was as if someone had carried a bucket of ice water over his head. His whole body was frozen in place like an ice sculpture, and even his breathing was suspended.

 Wait a minute, what did they just hear?

Whose boyfriend?

Since when did the boss have a boyfriend?

The three people who had been staying abroad without knowing anything showed extremely subtle and complicated expressions, and their minds went blank.

In contrast, Ning Feng and Ji Huai, the only two insiders in the box at this time, seemed extremely calm. The former was just surprised for a moment and then returned to normal, while the latter did not even change his expression from beginning to end. Hehe, he usually has the closest contact with Li Jiu, so he naturally knows the current situation of these two people, and he can't wait to be together all the time.

When Li Jiu was at MZ, he had learned about it once before. The meeting lasted for more than ten minutes and Qi Jingci called three times.

Li Jiu's expression at that time was still deeply impressed on him now.

He had a hunch from the very beginning of today's reception banquet that Li Jiu would definitely not be able to wait until the end.

 Look, the hunch came true.

Ji Huai sat there with his legs crossed and a particularly proud expression on his face.

 The proud result was that he was pinched so hard by Liu Yige that he grimaced in pain.

Liu Yige narrowed his eyes and glared at Ji Huai dangerously, with an obvious meaning in his eyes: You didn't tell us anything about such a big thing, how nice of you!

Ji Huai: “…”

Ji Huai swallowed and turned to look at the two people opposite.

 Bai Ye and Lancer also showed the same expressions as Liu Yige at this time. They looked like they wanted to screw him to death on the spot.

They only knew that Li Jiu had some personal matters to take care of when he returned to China. Who knew that he had a boyfriend, which caught them off guard.

As Li Jiu's military division, they actually didn't receive any news at all. This guy must have deliberately concealed it.

Ji Huai: “…”

 No, can you be more reasonable?

At that time, the engagement between Li Jiu and Qi Jingci caused a great uproar in the city, and even reached the Internet. Almost all of Li Jiu's subordinates knew about it, except for a few of them.

 Oh, he forgot.

These people stayed in the mountains for more than half a month due to special tasks. During this period, communication with the outside world was cut off, which was equivalent to being isolated from the world. After that, Li Jiu sternly warned them not to make any mess about her engagement to Qi Jingci. The article, plus after these people came back, they basically forgot about it, no one told them.

Ji Huai: “…”

So who is to blame?

 Can't blame him anyway.

However, Liu Yige had no intention of letting him go, and the force on his hand became heavier and heavier. Ji Huai's expression was almost unbearable, and he kept looking at Ning Feng for help.

However, at this moment, Ning Feng's eyes fell on Qi Jingci and fell into deep thought.

It is said that Third Master Qi has an indifferent temperament, and he never interacts with anyone too much. He is always surrounded by only Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu. Almost everywhere Qi Jingci appears, he usually sees the other two.

Thinking of this, Ning Feng panicked for no reason. The hand holding the wine glass suddenly tilted and he spilled it.

 Should... no?

These are not conjoined twins. Do they go together everywhere?

Ning Feng lowered his eyes and pursed his lips, feeling suddenly confused.

 The next second, as if destined, he raised his head and met the eyes of Lu Qingran who had just arrived.

The atmosphere became dead for a moment.

  Ning Feng: “…”

 Lu Qingran: “…”

  Ning Feng: “…”

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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