She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 407: Show off their faces overtly and covertly

Chapter 407 Showing off their faces overtly and covertly

Qi Sijin glanced around the box, leaned over the table and took a glass of wine. He sat down low-key, with his long legs crossed, his posture relaxed and casual. He also took the time to say hello to Ji Huai and others.

 Everyone: “…”

The posture for watching the show is quite standard?

Ji Huai looked at Qi Jingci and Li Jiu on the side in silence, and then at the two people here. He couldn't help but move closer to Qi Sijin, and asked the biggest doubt tonight: "Boss Qi, Why are you here suddenly?"

Although MZ was founded by Li Jiu, everyone in the second team has shares in MZ and is considered a relatively large shareholder. Therefore, it is not surprising that Ji Huai calls him boss.

Hearing this, Qi Sijin looked at Li Jiu who was not far away, sighed, and said helplessly, "Because boss, she asked for it."

It has to be said that since he got together with his third uncle, he found that Li Jiu seemed to have mastered some of the essence of "making sperm" and insisted on challenging his third uncle's jealous ability, which led to the current scene, a perfect interpretation She is determined to die, but for now, she seems to be quite enjoying it?

Li Jiu was indeed enjoying it. At this time, she closed her eyes tightly and had no reaction to what happened in the box just now, as if she was drunk. Qi Jingci was helpless for a moment, and the anger he had been holding in his heart was released. Most of it.

In fact, Li Jiu also felt that his behavior was not good, and even deeply despised it, but in order to avoid more embarrassing situations, he could only take this approach.

 She originally just wanted to flirt with someone on the phone, but to her surprise, he actually came.

It didn't matter if she flirted with Qi Jingci verbally, but if she did it in front of him, things were different now. The two of them had already established a relationship, and if they weren't careful, they might have to show off their promiscuity in broad daylight.

Li Jiu thought that even though he accepted the identity of Qi Jingci's boyfriend, the progress bar would not fill up all at once, and he had to take it step by step.

Knowing that Qi Jingci's temperament would definitely not let her go, he came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be drunk. He originally thought this method was good, but now, Li Jiu suddenly felt that in this case, he didn't know whether it was Who are you torturing?

Because Qi Jingci sat close to her, letting her head rest lightly on his shoulder, his hands gently rubbing her temples, and the cold breath sprayed around her, wrapping her tightly , gentle and addictive.

Even though Li Jiu closed her eyes, she could still feel Qi Jingci's gaze on her being filled with a touch of worry and concern.

The sound of the friction of the clothes around him rang in his ears, and he could feel the warm chest of the man behind him through two layers of clothes. Li Jiu's heart felt as if it had been scratched by a small hook.

Gradually, she clearly felt the temperature on her face getting a little warmer, and even her fair neck gradually became crimson.

 No, no, no.

 If this continues, nothing will happen to Qi Jingci, she will turn into a wolf first.

Knowing that she could no longer allow this kind of "torture" to develop, Li Jiu squeaked softly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. There was still a bit of confusion in her eyes, as if they were covered with a layer of mist. Exactly the same as when she usually wakes up.

I have to say that in terms of acting skills, Li Jiu is definitely at the level of a movie queen.

The moment Li Jiu's breathing changed, Qi Jingci had already noticed it. He lowered his head slightly, and his light gray eyes met her slightly dazed pupils, which were so deep that they seemed to **** people away.

  The voice is low, magnetic, and extremely sultry: "Are you awake?"

From Li Jiu’s perspective, Qi Jingci looked like this, which made her feel dizzy.

However, even though her heart was a little rippled, she still did not forget to do the whole show. She blinked, and the watery light in her eyes was replaced by Qianqian. She lazily stretched out her arms around Qi Jingci's neck, and put her arms around Qi Jingci's neck. He pulled it down and groaned softly: "It feels uncomfortable..."

 The voice sounded like an innocent, docile little beast pitifully acting coquettishly.

Qi Jingci’s heart melted. If it weren’t for the dim light, everyone would have appreciated the scene where Mr. Qi’s ears turned red for the first time in his history.

 “Where do you feel uncomfortable?”

Qi Jingci's tone was so soft that it was unreasonable, and his eyes softened into a pool of spring water, which was touching.

From an angle that he couldn't see, Li Jiu slightly raised the corners of his lips, and then said in the same tone as before: "Headache."

As she spoke, she lightly closed her eyes again and leaned her head on Qi Jingci's shoulder, acting as if she really had a headache.

Qi Jingci was immediately deceived by her and didn't notice anything was wrong at all. Not only that, he showed a distressed look and worked hard to massage Li Jiu's temples.

 “What about this? Would it be better?” he asked softly.

Li Jiu buried her head deeply into the crook of his neck, rubbing her soft hair back and forth against his chin, sniffing his breath, and hummed softly, "It's not bad."

Qi Jingci rubbed harder.

After a while, seeing Li Jiu calm down and thinking that she was feeling better, Qi Jingci opened his mouth and wanted to educate her: "Jiu Jiu, don't drink so much in the future."

 Fortunately, he came. If he didn't come, how would she go home?

 I don’t know how many of the people present are trustworthy.

How can girls not know how to protect themselves?

Qi Jingci probably forgot that even if someone like Li Jiu is really drunk, someone else should be protected.

  When we were in the association before, the people from the second team once joked that fortunately Li Jiu was immune to alcohol and would never get drunk in his life. Otherwise, there would have been countless more drunken crimes in the world.

 After all, Li Jiu, who has released his true nature, can be compared with the Demon King Li Gui.

 But at this time, Qi Jingci was so focused on his wife that he might have automatically ignored this fact, and was educating Li Jiu in a serious manner.

At the end, Ji Huai couldn't help it anymore. Even if he pretended to be deaf, he couldn't deceive himself and others. He poked Qi Sijin, "Does Mr. Qi have some misunderstanding about the boss? With her strength, she can do it when she's drunk." After all, thank God if she doesn’t do anything to others. If you dare to do something to her, is it possible that you have the courage to be born from an alien planet?”

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Don't ask him, asking means that people in love are blind and blind.

Ji Huai clicked his tongue, feeling that the goosebumps he dropped on the ground tonight could fill a sack.

“No, no, no, I’m really going blind. I’m already so full from drinking, but the boss actually gives us extra food?”

Everyone here, except Lu Qingran and Qi Jingci, knows about Li Jiu's "alcohol immunity" constitution. How can he pretend to be drunk in front of them and show off their faces overtly and secretly?

Everyone was feeling the same as Ji Huai at this time. They were all numb and even felt like vomiting.

However, Li Jiu himself became more and more addicted to the performance. He vowed to bring a perfect ending to today's drama, so he "slept" at the right time.

 Everyone: “…”

Let's just watch you perform quietly.

 (End of this chapter)

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