She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 408: I wanted to do this just now at the bar

Chapter 408 I wanted to do this just now at the bar

I have to say that Li Jiu’s play successfully deceived Qi Jingci.

Qi Jingci held her waist, gently picked her up, lifted her feet and walked out.

 “Huh? This…”

Liu Yige was startled and subconsciously wanted to stop him, but was held back by Ji Huai.

Qi Jingci hugged Li Jiu and glanced at Qi Sijin lightly. The latter's mouth twitched and he had to put down the wine glass. He stood up and patted Ji Huai's shoulder, indicating that he would hand it over to him next, and then followed him. .

Everyone just stared blankly as Qi Jingci took away the protagonist of today's reception, looking at each other in confusion, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


Lancer still hadn't come back to his senses, "Just... left?"

Bai Ye glanced at him and said lightly, "Otherwise? I'm still saying hello to you? I don't know you."

 And who is Mr. Qi?

Even though they were abroad, they had heard of this man's name. He was not at the same level as them, so Li Jiu could get along with him.

"That was not what I meant."

Lancer scratched his head and said warmly, "He just took Li away. Is everything going to be okay?"

Although this man has a close relationship with Li Jiu, they don't know him well and are inevitably a little worried.

Hearing this, Ji Huai shook his head and laughed a few times. He was about to speak, but he was overtaken by someone.

“This gentleman, you can rest assured that the third brother will definitely not do anything bad to my sister-in-law.”

Everyone looked up and saw Lu Qingran and Shi Shiran sitting there with a calm expression.

Ning Feng was silent for a moment and then asked, "Aren't you going to go with Third Master?"

Qi Jingci and Qi Sijin had already left, but this man seemed to be hanging on.

Lu Qingran turned to look at him, raised her eyebrows, and asked with an unclear expression, "Do you really want me to leave?"

Ning Feng: “Isn’t it obvious?”

Lu Qingran clicked her tongue, as if she was deliberately going against him, leaning back with a more leisurely posture, "Then I don't want to leave."

"..." Ning Feng was silent again. For a long time, he twitched the corners of his lips, said "It's up to you", then stood up and left.

 Where he couldn't see, Lu Qingran's eyes flashed with sadness, and then he quickly put it away, stood up and smiled at everyone: "In that case, I'll take my leave."

After Lu Qingran left, Liu Yige looked at him chasing Ning Feng. He finally couldn't restrain his gossip and asked Ji Huai frantically: "What's going on with Mr. Lu and Mr. Xiao Ning?"

 Actually, Ji Huai didn't know much about the affairs between the two of them. He only heard Ning Feng mention it occasionally.

"I don't know, but from the looks of it... Mr. Lu should be interested in Mr. Ning, right?" Ji Huai guessed.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and asked meaningfully: "Just interested?"

Judging from his many years of experience in the world of love, Mr. Lu obviously had real feelings, and Ning Feng also noticed it, but he was just pretending to be stupid.

"How could I know this... about the two of them?" Ji Huai rolled his eyes speechlessly.

“Bai Ye, you know a lot about this, can you tell me?” Liu Yige approached with a gossipy look on his face.

Everyone present could see that Lu Qingran was interested in Ning Feng. They had seen this a lot abroad. It was not unusual or unacceptable. What they were interested in was where the two of them had developed.

Among them, only Bai Ye has the richest love history and is the best at this aspect, so naturally we need to ask him for advice.

Bai Ye coughed lightly, gave it up, and said under the expectant eyes of everyone: "I don't know either."


 Everyone suddenly spoke in unison.

"Okay, okay, stop gossiping. The boss and Xiao Ning have both left. There's no point in continuing the reception banquet. Let's break up." Ji Huai suggested.

Over there, after arriving at the Qi family’s old house, Qi Jingci kicked Qi Sijin out of the car without hesitation. Qi Sijin looked confused: "Uncle, aren't you staying at the old house tonight?"

He thought Qi Jingci’s look before told him to go back to his old house together.

Qi Jingci glanced at him lightly, then lowered his eyes to Li Jiu who was leaning on him, "Yeah."


 If you don’t go back to your old house, is it possible to go back to Jingyuan with Li Jiu?

Judging from what he means, I'm afraid it's true.

Qi Sijin’s expression suddenly became complicated. A man and a woman were alone in the same room, especially one of them was pretending to be drunk.

He was not worried about what Qi Jingci would do, but he was worried that Li Jiu would do something worse than a beast while drunk - after all, she had done this before.


Qi Sijin stood still, his eyes hesitantly falling on Li Jiu.

The car door was open and the cold night wind blew in. Li Jiu's eyelashes trembled slightly and she shrank.

Qi Jingci frowned, looked at him coldly, and asked, "Is there anything else?"


 “If not, hurry in.”

Qi Jingci said something in a very disgusting tone, stretched out his hand to close the car door, and the next second, the car sped away, leaving Qi Sijin on the spot with a mouthful of exhaust fumes.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 He raised his hand to wipe his face and prayed in his heart: Boss, please be a man.

Don't chew up Uncle San until there's not even a dregs left.

Facts have proved that Li Jiuyuan was not as hungry as Qi Sijin imagined. Instead of doing anything extraordinary under the influence of drunkenness, she was exceptionally quiet and well-behaved along the way. In the end, she actually fell asleep, so that it was not until Qi Jingci was about to leave. She put it on the bed in the bedroom, and then she slowly woke up.

Li Jiu was lying on her back on the bed, with the bedroom door ajar. There was a slight noise coming from the living room. It should be Qi Jingci looking for sobering medicine for her.

 When his eyes were completely clear and he realized what had happened, Li Jiu looked strange for a moment.

She was obviously just pretending, so why did she really fall asleep?

Is it possible that Qi Jingci’s aura is too reassuring?

Before she could figure out the reason, Qi Jingci had already walked in with the sobering medicine in his hand and Beishui in his hand.

Seeing that she was awake, he paused, put water and medicine on the bedside, stepped forward to help her up, put his hand on her forehead to try, and after confirming that the temperature was normal and there was no fever, he asked: "Is there anything else wrong?" Comfortable?"

Li Jiu looked up at him, blinked his eyes, and slowly shook his head, "Much better."

Qi Jingci handed her two tablets of medicine and water, and whispered: "Take the medicine and you will feel more comfortable when you sleep."

Li Jiu listened to his words and took the medicine obediently.

 “Is it bitter?” Qi Jingci suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Li Jiu raised his head. When he realized that he was asking if the medicine was bitter, his eyes flickered a few times and he replied: "It's not bitter."

Even if it is bitter, she cannot taste it.


 “I’ll try it.”

Qi Jingci suddenly leaned over, gently touched her chin with his fingers, lowered his head and kissed her.

Li Jiu's pupils suddenly dilated, "Well..."

After a few minutes of entangled lips and tongues, and until Li Jiu looked a little confused, he let her go.

Qi Jingci's eyes were still filled with desire that had not faded away. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his heavy breathing.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "I just wanted to do this in the bar."

 (End of this chapter)

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