She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 410: Handsome and rich fiancé

Chapter 410 The Handsome and Rich Fiancé

  After what she did yesterday, Qi Jingci was now determined to rely on her. Li Jiu sighed helplessly and had no choice but to take him out together.

Qi Jingci was very quiet on the road. He didn't ask her where she was going, and showed no curiosity at all. It seemed that he really just watched her not to mess around, and didn't care about where she was going.

When the car drove into an unfamiliar neighborhood, Qi Jingci finally raised his head, glanced outside, and asked, "Where is this?"

Li Jiu showed the certificate to the security guard and was allowed to leave. Hearing this, he said: "From a certain perspective, this is my other home."

 She gave all the share transfer agreement that Mr. Li gave her and the villa here to the Shan family and her son. They have always regarded her as family, and this place can be regarded as her other home.

Qi Jingci: "?"

When they stood at the door, Qi Jingci was still a little confused. When did Li Jiu show up in the imperial capital again? Why didn't he know anything?

  While he was still immersed in thinking, Li Jiu had already rang the doorbell.

Within a few seconds, Shan’s mother came to open the door. After she saw who was standing at the door, a look of surprise immediately appeared on her face.

 “Xiaojiu! You are here!”

Li Jiu smiled and nodded, "Aunt Shan, long time no see."

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a while. You said you wouldn't come to see me either. Aunt Shan almost misses you! Come on! Come in!"

The single mother looked happy and wanted to invite Li Jiu in. Then she suddenly found someone standing at the door and was stunned.

"This is…"

She looked Qi Jingci up and down, a flash of admiration flashing in her eyes. This boy was quite handsome.

 Shan’s mother is from the country and has never read much. After seeing Qi Jingci, she couldn’t think of any adjectives in her head. After thinking hard for a while, she could only use “beautiful” and “good-looking” to describe it.

But this man seems a little familiar, I should have seen him somewhere...

Seeing Shan's mother looking at Qi Jingci in deep thought, Li Jiu coughed twice and introduced her: "Aunt Shan, this is..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Shan Mu.

"Oh! I remembered." Shan's mother clapped her hands, looked at Qi Jingci excitedly, and asked, "Are you our Xiaojiu's handsome and rich fiancé?"

When the Li family and the Qi family got married, Li Jiu, an illegitimate daughter who had just been found, suddenly became the fiancée of Qi Jingci, who was envied by everyone. It caused quite a stir, even though the single mother usually didn't pay attention to the news on the Internet. , she usually hears some gossip when playing cards with others.

After learning that Li Jiu was engaged, her first reaction was that she was being used by the Li family as a marriage pawn. She was so angry that she didn't eat for three days, and she stayed in the room and scolded Li Hong for a long time.

 Later, through some media such as online newspapers, she learned that Li Jiu's fiancé, Qi Jingci, seemed to be quite good except for being a bit cold-tempered. He was also handsome in the photos, so the injustice in her heart subsided a little.

Now a living person was standing in front of her, but she didn't recognize it at first. It was only after careful identification that she remembered who this person was.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci silently turned his gaze to Li Jiu, his eyes dark.

Li Jiu almost choked on his saliva when he saw him like this: "..."

"Ahem...Aunt Shan, what did you say?" Li Jiu put her fist to her lips, coughed to cover up, and gave Shan's mother a look, her eyes filled with helplessness.

She knew that the single mother had an out-of-control temperament and was very unreliable at times. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to act like she was so excited about winning mahjong that she ended up in the hospital. But she didn't expect that the single mother would be so eloquent that she wouldn't stop dying.

It was as if she was coveting Qi Jingci or something...although that was probably the case.

At this moment, the single mother realized that she might be speechless, and immediately smiled awkwardly and invited the two of them in.

 “Come in and sit wherever you like, you’re welcome, I’ll get you some fruit.”

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci sat on the sofa. When she heard this, she was about to say no, but when she looked up, Shan's mother had already entered the kitchen.


Qi Jingci was well-informed and was shocked by Shan's mother's fiery temperament. He twitched his eyes slightly and looked at Li Jiu: "Who is this to you?"

Li Jiu: "I have... a relative, you can call her aunt." Qi Jingci nodded, thought for a moment, then smiled and asked, "Do you think you are taking me to meet my parents?"

“…” Li Jiu was silent for a moment and said, “This doesn’t count.

She paused and continued: "Besides, haven't you already met Grandpa and the others?"

 “This is different.”

The smile on Qi Jingci's face did not diminish. Last time he was invited to visit by the Li family. They had not yet established a relationship at that time, but this time it was Li Jiu who took the initiative to bring him here, so the meaning was naturally different.

 “Speaking of this, I thought of another thing.”

Li Jiu glanced sideways, "Huh?"

The next moment, Qi Jingci suddenly leaned closer. The handsome face that the single mother praised for his beauty was magnified countless times in front of her, and the breathing between the two could be heard.

"The two of us are already engaged. We are a legitimate unmarried couple. In a sense, we are more than boyfriend and girlfriend." Qi Jingci suddenly stopped.

Li Jiu frowned, not knowing why, "What do you want to say?"

Qi Jingci curled his lips, his eyes slightly darkened, raised his hand to tuck away a stray strand of hair from her temples, and said in her ear with a low and magnetic voice: "We can be more intimate than boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s something.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jiu's expression became unclear and he raised his eyebrows, "So?"

what do you want to say in the end?

A mysterious smile appeared on Qi Jingci's lips, "So, here we go..."


However, before he could finish his words, Li Jiu seemed to have expected what he was going to say and refused righteously.

The smile on Qi Jingci’s lips gradually disappeared.


Li Jiu still said word by word with an expressionless face: "If it doesn't work, it won't work."


Li Jiu looked at Qi Jingci's somewhat disappointed expression and sneered secretly in his heart.

Thought she didn't know what he was planning?

 You can tell with your toes that this lsp is definitely trying to find an excuse to take advantage of her.



In such a good atmosphere last night, she gave him a chance and he didn't take it, but he just pretended to be a big-tailed wolf. The gentleman ran to take a cold shower, but now he came to him to ask for benefits. She just wanted to slap him in the face.

 Do you really think she has no temper?

Qi Jingci, let me tell you, because of your behavior last night, you will have to eat vegetarian food for the next few months, and you won’t even be able to touch any broth!

Qi Jingci, who was betrayed into the cage of abstinence by Li Jiu, has not yet realized the miserable life he will lead, and still acts coquettishly toward Li Jiu with an aggrieved look on his face.


“Xiaojiu, uh, Mr. Qi, come and eat some fruit.”

Before Qi Jingci could say anything, Shan Mu appeared with a fruit plate as if at exactly the right moment.

Qi Jingci became serious for a second and straightened his back.

Li Jiu glanced at him coldly.

 Humph, people look like people.

No, no, I felt like I ate a big melon when I was surfing tonight. My Meiqi, the goddess of childhood, just left like this? I imitated her when I was a kid, I really liked her, and I followed her girl not long ago, and now...

Oh my God! You tell me this isn't true! This is just a dream! woo woo woo woo????????????



 (End of this chapter)

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