She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 411: Does that really seem to be the case?

Chapter 411: Does this really seem to be the case?

Qi Jingci stood up, took the fruit plate from Shan’s mother, and said with a smile: “Auntie, just call me by my name, you’re welcome.”

 “Okay, small words?”

Qi Jingci responded with a smile.

Single mother saw that he had a humble attitude, which was completely different from the cold demeanor in the rumors. Her favorable impression of him rose sharply, and the smile on her face became more genuine. She pulled him and started asking questions.

 After a few minutes, Shan's mother became familiar with Qi Jingci. She was no longer slightly uncomfortable getting along with him before, and the eyes she looked at him became more loving.

"Xiao Ci, how far have you and Xiaojiu developed? Tell your aunt?" Shan's mother asked curiously, her eyes constantly wandering between them and the smile on her lips could not be suppressed.

Li Jiuzheng was eating strawberries one by one. Hearing this, he rolled his eyes and said, "Aunt Shan, why do you ask this?"

The single mother covered her mouth and chuckled, "Let me know how long it will take before I can join the family."

From the moment Li Jiu and Qi Jingci entered the door, she saw that the relationship between these two children was real, unlike the rumors outside, and she felt a stone fall in her heart.

Over the years, she has long regarded Li Jiu as her daughter, and sincerely hopes that she can be happy. Now that seeing is believing, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Jiu’s mouth twitched: “…”

 Is it too early to talk about Sui Fengzi now?

Qi Jingci was not too surprised. He just smiled and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will try my best."

 What are you trying to do?

 Abduct her into the Qi family’s household registration?

Li Jiu couldn't help but rolled his eyes again, but this time, it was towards Qi Jingci.

 What a beautiful thought!

“Hey, hey, hey! That’s good, that’s good!” Upon hearing his words, Shan’s mother immediately smiled and rolled her eyes.

Next, Li Jiu looked at Shan's mother's attitude towards Qi Jingci, and felt a strange sense of déjà vu: "The more the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she loves her."

What’s even more shocking is that Qi Jingci seemed to have suddenly lost his temper, making the single mother laugh. After a while, the two of them became as close as a family, as if she was an outsider.

 To sum up, Qi Jingci is really a model person who talks about people and ghosts.

  The flattery is very good.

Li Jiu clicked her tongue twice and looked at the two people in silence without speaking.

At this moment, the sound of the door opening came from the entrance, and then Shan Mingxi's voice sounded: "Mom, I'm back."

Upon hearing this, the single mother smiled and explained to Qi Jingci: "My son is back."

Shan Mingxi stood at the door, feeling something was wrong. Normally, Shan's mother would have replied to him, "Why is there no movement today?"

He quickly took off his shoes and just walked into the living room. When he raised his eyes, he met Li Jiu's leisurely gaze. She was lazily leaning on the edge of the sofa, chewing an apple in her mouth, supporting her chin with one hand and looking at him with a look in her eyes. Faintly, his voice was vague, "You're back?"

On the other side of the sofa, Shan Mu was chatting happily with a man who had her back turned to him, without even looking at him, as if he was a transparent person.

Shan Mingxi: “…”

 What is going on?


Li Jiu raised his eyelids and asked, "What are you doing?"

 “Why are you here?”

 After a while, Shan Mingxi recovered his voice from the surprise.

"Oh." Li Jiu glanced to the side as if unintentionally, and said with a gentle tone: "It's a long story."

Shan Mingxi was stunned, "...Huh?"

"Ah what? There is such a big man standing there as a pillar, haven't you seen anyone coming? Why don't you come over and call for someone?"

At this time, Shan’s mother seemed to have finally seen him, and immediately frowned and her tone was not very good.

Shan Mingxi twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Li Jiu, what's wrong with her?

He has just come back, so there is no way he can offend her, right?

Li Jiu spread his hands and didn’t know.


Shan Mingxi had no choice but to walk over obediently and glanced at the man on the sofa from the corner of his eye.



Isn’t this person... Mr. Qi?

Shan Mingxi suddenly opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what he saw.

Why is Qi Jingci sitting on the sofa at his house, and why is he still chatting happily with his mother?

Shan Mingxi accepted his incompetence for a moment and subconsciously forgot about the relationship between Qi Jingci and Li Jiu.

"You, you..." He stood there, saying "you" for a long time but nothing came out of "you". Qi Jingci raised his head, glanced at him, his expression remained unchanged, and nodded slightly to him as a greeting.

"What are you doing? Please call me brother-in-law." Shan's mother frowned and said displeasedly.

Shan Mingxi: "..." Brother-in-law?

Oh yes, I almost forgot, he and Li Jiu are engaged.

 After being yelled at by Shan Shan’s mother, his IQ finally came back.

 “Shout quickly?” Shan’s mother urged.



Perhaps this scene was too weird. Shan Mingxi felt very awkward all over and her face turned red, so she squeezed out these two words.


 Let him be called brother-in-law Qi Jingci, but he also needs to be willing, okay?

Now it’s like he’s rushing to recognize his relatives.

Qi Jingci: "Yeah."

Although it was just one syllable, Li Jiu could clearly feel that he was in a good mood.

 Obviously Shan Mingxi’s title pleased him.

Shan Mingxi: “…”

Li Jiu clicked her tongue twice, and finally couldn't stand it any longer. She stepped forward and patted Shan Mingxi on the shoulder, then directly pulled him upstairs, looking sluggish. In the process, she turned back and said: "Aunt Shan, I want to talk to him about something. "

Arriving at Shan Mingxi's bedroom on the second floor, Li Jiu locked the door, pulled up a chair and sat down, crossing her legs and feeling extremely lazy.

Shan Mingxi was still standing there stupidly, unable to recover.

Li Jiu stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

 “Okay, don’t be stupid, sit down.”


 After sitting down, I took a few deep breaths and finally recovered.

“Sister, am I delusional or is the world crazy?”

His mother asked him to call him brother-in-law. The key is that Qi Jingci agreed?

Li Jiu sighed, "You didn't hallucinate."

 Those two people downstairs may be getting along a little too well.

If Shan Mu was given a chance now, she would definitely get her and Qi Jingci married.


Shan Mingxi was silent for a long time, then asked: "So... today is the day when you will take the third master to meet your parents?"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu slapped him without hesitation.

 “Ouch! Sister, what are you doing?”

Shan Mingxi was covering his forehead in pain and looking at her with resentful eyes.

Anyone who saw the scene just now would probably think so, right? He was right, why hit him?

Li Jiu flexed his wrist and sneered: "Looking for a slap."

  “…That’s what it is.” He underestimated the words in a low voice.

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes dangerously, "What did you say?"

Shan Mingxi decisively shut up.

“I came to see Aunt Shan, but he insisted on following me, and then...”

Before Li Jiu finished speaking, Shan Mingxi immediately answered: "Then the mother-in-law becomes more and more satisfied with it?"

Li Jiu was strangely silent: "..."

It seems like it, is this really the case?

I just took a look at the data of each platform. It’s terrible. I want to brush up the data. From today on, ten monthly passes will be added and one chapter will be added. Dear little cuties who have monthly passes on hand, don’t be stingy.



 (End of this chapter)

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