She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 412: It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t dare

Chapter 412 It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I dare not

Li Jiu decisively changed the topic and asked, "How is Li's side lately?"

Shan Mingxi was a little stunned by her forceful way of changing the topic, but after a moment, he thought about it and said, "It went very well. Li Hong trusts me."

Hearing this, Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Have you already met? I thought he would test you."

 This is progressing quite quickly.

She thought that with Li Hong's suspicious character, it would take some time for him to be noticed after arriving at Li's, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

Shan Mingxi nodded and was silent for a moment, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, "He has been forced to seek medical attention in a hurry now, so how can he care about that."

I thought that after joining the Li family, it would take a lot of effort to gain Li Hong's trust, but my worries were all in vain.

Li Hong was completely hungry at this time, and he would not let go of anyone who had a little hope of saving the Li family.

"Well, it seems that Ji Huai did a good job in putting pressure on Li." Li Jiu commented.

“Not only is it good, Li Hong heard that I was recruited from MZ with a lot of money, and he also knew some of MZ’s secrets. He wanted to praise me to the sky, with that face... tsk tsk.”

Shan Mingxi now feels extremely sick when she thinks about Li Hong's usual attitude towards him. When she thinks about him as his biological father, she feels even more nauseated.

Associating with this kind of person is simply bad luck for eight lifetimes.

“He wanted to get MZ’s internal information from me to fight back.”

Shan Mingxi looked sarcastic and sneered, "Don't even think about it. With Li's current strength, wouldn't you be seeking death if you fight MZ?"

The Li family is in chaos, and the directors are also divided. On the surface, they are racking their brains to save it, but secretly they have begun to prepare to sell their stocks and run away with the money.

Even so, Li Hong still used all the funds to compete with MZ for the Dongcheng project. This was probably because he was afraid that Li's bankruptcy would be too slow.

Li Jiu's lips curled up slightly, "You've already said that he has been cornered, so why not give it a try? Maybe there will be a turn for the better?"


“The person in charge of the project in Dongcheng is a college classmate of Li Hong.” Li Jiu said.

Shan Mingxi understood, "No wonder he dared to take such a big risk."

 I think the relationship has been established a long time ago.

“Sister, if he succeeds this time, will it have any impact on our plan?” Shan Mingxi frowned, a little worried.

Li Jiu chuckled casually, "It's just a matter of survival, let alone..."

She paused, spoke in a long tone, and said, "SR will also participate in the competition for Dongcheng's project this time. What do you think is Li's chance of winning against MZ and SR at the same time?"

Shan Mingxi was silent. Today's Imperial Capital business circle is almost monopolized by the two giants SR and MZ. It can be said that there is almost no one who can rival him in the business world. Li Hong wants to win the project with his classmates' friendship, but the chance of winning is close to zero.

Thinking about this, Shan Mingxi felt relieved, but soon he frowned again.

 When mentioning SR, he immediately thought of another thing.

“Sister, will the third master get involved?”

MZ's recent blatant actions against the Li family, almost the entire Imperial Capital knows that they are hostile. If SR is also involved at this time, the outcome is really hard to say.

"No." Li Jiu's tone was very certain.

Shan Mingxi asked: "Why? I heard that ever since MZ established a foothold in Imperial Capital, it has had overt or covert conflicts of interest with SR, and they almost fell out several times. If the third master takes advantage of this time to help Li, Then wouldn’t our plan be completely messed up?”

With Qi Jingci's methods, even if Li is unable to recover, he can still come back to life. This is the scary thing about him.

Li Jiu: "Because he is your brother-in-law."

Shan Mingxi: “…”

Shan Mingxi choked suddenly and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"...Even so, the Third Master doesn't know that you are the boss behind MZ, so there is no guarantee that he won't take action against MZ." Li Jiu frowned and corrected the title in his words: "Call me brother-in-law."


 Is now the time to say this?

Eh? wrong!

Shan Mingxi suddenly opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise: "Aren't you and your brother-in-law just pretending?"

He also knew about the cooperation between Li Jiu and Qi Jingci before, so he was so embarrassed when Shan's mother asked him to call someone downstairs just now.

 But now looking at Li Jiu’s tone, it seems like they are serious?

 Li Jiu: “It used to be, but it’s not now.”

Shan Mingxi was completely stunned.

 He jumped up instantly and shouted in disbelief: "So, sister, you were abducted like this?"

Li Jiu's ears hurt from his surprise. She glanced at him coldly, frowned and said, "What's all the fuss about? Sit down!"

Shan Mingxi was frightened by her eyes. No matter how angry she was, she suppressed her anger and didn't dare to show it at all.

 He sat back sullenly, his expression particularly depressed.

  The sad feeling of having a good cabbage suddenly eaten by a pig is really unpleasant.

"Although your brother-in-law doesn't know that MZ is mine, he won't get involved," Li Jiu said.

 “Why?” Shan Mingxi said in a dull voice.

Li Jiu sighed, why is this melon boy so stupid?

“Because I hate Li Hong, do you understand?”


Well, to put it bluntly, it’s because Li Hong doesn’t want to see Li Jiu, so even if there are great benefits, Qi Jingci will not take care of the Li family.

 …The love has been shown to this extent, and it can be called a natural show.

"Of course, there is another reason." Li Jiu then added: "Although MZ and SR have some conflicts, generally speaking, the two sides have no intention of deliberately being hostile. Therefore, SR does not have to stand on the opposite side of MZ. After all, there are many An enemy is worse than maintaining the status quo.”

When she said this, Shan Mingxi completely understood that SR would not express its stance on the competition between Li Shi and MZ, and the company that had always been headed by SR would naturally not participate. In this way, only a small number of people could assist Li Shi. .

 And that small group, because they were afraid of MZ, did not dare to step forward at all, which resulted in Li's current situation of isolation and helplessness.

 Since this happened, even Shan Mingxi had to feel desperate for Li Hong.

 He tsked a few times to express his regret for Li.

“It’s really strange. Back then, Mr. Li founded the Li family and it was very successful. Now that Li Hong is here, he has ended up in this situation. Is it possible that his genes have deteriorated?”

Shan Mingxi paused for a moment, then shook his head violently. No, if we talk about genetic degeneration, then wouldn’t it mean that he is even more useless if he is related to Li Hong by blood?

Looks like I need to find another word for this curse.

"By the way," he suddenly thought of something, "Why doesn't Li Hong ask Mr. Li for help?"

With Mr. Li's methods, if he really takes action, the Li family will definitely have a chance of survival.

Li Jiu snorted a few times, a hint of ridicule flashing across his eyes.

 “It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s that he doesn’t dare.”

As I said yesterday, ten monthly passes will add one chapter, and there will be another chapter later.



 (End of this chapter)

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