She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 415: I knew Shan Mingxi was unreliable

Chapter 415: You know Shan Mingxi is unreliable

Although Shan Mingxi is not Li Jiu's biological brother by blood, it can be said that he is almost the same as someone he picked up halfway, but after getting along with him for so long, their relationship is even worse than that of a close relative. Now Li Jiu is teaching him a lesson for an "outsider" , I couldn't help but feel sour bubbles popping up from the inside out.

He glanced at Qi Jingci vaguely, and that look was full of resentment, as if someone had taken away some treasure.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

I don’t know why, but the more I look at this kid, the more I dislike him.

Since Shan's mother and Li Jiu, who can be said to be the only two psychological shadows in Shan Mingxi's twenty-plus years of life, are present, he has to endure no matter how much resentment and dissatisfaction he has.

However, Shan Mingxi is not a tolerant person by nature. If he cannot vent his anger, he will have to suffocate himself to death sooner or later.

So throughout the meal, he kept looking for excuses to pour wine into Qi Jingci. By the end, he stopped looking for excuses and the two of them started blowing on the bottles.

As a result, until Shan Mingxi drank all the stock in the house and lay motionless on the table with his head down, Qi Jingci still sat there with an upright posture, not looking like a drunk person at all.

 But if you look closely, you can still see subtle differences. For example, the tips of his ears are stained with blood, his eyes are blurry, and there is a slightly dazed look in his eyes, which makes him a little duller than usual.

When she stretched out her hand and waved it in front of him, she obviously still reacted, indicating that this person was just tipsy at best.

Li Jiu looked very surprised. It seemed like this was the first time she knew that Qi Jingci had such a good drinking capacity. He drank even Shan Mingxi, who often hung out in bars, and he was still sober.

 “This kid is really acting up!”

Shan’s mother looked at the unconscious Shan Mingxi and held her forehead against her headache. “There is hangover medicine upstairs. I’ll go get it.”

After saying that, she stood up. Unexpectedly, Li Jiu also stood up, "Aunt Shan, let me go with you."

She smiled and explained: "Aci is a little drunk too."    ...The hangover medicine is not as heavy as a thousand pounds, so it doesn't need two people to take it. Li Jiu's meaning clearly means that he wants to talk to her alone. He said, this is just a good reason, and I didn’t even think about it.

The single mother was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay."

Arriving at the bedroom, Shan’s mother rummaged through the drawers and finally found the hangover medicine she had bought at some point on the bottom floor.

 She turned the bottle over and looked at the production date, and said, "Fortunately it's not expired."

After that, she gently put the medicine on the bedside table. She had no intention of going down. Instead, she turned to look at Li Jiu, lowered her eyes and said, "Jiujiu, just ask whatever you want to ask. I'll pick the one I still remember." ”

Just now downstairs, although Li Jiu wanted to be alone with her, he did not reveal that he had questions to ask. Shan's mother's words made it clear that she had guessed Li Jiu's purpose.

 For this reason, Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at her quite unexpectedly: "Aunt Shan, do you know what I want to say?"

Shan Mu sighed, "I can guess a few things...just a few."

She lowered her head, not knowing what to think about. After a long time, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at the blue sky outside the window. Her tone was leisurely: "I have no idea what you are going to do, but Xiaoxi is not someone who can hide things." My son, he has changed so much recently. How could I not see it? At first, I was a little worried that he was possessed by something dirty. After all, it was so unlike him. But after thinking about it carefully, I realized that maybe he was possessed by something dirty. Whose influence... Jiujiu, I didn’t mean to test you. "

If Li Jiu wants to harm the mother and son, there is no need to go to great lengths. She is not stupid enough to be suspicious of her.

Li Jiu chuckled, "Aunt Shan, I know."

She held her forehead and said with a headache: "I knew Mingxi was unreliable."

 It was so easy to notice.

 (End of this chapter)

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