She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 416: The truth back then

Chapter 416 The truth of the year

"Xiao Xi might be afraid that I would worry, so he refused to tell me anything. I only found out about it when he mentioned it once when he was drunk."

The single mother showed a smile that was not quite a smile, her expression was a bit bitter, " don't have to be like this."

"It's good now. I don't want to break the calm, let alone get you involved."

“The grievances of the previous generation have nothing to do with you, and they have nothing to do with Jiujiu you. You don’t need to—”

Before Shan’s mother finished speaking, she was suddenly interrupted by Li Jiu: “What about Shan Mingya?”

As soon as the name was spoken, Shan Mu's pupils trembled violently, and her hands began to tremble involuntarily.

 A sour feeling came to her heart. She lowered her head and said nothing, her eyes gradually becoming moist.

Li Jiu continued: "Shan Mingxi told me everything he knew. Aunt Shan, do you want Shan Mingya to die in vain and Li Hong's family to continue to be at large?"

The single mother’s voice trembled: “…No, it’s not.”

 She wished she could risk her life to let that **** Li Hong be buried with Xiaoya!

 But... no.

 It doesn't matter if it's just her, but there are Xiaoxi and Jiujiu, and she can't drag them into the water.

Shan's mother raised her head, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, and said in a worried tone: "Jiujiu, no matter what you do, don't continue. Li Hong is sinister and vicious, and he can even attack his own daughter. I'm afraid you will suffer a loss."

Li Jiu sighed, stepped forward and comforted softly: "Aunt Shan, don't worry, with Li Hong's ability, he is not qualified to have any impact on me. As for Shan Mingxi, I said I would protect him, this is not a joke ”


Having said that, the single mother’s inner worries have not diminished by half.

"What's more, you don't want Shan Mingxi to remain so unknown. I believe you can also see that since he came to the Imperial Capital, he has been paying close attention to the Li family." Li Jiu added.

  When mentioning this, Shan Mu’s eyes became sour again.

 Yes, she knows.

 Xiao Xi's child has not had a father since he was a child. Although he is very sensible and says nothing, she understands that he is particularly longing for family affection in his heart.

If all the Li family were like Li Hong, they would have nothing to say, and Xiao Xi would not have the slightest expectation.

 But this is not the case.

 Xiaoxi, he must...

 The single mother sighed, feeling even more ashamed of her child.

 “It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault.”

When Li Jiu saw her speaking, he couldn't help covering his face and crying. His eyes darkened slightly. He took out a tissue and wiped her with it. He said, "Aunt Shan, I don't blame you. You are not wrong. It is Li Hong who is wrong. I I will definitely help you seek justice.”

The single mother sobbed softly, "No, if I hadn't been obsessed with Li Hong for a moment, nothing would have happened later. Xiaoxi and his sister might have been reincarnated into a better family, and they wouldn't have to eat so much with me. It’s painful.”

Li Jiu clicked his tongue, "Who didn't meet a few scumbags when they were young? Besides, Shan Mingxi is lucky to be reincarnated as your child, so don't belittle yourself."

Originally it was very sad to bring up old things, but after hearing these words, the single mother finally couldn't help but burst into tears and smiled, "You kid..."

She raised her hand to wipe her tears and asked, "What do you want to know? Just ask." Li Jiu paused for a moment, fearing that her emotions would become unstable again if she asked.

As if seeing her worry, Shan's mother chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not that fragile."

 I was a little emotional just now, but I have calmed down now and won’t be like that again.

What happened back then was indeed a thorn in her heart. Over such a long time, it has long since developed into a chronic disease. As long as she touches it, she will feel heart-piercing pain.

 But she can't care about so much now. She can't completely ignore Shan Mingxi because she is stuck in the pain of the past and can't extricate herself.

 Shan Mingxi was really different during this period from before. His whole person seemed to be full of vitality, and he no longer relied on the mischievous and scornful air all over his body to cover up the depression in his heart.

 She was really happy for him.

So no matter how long the thorn was, she had to reluctantly pull it out.

Thinking of this, Shan Mu’s eyebrows relaxed a lot.

Seeing that she seemed to have really thought about it, Li Jiu didn't have so many worries and asked directly: "What was the truth about you and Li Hong back then and Shan Mingya's death? I want to know the specific details. ”

The single mother's face paled for a moment, but she quickly recovered.

 “It’s a long story…”

She turned to look out the window, her expression seemed to be lost in memories: "Back then, I was the first college student in the village to go out. I had never seen the prosperity of the metropolis, and I quickly became confused. Then something happened. I followed Li Hong by mistake, and after a while, I found out that I was pregnant. "

"Li Hong couldn't have wanted this child. After he found out, he gave me a sum of money to abort the baby. I couldn't bear it, so I went back to my hometown and gave birth to Xiaoxi and Xiaoya."

  When mentioning this paragraph, Shan Mu had a slight smile on her face.

“Although the people in the village criticized me because I got pregnant before we were married, the three of us, mother and son, lived pretty well. But it wasn’t until Mingya was admitted to the Imperial Capital that everything changed.”

The single mother's voice trembled slightly. This memory was the last thing she wanted to think of, but she still held back her sobs and continued: "Perhaps it was God's fault that Mingya met Li Yun by chance. Later, somehow, Li Yun knew that Xiao Because of Ya's life experience, he disliked her in every way, made trouble for her everywhere in school, and even teamed up with other students to bully her. "

"In the end, Xiaoya couldn't hold on anymore and went to find Li Hong. She thought that he would help her because of the blood relationship between father and daughter, even if Li Yun didn't target her again, but Li Hong, this bastard, felt in her heart He only had his own reputation and status, and felt that Xiaoya's existence was a stain on her. Not only did he not recognize her, he also ordered people to threaten her in private, trying to drive her out of the imperial capital. "

“After Li Yun knew Li Hong’s attitude, he became even more unscrupulous and bullied Xiaoya even harder. Finally, finally…”

Shan’s mother suddenly paused, her voice choked with sobs, and she couldn’t say the next words.

“...Li Yun called Xiaoya over at a party, and combined with the group of children from aristocratic families to stun Xiaoya, and then, Xiaoya was beaten by those beasts..."

“It’s a pity that we knew it too late. By the time Xiaoxi and I arrived at the Imperial Capital, Xiaoya had already committed suicide by jumping off the building.”

"My Xiaoya!" Shan's mother covered her heart and said with a painful expression.

Hearing this, Li Jiu's eyes turned cold. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Li Yun was involved here.

“Aunt Shan, didn’t you call the police?” she asked, squinting her eyes.

"I reported it, but..." Shan Mu gritted her teeth, "Li Hong, that beast, was afraid that it would increase the scandal for him, so he suppressed the matter directly. We orphans and widowers can't fight him in the Imperial Capital. , he didn’t even have time to see Xiaoya for the last time, and he was kicked out of the Imperial Capital.”

Li Jiu's eyes were as if they were tempered by ice, and the aura around him was cold and terrifying.

 Li Hong! Li Yun!

 (End of this chapter)

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