She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 420: Have you considered?

Chapter 420 Have you thought about it?

The bus arrived at the stop and the passengers filed out. Li Jiu looked at his phone, turned around and turned into an alley, finding the hot pot restaurant where he and Ji Yunshu often went in their spare time.

He entered the store and chose an inconspicuous corner to sit down. He lowered his head and sent a message to Ji Yunshu: Come to the old place quickly.

Within half an hour, Li Jiu was eating mandarin duck pot alone when Ji Yunshu ran over panting.

There were still beads of sweat on her forehead, and there were a few messy strands of hair stuck to both sides of her cheeks. It looked like she was running here.

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows and pushed the cup of tea at her side. Ji Yunshu ran in a hurry and his breath was a little unsteady. Before he could sit down, he picked up the teacup and drank it all.

After the tea was down, she frowned as if she had just realized what was happening and asked, "What is your hobby of eating hot pot and drinking tea?"

Li Jiu said calmly: "Extinguish the fire."

“What’s the best way to quell the fire? Hot pot and iced beer are the perfect match.”

"do not think so."


Ji Yunshu sat opposite her. With his understanding of Li Jiu for so many years, he was keenly aware that something was wrong with her mood.

"What's wrong with you? You called me out suddenly. I thought something happened."

As a result, I ran over and found that this man was making hot pot and drinking tea. He was leisurely and leisurely. He didn't look like something serious had happened at all.

Li Jiu didn't say anything. He handed her a pair of chopsticks and gave her the menu, "See what else you want to eat and order it yourself."

Ji Yunshu glanced at the things on the table, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "Everything on the menu is here, what else should I order?"

As soon as I entered the door, I noticed that the entire hot pot restaurant was particularly noticeable at the table. Eating a hot pot was like a full seat in Manhan. The relationship was here to show off the wealth?

 “Boss, what’s going on?” Ji Yunshu asked.

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and poked the tripe on the plate with his chopsticks. After a long time, as if he finally made up his mind, he sighed and said, "Help me prepare a paternity test for Li Hong."


Ji Yunshu was rinsing green vegetables. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and looked at her: "Don't you have some?"

Two years ago, it was because of the paternity test she forged for Li Jiu and Li Hong that she was admitted back to the Li family by Mr. Li.

“I want to be serious this time.” Li Jiu put down his chopsticks and took a sip of tea.

Ji Yunshu: "???"

Ji Yunshu put down his chopsticks and finally realized the purpose of calling him here. He crossed his arms and looked at her expressionlessly, "Are you going to cause trouble?"

  Although the tone was questioning, Ji Yunshu's eyes were almost certain.

In the real paternity test, Li Jiu and Li Hong have nothing to do with each other, and judging from her obviously wrong reaction after calling her out today, she must be causing something big.

 Perhaps it’s still the kind of thing that will shake things up.

Li Jiu did not deny this, but glanced at her and asked calmly: "What do you think?"

Ji Yunshu's eyelids twitched, he took a breath, and said helplessly: "I guessed that there must be something wrong with you calling Yige and Bai Ye over for no reason. So, MZ's recent actions were also ordered by you?"

Although she usually concentrates on pharmaceuticals and poisoning, and has recently been troubled by Li Tingzhi, she is not very concerned about what is happening in the outside world. However, despite this, she is still one of the shareholders of MZ, and she is not concerned about the troubles caused by her company. I also know a little bit about the movement.

At that time, she felt something was wrong. Later, when she heard that Liu Yige and the others came to the empire quietly, her premonition became more certain. It was not until Li Jiu called her out without warning that everything finally came together.

Li Jiu nodded silently.

Looking at her like this, Ji Yunshu suddenly remembered this person's glorious history of causing trouble in the past. He suddenly felt a pain in his teeth and hissed, "Boss, do you really want to turn the Imperial Capital upside down?" Li Jiu's eyes flickered, eh There was a sound.

 “I knew that this day would come sooner or later.”

Ji Yunshu closed his eyes, put his hand on his forehead, and sighed.

She accompanied Li Jiu to the Imperial Capital two years ago. She knew exactly what Li Jiu wanted to do, and she had known that this day would come since then.

  But what was different from that time was that her state of mind had undergone some changes.

Ji Yunshu raised his eyes and looked at Li Jiu. He hesitated for a long time and asked cautiously: "You know the consequences of doing this, right?"


“...Then you are not reluctant at all? Mr. Li has been very kind to you these years.”

  Just telling the truth and then walking away felt a little hurtful to a person who is naturally cold-hearted.

Li Jiu finally raised his head, looking at her calmly and without any fluctuations, and said in a cold tone: "I am not from the Li family to begin with."

If you continue to shamelessly occupy this identity, it will be the greatest harm to Mr. Li.

"What about the Third Master?" Ji Yunshu asked what he wanted to ask the most, "If you really leave, I'm sure that the Third Master will overthrow the imperial capital. What are you going to do then?"

Before Li Jiu could react, she added: "Don't tell me that you and Mr. San are just playing around. Even a blind person can see that you like him."

 When Qi Jingci was mentioned, Li Jiu's expression finally changed slightly. A flash of emotion flashed across his eyes, his eyes dodge for a moment, and he said, "I don't know."

 She hasn’t told Qi Jingci everything yet and doesn’t know what to do.

Ji Yunshu was slightly shocked. In her impression, Li Jiu would remain absolutely calm and rational no matter where he was at any time, keeping all uncertain factors firmly under control, and there would be no time when he was at a loss.

Now, she can actually say the four words "I don't know", which shows how much Qi Jingci has influenced her.

Ji Yunshu was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and shook his head, forget it, why does she care about this? She is not Li Jiu or Qi Jingci, so why should she be so careless?

 “I will give you the paternity test you want tomorrow.”

Then, she stood up and was about to leave. As soon as she took a step, she stopped and turned around and said to Li Jiu: "I think you should have a good talk with Third Master. After all, there are too many uncertainties between the two of you. ”

“Lao Qi.” Li Jiu suddenly called her.

Ji Yunshu didn’t know why, “Huh?”

 “How are you and my eldest brother now?”

Ji Yunshu didn't expect that she would suddenly ask such a question, so he stayed where he was. After coming back to his senses, he felt his face was slightly hot and his eyes were wandering, "Why are you asking this?"

Li Jiu paused: "It's nothing, just cherish it."

“…” Ji Yunshu’s cheeks became even hotter and he turned around and left without saying a word.

Li Jiu was left alone looking at the dishes on the table without any interest.

She was silent for a while, picked up her chopsticks and took two bites. After two bites, she couldn't eat anymore, so she stood up to pay and left.

“What a weirdo. I ordered a large table of dishes and ended up eating just a few bites. Are you here to show off your wealth?”

  The waiter who was cleaning up made some remarks in a low voice.

 (End of this chapter)

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