She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 421: As expected of you

Chapter 421 As expected of you

On the way back, Li Jiu was obviously a little absent-minded. He didn't realize he was back until he was standing at the door.

Qi Jingci had already woken up, and found that Li Jiu was not there. He frowned for a moment. He was about to call and ask, but when he looked up, he saw that she was back.

 “Where have you gone?”

Li Jiu lowered his head and changed his shoes. He said without saying a word, "I went to meet someone."

Qi Jingci stepped forward, lowered his head and sniffed, raised his eyebrows and asked, "And then you ate hot pot?"


 “Male or female?”

“…” Li Jiu was helpless. Will this person always only focus on this?

 But he looked like I’ll keep staring at you if you don’t say anything, so Li Jiu had no choice but to say: “…female.”

Satisfied, Qi Jingci leaned over and hugged her gently, resting his chin on the top of her head, and said, "I woke up just now and found you weren't there. I thought you had run away."

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and asked inexplicably: "Why should I run?"

"Are you tired of me following you shamelessly?" Qi Jingci said with a smile, completely unaware of Li Jiu's expression at this time.

 “...No.” Li Jiu muttered in a low voice.

Qi Jingci didn’t hear clearly, “Huh?”

Li Jiu raised her eyes to look at him and said seriously, "I won't find it annoying to you."

Originally it was just a joke, so Qi Jingci didn't take it seriously, but when he saw Li Jiu being so serious, he finally noticed something was wrong with her, frowned and asked, "Jiujiu, what's wrong?"

Li Jiu shook his head slightly, "It's okay."

Qi Jingci's expression suddenly became serious. He put his hands on her shoulders and asked her to look directly at him, "Don't fool me. What's wrong?"

Based on his understanding of Li Jiu, if nothing had happened, she would not have said such a thing for no reason.

Li Jiu now is different from her usual self. It seems that her whole body is covered by a layer of gray fog, making it difficult to see through.

 Just like when she woke up after suddenly fainting in Continent S.

 It gave him a feeling of panic.

 “I’m really fine.”

Li Jiuba pulled his hand away and said helplessly: "I'm just a little tired and want to sleep for a while."

 “Okay, then I’ll sleep with you for a while.”

After returning to the bedroom, Qi Jingci heard Li Jiu suddenly ask: "What will you do if one day I am no longer Li Jiu?"

This sentence, at first glance, sounded particularly puzzling, but Qi Jingci paused slightly and realized that there seemed to be a deeper meaning in her words.

 Something is wrong.

Qi Jingci frowned.

  Something has been wrong since she came back just now, and she refused to tell herself.

 What's wrong with her?

Even though he had a thousand questions in his heart, Qi Jing didn't show it on his face, he raised his hand and rubbed her head comfortingly, and said with a chuckle: "No matter what you say, no matter who you are, you are my girlfriend. "

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and did not react to his words. He continued: "Then what if one day... I leave the Imperial Capital?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the smile on Qi Jingci's lips suddenly disappeared, and his tone was deep: "What did you say?"

Li Jiu raised her eyes to look at him, and was stunned for a moment. She had never seen such a serious Qi Jingci. When she saw clearly that there was ice raging in his eyes, she lowered her eyes and changed An explanation: "What I mean is, what if you get tired of staying in the Imperial Capital and don't want to stay here anymore?"

  That’s what it means originally.

Qi Jingci immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He was overthinking it. Her tone just now made him think that she was breaking up with him and leaving the imperial capital to fly away. He hugged Li Jiu into his arms, rested his chin on her head, and whispered affectionately: "I will go wherever you go. If you don't want to stay in the Imperial Capital, then we will move abroad. It just so happens that I still have friends abroad. Several estates.”

Li Jiu raised her head in his arms, "Are you really willing to go with me?"

Qi Jingci nodded without hesitation.

“What about Grandpa Qi and SR?”

“The old man probably won’t object. I just need to come back and visit occasionally. SR doesn’t need me much now, so it doesn’t matter.”

He looked at Li Jiu tenderly and said softly, "As long as I can stay with you, it doesn't matter what I lose."


Li Jiu was silent for a moment. After a long time, she slowly raised the corners of her lips, looked at Qi Jingci, and said word by word: "This is what you said, you will accompany me wherever I go."

In this case, if she leaves the Imperial Capital in the future, she will have to pack him away with her.

What she said just now was actually to test Qi Jingci's thoughts. After all, unlike her, she could leave calmly after telling the truth.

Dijing is Qi Jingci's home. If she insists on letting him leave here with her, she will not be able to bear it. What's more, she can't explain the Qi family's side.

 She is relieved now.

As long as Qi Jingci is willing to leave with her, she doesn't care about the marriage between the Li family and the Qi family, just go to him.

Qi Jingci didn't know that in just a short moment, Li Jiu's mind had already turned eighteen corners, and finally made the decision to pack him away. He lowered his eyes and looked at Li Jiu, his eyes filled with gentleness. smile, "Okay."

 After receiving Qi Jingci's assurance, Li Jiu felt happy. The worries in his heart were all gone, and he became more relaxed about what he was going to do next.

The next day, Ji Yunshu handed a real paternity test report to Li Jiu. During this period, he also specially observed her condition, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile: "Have you... figured it out?"

  Different from yesterday, Li Jiu's eyes were now slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth were smiling from time to time, and he was in a particularly happy mood.

After listening to Ji Yunshu's words, she said: "I've figured it out. Don't worry about anything else. Qi Jingci is my boyfriend now. If I leave, I will definitely take him with me."

Ji Yunshu opened his eyes wide in surprise, and once suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

Did she hear it correctly?

Did Li Jiu just say that he wanted to take Qi Jingci away with him?

 What a joke!

Who is Qi Jingci? Does that mean he can be taken away if he can?

 “Boss, are you serious?”


"You..." Ji Yunshu burst into tears at Li Jiu's behavior, which was similar to that of a robber robbing people. "Can others agree to what you do?"

Li Jiu: "I have plenty of ways to make them agree."

 Ji Yunshu suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart.

“Your method won’t include but is not limited to the use of force, right?”

Li Jiu was silent for a few seconds and did not speak.

The atmosphere froze in a second.

Ji Yunshu knew that she had simply acquiesced, and immediately had the urge to pass out.

 What is all this about?

For a few years in Emperor Jing, he was still grabbing a man to go back to the village, and this man is still a flower of Kaolin that no one can mess with.

Thinking about other people’s reactions when they find out about this...

 The picture is so beautiful that I dare not even think about it.

 Boss, it’s really you!

 (End of this chapter)

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