She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 422: Did you leave because of 'her'?

Chapter 422 Did you leave because of ‘her’?

 Ji Yunshu didn’t know whether to cry or laugh with the expression on his face, but this simple and crude method was Li Jiu’s favorite method, and it was perfectly normal.

Since Master Qi San has no objection, what can she say?

"Actually, boss, I don't think you need to leave. Everyone can see Mr. Li's love for you. Even if you tell the truth then, he may not be angry with you." Ji Yunshu thought for a moment and said.

She knew that the reason why Li Jiu wanted to leave the Imperial Capital after doing these things was simply because she felt that she had been the daughter of the Li family for too long and kept Mr. Li and others in the dark. The family's face is difficult to live with.

But she felt that Mr. Li was not a heartless person. In two years, even if there was no blood relationship, he had already regarded Li Jiu as his biological granddaughter. Maybe when he learned her identity, not only would he not If she is angry, she will recognize her as her goddaughter.

Li Jiu shook his head and said calmly: "What I am going to do next may have a great impact on the Li family's reputation. Even if...grandpa doesn't blame me, I still can't live with it."

 Perhaps among all her plans, the only one she felt sorry for was Mr. Li. After all, in the beginning, he was only regarded as a link in her plan.

 She really couldn't bear his love.

Ji Yunshu frowned slightly and said in disapproval: "What are you talking about? In the past two years, you have not used the Li family to achieve any purpose, and you have not done anything with the power of the Li family. Instead, you respect Mr. Li in every possible way and treat him like Why can’t I feel better about being treated like my own grandfather?”

“Furthermore, what you have to do next is to make public what Li Hong has done. Even if it affects the Li family, it is all for him. What does it have to do with other people?”

The more Ji Yunshu thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong with Li Jiu's words just now, as if he was perfunctory with her. She frowned slightly and looked at Li Jiu thoughtfully. Suddenly, an idea flashed and she suddenly realized: "Wait a minute, boss. Could it be because of 'her' that you..."

Li Jiu quickly said: "Shut up."

 “But you...”

 The next second, Li Jiu immediately raised his eyes and glanced at her, his clear pupils filled with coldness, blocking her unfinished words in his throat.

 Ji Yunshu's mind seemed to suddenly open a gap, and almost in an instant, everything was thought out clearly.

She stood up suddenly and looked at Li Jiu in disbelief: "You...are you really leaving the Imperial Capital because you are worried about 'her'?"

Li Jiu remained silent.

 For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

They both knew who this 'she' was.

Ji Yunshu opened her mouth, but did not utter a syllable. After a long time, she sat back down and murmured as if she had just woken up from a dream: "Yes, it is not surprising that you made this decision for the sake of 'her' safety."

 This way everything makes sense.

Li Jiu didn't leave because of the Li family's affairs, but because she had a more important reason why she would rather take Qi Jingci away with her than stay in the Imperial Capital. She had to leave!

 How could she ignore this?

Ji Yunshu pressed his forehead and felt a headache.

Li Jiu was silent, as if he didn't know how to speak, "Old Qi, since you came to the Imperial Capital with me, you naturally know my true purpose."

She came here not only to repay Shan Mingxi and her son, but also to investigate the people involved in the incident and find out who was behind the scenes.

Li Jiu paused and continued: "Over the years, as I have investigated, I have become more and more aware that everything is inseparable from that incident back then."

“The Council, the League, and some people from the Empire are all mixed up together.”

Li Jiu tilted his head slightly, his eyes fell in the distance, with a distant expression, "I and I went to S Continent before, and we met people from the Shameng."

Ji Yunshu frowned: "The Chameng is so quick..."

How long has it been? It has been less than ten years since they destroyed the Cha League. In a short period of time, they have risen again. Li Jiu: "Actually, you and I both know that it is only a matter of time before the Chameng comes back."

At that time, the association decided to eradicate the Chameng, but in the end, it still left an opportunity for them to regenerate.

 What a ridiculous result.

Ji Yunshu sneered: "The top management of the association should have been purged from that time. The president has endured it for so many years, and you, the boss, have also endured it for so many years."

Li Jiu shook his head, "It's not about tolerance, it's about fishing."

Ji Yunshu: "Fishing?"

“Well, the teacher and I actually want to see who is betraying the association, and I have a hunch that this person is involved with the person behind the incident.”

Ji Yunshu understood.

No wonder, with Li Jiu's temperament, she would turn a blind eye to the scandalous things among the association's senior officials. She thought she didn't bother to care about them, but she didn't expect that those people were just bait.

"So Lao Qi, don't you understand yet? There have been frequent changes in the Cha League recently, and some people in the association have begun to become restless. If I continue to stay in the Imperial Capital, it will definitely bring danger to 'her'." Li Jiu said.

Ji Yunshu said anxiously: "But the Shameng may not necessarily find you?"

 “No, it will definitely happen.” Li Jiu said firmly.

 Back then, she personally led the people to annihilate the headquarters of the Cha League and killed their leader with her own hands. If they came back, there would be no one else but her to take revenge on.

 So, she is now a huge target, and she can be plotted against at any time, and may even bring danger to those around her.

 The best way to avoid all this is for her to leave the Imperial Capital and draw the attention of the Cha League and the people behind her.

“In short, if I continue to stay in the Imperial Capital, it will do no good to anyone, so it’s better to leave as soon as possible.”

Li Jiu looked at Ji Yunshu and ordered: "Lao Qi, I'm telling you this because I have something to do for you."

"you say."

“After I leave, you and Lao Si must keep an eye on any disturbance in the Imperial Capital, and you must not let down your vigilance within a month.”

She was worried that when she and Qi Jingci came back from Continent last time, some spies from the Chameng followed them back.

Ji Yunshu responded, not knowing what expression to show on his face. Finally he looked at Li Jiu and asked, "After you leave, do you plan to go back to the association directly?"

“No,” Li Jiu smiled, “Let’s go on a round-the-world trip with Qi Jingci first.”

Don’t those people from the Chameng like to stare at her?

 Okay, then she will sneak these people around the world.

Ji Yunshu couldn't help but laugh, "You are so... awesome!"

 She gave a thumbs up without hesitation.

"I roughly understand your plan. Don't worry, we will take care of everything after you leave. We will never put 'her' in any danger."

Li Jiu nodded with satisfaction.

 (End of this chapter)

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