She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 423: You girl, you are so cruel

Chapter 423: You girl, you are so cruel

After Ji Yunshu left, Li Jiu stared at the paternity test on the table in trance, his eyes darkened, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, she pinched her eyebrows and whispered as if she had a headache: "It's better to get a vaccination."

 What if the old man gets really angry and gets sick? The Li family may kill her.

After making the decision, Li Jiu did not hesitate anymore. He took the time to call Mr. Li, found a more suitable time, and returned to Li's house with the true paternity test.

By coincidence, Li Muye was also there. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time. When he saw her, his eyes suddenly lit up, he whistled at her and smiled mischievously.

 “Xiaojiu is back? What a coincidence.”

Li Jiu turned a blind eye to his dissolute tone and nodded to him lightly as a greeting.

Seeing her lackluster reaction, Li Muye curled his lips in dissatisfaction, pursed the corners of his lips into a straight line, and pretended to be aggrieved: "We haven't seen each other for so long, and our feelings have faded. My brother is really sad."

Li Jiu looked at him speechlessly: "..."

Li Chen, who had just returned from abroad, heard his youngest son's pretentious tone. He still directed Li Jiu to interpret the four words of "a fool", and immediately his forehead jumped hard and he slapped him.

 “Why are you talking to your sister? Be serious!”


Li Muye immediately felt even more aggrieved and looked at Li Chen silently. The latter ignored him and asked Li Jiu with a smile: "Xiao Jiu, why did you suddenly come back today?"

 The difference in attitude can be described as a world of difference.

The corners of Li Jiu’s mouth slowly rose and he said, “I’m here to see grandpa.”

 After saying that, she paused and added: "Something happened."

Li Chen's eyes moved down and fell on the cowhide bag in her pocket. He nodded and said, "The old man is practicing calligraphy in the study on the second floor. You can go."

Li Jiu nodded, thanked him, and ran to the study alone.

Arriving at the study door, Li Jiu paused, closed his eyes, opened them again, took a deep breath, and knocked firmly on the door.



 Ten minutes later, the paternity test was spread out on the table, with black and white words on it, which pierced people's hearts.

Mr. Li stared at it with a heavy gaze and said nothing: "..."

Li Jiu didn’t know what to say at this time, so she stared with him: "..."

 The study room has been installed with sound insulation materials. Even if there are people singing and dancing outside, no sound will be heard inside.

 So at this moment, the atmosphere in the study room was dead silent.

Just when Li Jiu felt that more than half a century had passed, Mr. Li finally spoke in a hoarse voice: "...Is this the gift you brought me when you suddenly came back after not coming back for such a long time?"

He leaned back, his whole body seemed to be suddenly deflated, his shoulders slumped, and he sighed: "Xiaojiu, are you kidding me?"

Even after being silent for nearly ten minutes, he still couldn't accept this fact.

My granddaughter suddenly took a paternity test and said she was not her biological child. Who would accept it?

 Because he had prided himself on being in good health and had no major problems these past few years, he also felt his heart beating violently at this moment.

Seeing Mr. Li's appearance, Li Jiu sighed in his heart. Sure enough, the vaccination was correct.

If she revealed everything directly in front of the public according to her plan, the old man might faint.

Li Jiu was silent for a moment and said, "Old man, I'm sorry."

Mr. Li: "So now you don't even want to call me grandpa anymore?"

 “…Grandpa, I’m sorry.”

Mr. Li closed his eyes heavily, as if trying to digest the news that was a bolt from the blue.

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and continued: "Back then, I had to fake my identity due to...some reasons. I'm sorry that I lied to you for so long."

 She didn’t tell him about Shan Mingxi’s mother and son, because she was worried that the stimulation would be too great and he wouldn’t be able to accept it.

Mr. Li opened his eyes. The wrinkles at the end of his eyes seemed to be much deeper at this moment. His eyes fell on Li Jiu with unknown emotions. After a long time, he finally curled his lips and uttered a sentence: "You can even fool me, you girl is very capable."

Li Jiu raised her eyes and looked at him, quite surprised. The expected angry scene did not appear. Even the old man's reaction, except for the initial disbelief, was not overly aggressive. He was extremely calm.

As if he could tell what she was thinking, Mr. Li snorted coldly, "At least I have lived a few decades longer than you. I still have some quality in mind. Don't worry, I won't have a heart attack."

It is impossible to say that I was not frightened, but at least I have seen strong winds and waves, so I was not so frightened that I leaned forward.


Li Jiu coughed lightly and looked a little unnatural.

She seems to have underestimated the old man’s mental capacity?

Mr. Li paused, thought for a moment, and asked: "You... entered the Li family for a purpose. Now tell me the truth, right..."

Li Jiu nodded. The old man was very smart and got to the point right away.

She has been pretending to be the daughter of the Li family for so long, and choosing to confess to him now only means that her goal has been achieved and there is no need to continue to deceive.

Mr. Li's eyes seemed to tremble, and his voice tightened: "Then are you... leaving?"


Li Jiu was silent and did not answer.

 But this is already an answer.

Mr. Li closed his eyes and sighed heavily, "You girl..."

 “You are so cruel!”

 After two years of getting along, even strangers would have feelings for each other, but now she was sitting in front of him with a calm face, telling him everything without any expression.

 It was like being a stranger, stabbing him in the heart.

Li Jiu's dark pupils trembled slightly, and the hands hidden under the table clenched into fists, trying to suppress the fluctuations in his heart.


 This is the third time she has said sorry in ten minutes.

  …She seemed to have nothing to say but sorry at the moment.

 “What are your plans next?” Mr. Li asked.

Li Jiu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Next, I will find an opportunity to make this matter public."

 This is tantamount to announcing to everyone that she has nothing to do with the Li family from now on.

 “Do you have to do this?”

Li Jiu: "Ah?"

Mr. Li looked at her and said, "I don't know what you want to do, but if you want, you can still be a member of the Li family."

Li Jiu was stunned for a while, feeling that her eyes were getting hot.

 I can’t tell what it feels like, it’s a bit complicated, but also...a bit happy.

But Li Jiu tried hard to suppress all the emotions that surged up in him at the moment, and reason prevailed.

 She has deceived enough and cannot continue to be shameless.

“…No need, I will leave the Imperial Capital after finishing my work.”

Li Jiu's voice was also muted at this time. She smiled, but it was a little bitter, "No need to trouble you anymore."


 It was surprising that he didn't blame her, she didn't want to continue being shameless.

 (End of this chapter)

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