She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 425: Sooner or later, uncle and nephew will become the same.

Chapter 425 Uncle and nephew will become the same sooner or later

Hearing Mr. Li's arrogant tone, Li Jiu couldn't find a word to retort.


"Since you don't care about Li, why did you keep an eye on MZ's movements before?" Li Jiu asked with a smile.

Because Ji Huai was worried that Mr. Li would suddenly take action and catch him off guard, he was always wary of any movement on his side.

Although the old man didn't react publicly, privately he almost ruined MZ's reputation.

This is obviously not a nonchalant attitude.

Because of this incident, Ji Huai was worried all day long and came to bother her almost every day.


Mr. Li's expression froze, and he was a little embarrassed. Then he said with a green face: "I'm curious about what MZ is, can't I?"


Li Jiu suppressed the smile at the corner of her mouth, always avoiding failing in front of him and making the old man angry again.

 Hold it!

 Hold it…

 Hold it…I can’t hold it in any longer.

Li Jiu: "Hahahahahahahaha!"

Mr. Li's face turned greener.

 He pointed to the study door: "Get out."

Li Jiu rolled away neatly.

 “Wait a minute.”

Li Jiu rolled back with her belly in her hands.

“…” Mr. Li looked at this terrible thing and felt filled with panic.

 “Tell your uncle to come up here.”

Li Jiu almost trembled with laughter as he left the study.

 Why is the old man so awkward!

 It’s so funny!

Li Chen saw her smiling like this, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Didn't he go to the study to talk to the old man about something? Why are you so happy?

 “Xiaojiu, what are you...”

Li Jiu wiped the tears from her eyes, holding back her laughter and said to him: "Uncle, grandpa asked you to get lost...cough! Go to the study to see him."

  I almost revealed the old man’s original words, which was a mistake.

Although Li Chen was still puzzled, he still responded, "Okay."

“Uncle, I’ll leave first.”

The vaccination was given today, and the effect was simply unexpected.

Li Jiu was originally in a low mood because of this matter, but now he is not burdened at all.

At present, what she is most worried about is that if a cheap grandson suddenly appears, will the old man be so angry that he kicks them both out of the house?

 It’s quite possible.

Li Chen knocked on the door and entered. When he looked up, he saw his old man's face, which was dark and green.

“…Dad, I heard Xiaojiu say, are you looking for me?”

 Hearing Li Jiu's name, Mr. Li's expression became even more exciting and colorful.

Li Chen suddenly said: "...?"

Mr. Li closed his eyes and calmed down tiredly. After a while, he said to Li Chen: "There is no need to continue the investigation at MZ. Take back all the hidden clues."

 At first I thought MZ was an enemy rather than a friend, but now I know that he is just causing trouble for him.

 Li Chen frowned, not understanding why he suddenly made this decision, "But what if MZ does something even more unfavorable to the Li family? In my opinion, we still have to keep an eye on it and take precautions before it happens."

"What are you staring at?" Mr. Li snorted heavily, "Can you keep an eye on those bad things? Maybe they will secretly plot something for you, and you won't be able to guard against it in the end. Isn't it annoying?"

Li Chen: “…”

 Is it his illusion?

  Why do I feel that the old man is particularly resentful towards MZ today?

“Dad, do you know the person behind MZ?”

Li Chen calmly thought over what Mr. Li just said carefully and discovered the key. Listening to his tone, it seemed that he was not worried that MZ would do anything detrimental to the Li family.

Mr. Li said angrily: "I know, it's a terrible thing!"

Li Chen: “…”

So how did MZ make the old man so angry that he cursed him twice in two sentences?

Perhaps realizing that the resentment in his words was too strong, Mr. Li paused and softened his tone slightly, "In short, MZ is no longer a threat, so please withdraw everyone."

Li Chen frowned slightly, "But didn't you say before that the people behind MZ have a radical personality and do things too ruthlessly, so they have to be guarded against?"

Mr. Li saw that his originally very worry-free son didn't listen to what he said, as if he was in conflict with him. He immediately jumped up in anger and cursed: "You let go -"

Before he could say the word "fut", Li Chen looked at him seriously.


Mr. Li suddenly changed the pronunciation of the word, "...heart."

 His face was very ugly because he had to hold back a curse word, but he still had to explain to Li Chen with a bad face.

“I have some understanding of MZ’s situation. They will not pose a threat to us for the time being.”

“You said it’s only temporary. Even if you want to evacuate everyone, you can’t evacuate them all. You’d better leave a few hidden lines.”

Li Chen is actually right. The strength of MZ cannot be underestimated. It would definitely be wrong to relax our vigilance based only on some intelligence.

 So we must keep a hand.

At this time, he lowered his head and was lost in thought. He did not see that Mr. Li's face had become extremely dark.

 Hold your hands free!

  Who can the person behind MZ be but your good niece?

 Can you die if you listen to his words?

Just asking can you die?

 Just finished being angry with his bad thing and it hasn't gone far yet, here comes another one.

What kind of bad luck did he have to endure in his eight lifetimes to meet such an unlucky son and a disgusting granddaughter?

—Oh, I just found out that that terrible granddaughter is not her biological child.

 One by one, they will feel uncomfortable if they don’t **** him off to death, right?

I have to say that Li Chen and Li Jiu are sometimes quite similar in terms of angering people to death without repaying their lives.

 “So, Dad, I think…”

Li thought about it deeply and decided to be wary of MZ. Unexpectedly, when he was about to speak, he looked up and saw his father's dark expression, and he immediately suppressed his next words.

Alright, he’s not stubborn anymore.

Looking at this situation, if we continue to argue with the old man, we might get into trouble.

Mr. Li grinded his molars and said word by word: "Ah Shen, don't you see that you and that **** girl Xiaojiu are of the same origin in terms of being angry with me?"


Li Chen thought for a moment and finally understood why the old man was so angry and resentful today.

 It turned out to be Li Jiuqi.

Thinking again about Li Jiu whom he had just met, he was laughing so hard that he was almost out of breath.

Li Chen was strangely silent for a moment.

 He always felt like he was being cheated by his niece.

 She would ask him to come over after she was done being angry with the old man.

This is not a top cylinder, what is it?

Li Chen coughed lightly and decided to have a good argument with Mr. Li: "Dad, you can't take it out on me just because Xiaojiu makes you angry, right?"


“I am clearly analyzing the pros and cons with you in a well-founded and well-founded way. You can’t get involved in a conspiracy.”


Li Chen felt a little aggrieved for no reason, "Obviously you yourself agreed before that MZ needs to be careful."

Mr. Li took a deep breath.

 So, uncle and nephew will become the same sooner or later.

 Then, he made the same action as he did a few minutes ago, raised his hand and pointed at the door of the study.


Mr. Li: Where is my quick-acting Jiuxin Pill? How about a life-saving pill like me?



 (End of this chapter)

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