She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 426: Mr. Li: Get out!

Chapter 426 Mr. Li: Get out!

A few seconds later, Li Muye learned that his father and sister formed a group to make Mr. Li angry and were kicked out.

Li Muye: "...Pfft hahahahahahahahaha!"

 Forgive him, I really can't help it.

 He was very curious as to how these two people made the old man so angry.

Li Muye's eyes flashed slyly, he opened the study door, ran behind Mr. Li, stretched out his hand to rub his shoulders in a flattering manner, and decided to comfort his grandfather.

 “Grandpa, don’t be angry.”

Mr. Li was still angry and snorted coldly but said nothing.

"My father has always been gentle in temperament, and Xiaojiu is also very obedient. I definitely didn't mean to make you angry."

Mr. Li sneered in his heart. His son knew that Li Chen was indeed gentle, but once he got hold of ten cows, he couldn't pull them back.

As for Li Jiu, he usually pretends to be well-behaved, but now that he thinks about it, it’s all just an act!

  Two people together can make living people angry to death, and living zombies so angry that they sit up!

"You mean, I wronged them?" Mr. Li glanced at him coldly.

Li Muye quickly changed his words: "How can it be possible?"

 “Then are you here to say good things to them?”

 “No, no, no!” Li Muye denied and smiled flatteringly at Mr. Li, “I am on your side, of course I am here to comfort you!”

 It's a pity that Mr. Li doesn't agree with him.

 “Come on, you sycophant.”

Li Muye laughed a few times, and the strength of his hand became stronger. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he saw that the first drawer under the desk was not closed tightly, and a corner of the cowhide bag was exposed.

Li Muye’s eyes flashed.

Isn't this the one Xiaojiu brought over just now?

 He lowered his head and asked curiously: "Grandpa, what is this?"

It was originally a casual question, but unexpectedly Mr. Li's eyes paused, he immediately closed the drawer tightly and made up an excuse, "Important documents of the company."

Li Muye frowned, feeling something was wrong, "But didn't Xiaojiu bring this over?"

 When did she become so interested in the company?

"I asked Xiaojiu to deliver it for me, couldn't you?" Mr. Li asked. So that's it. Li Muye frowned and said, it would be really surprising if Li Jiu was interested in the company's affairs.


Mr. Li brushed away his hand on his shoulder and said, "Okay, stop flattering me."

This brat, I don’t see him return to his old house a few times. Whenever he wants something, he shamelessly comes to him to ask for it. There is no limit to it.

Li Muye touched his nose and felt a little guilty, "I didn't want to trouble you at first. Isn't this...not enough start-up funds?"

The business volume of the bar under his name was increasing day by day, and the partners of the partnership proposed to him to expand the business.

 He thought about it carefully and felt that this proposal was a good one, but the current available liquidity... was a bit insufficient.


 Once he said it, he swore that this was really not a gnawing at the old man. He sincerely wanted to let Li Chen or Mr. Li become a shareholder, and had no intention of taking advantage of them.

 But as soon as he mentioned this matter to Li Chen, he immediately turned away and walked away, as if hearing any more words from him would pollute his ears.

 No matter how hard I tried, it didn't work. I had no choice but to come to Mr. Li.

“You brat, apart from asking me for help, tell me, have you ever cared about me as a grandfather?” Mr. Li scolded angrily.

Li Muye was silent, his heart became even weaker, and he whispered: "Where can I..."

"What did you say?"

“Grandpa, I was wrong. I promise to come back to see you often. Just help me this time!”

Li Muye immediately clasped his hands together with a pitiful expression on his face.



 Finally, after Li Jiu and Li Chen, Mr. Li yelled out this word for the third time.

 (End of this chapter)

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