She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 427: Is what this says true?

Chapter 427 Is what this said true?

“Dean! The result you want has come out!”

In the director's office of the central hospital, a person hurriedly opened the door and entered with a report in his hand.

Dean Liu's eyes were filled with joy, and he quickly took it and browsed it quickly.

“You guessed it right. This blood sample is 99% similar to the blood sample stored in the laboratory fifteen years ago. The providers of the two blood samples are most likely immediate relatives.”

The young man pushed up the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and reported to Dean Liu seriously.

Dean Liu was immediately overjoyed, with uncontrollable excitement on his face, and his hands holding the report kept trembling.

“Fifteen years, fifteen years! Finally, I finally found it..."

 He quickly ordered: "Quick! Prepare the car, I'm going to Li's house!"


Dean Liu took this report and rushed to Li's house in a hurry, as if if he was slow, he would miss something important.

Mr. Li just had a headache from the anger of three people. He was sitting in the study sulking when he heard the news that Dean Liu came to the door. Before he could react, the person had already appeared in front of him.

 “Old man, this…”

The housekeeper looked at Dean Liu, who was almost trotting over and was out of breath, and looked at Mr. Li in embarrassment.

Mr. Li waved his hand and said, "Go down."

The housekeeper bent down, respectfully withdrew, and closed the door behind him.

Mr. Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Dean Liu with a surprised expression. He raised his hand and handed him a cup of tea to calm him down.

 “Are you coming here to hide from debt collectors? Why are you in such a hurry?”

 Dean Liu took a sip of tea, exhaled, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "I haven't exercised for a long time, and my old arms and legs really can't bear it."

 He slapped his lower back, looking quite emotional.

If he hadn't been focused on the laboratory these years and didn't pay much attention to his body, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so out of breath after just two steps. Mr. Li asked in a calm tone: "Why are you looking for me?"

Dean Liu paused and turned to look at him in surprise: "What's wrong? Your tone is so aggressive?"

"Really? Don't I always do this every time you come here?" Mr. Li raised his eyelids and said.

Although Dean Liu retired from the front line a long time ago, he doesn't know what is wrong with his brain. He wants to retire and retire, but he insists on diving into the laboratory to conduct some secret research.

Over the years, this secret research has made no progress, and those who supported the project have gradually withdrawn their funds. Without financial support, it is difficult for this project to continue, but Dean Liu is never willing to give up halfway, so he lost face. I approached him and Mr. Qi and secured funds to continue research.

 So, whenever Dean Liu comes to visit these years, he naturally assumes that he is here to ask for money.

As expected, when Dean Liu heard this, his face immediately darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Do I only care about money in your eyes?"



Looking at Dean Liu's face, which turned black with anger, Mr. Li felt inexplicably that he was in a much happier mood.

Sure enough, if you want to relieve your anger, you still have to let it out.

“Tell me, what do you want from me?” Mr. Li asked.

Dean Liu snorted coldly, slapped the things in his hands on the table, and said angrily: "See for yourself!"

I came to tell him the good news with good intentions, but this person didn't appreciate it. No one else would be angry.

Mr. Li picked it up suspiciously and looked at it briefly.

 The next second, his pupils shrank suddenly and he stood up from the chair.

 “Is what it says true?!”

 (End of this chapter)

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