She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 428: He also wants to know

Chapter 428 He also wants to know

Mr. Li's fingers trembling while holding the report, his breathing almost stagnant, and he said in a trembling voice: "Old Liu, please explain to me?"

 What is going on?

He knows every word above, but why does he not know the meaning when they are put together?

Dean Liu saw his shocked look in his eyes, and coughed lightly, not surprisingly, "Last time, that boy from the Qi family brought Li Jiu over to check his body—"

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Li frowned subconsciously and said, "What's wrong with Xiaojiu?"

  …"No big deal."

 Dean Liu rolled his eyes at him, "Can you hear me out?"

“After I met Li Jiu last time, I have always felt that she is very similar to Wen Yatou. Their temperament and feelings are sometimes very similar. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed this.”

He felt this way the first time he met Li Jiu. It was impossible for Mr. Li not to feel it.

Mr. Li was silent.

 About this, he had suspected it a long time ago. Li Jiu sometimes felt too much like Wen Wen, and even his appearance was similar for a moment.

 He always thought that he was out of sight because Xiaojiu was Li Hong's daughter. They were obviously incomparable. How could they be related?

However, the report in front of him at the moment and the paternity test certificate locked in the drawer were slapping him in the face.

"It's not that I haven't doubted it, it's just... it's too unbelievable." Mr. Li sighed.

 Dean Liu also sighed, "I know, I also think my conjecture is too ridiculous."

Mr. Li raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows, looked at him, shook the report in his hand, and asked: "You think it's ridiculous, why do you do this?"

“Do you know, if you came to me with this thing before today, I would definitely think you were playing tricks on me.”

 Dean Liu keenly grasped the key words, "What is before today?"

Mr. Li glanced at him silently, opened the drawer, and threw the paternity test that Li Jiu gave him in front of him.

Dean Liu picked it up and looked at it suspiciously.

 The next second, I was stunned.

 “What’s going on?”

"As you can see." Mr. Li twitched his lips, "My granddaughter just came to tell me that she is not Li Hong's biological child, and then you did this to me again."

Li Jiu is not his biological granddaughter.

 Li Jiu is most likely Wen Wen’s daughter.

 The two things were added together, and his heart couldn't bear it at the moment.

 There is no reaction yet because I am already numb.

 Dean Liu’s mouth twitched, “Are you sure that girl of yours isn’t teasing you?”

Mr. Li glanced at him and said, "No need."

 He knew Li Jiu's character well, and she would never joke about such a thing.

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, Dean Liu suddenly asked: "I remember that the paternity test between that girl and Li Hong was done in my hospital, and I specially asked people to keep an eye on her to prevent someone from doing anything. How could it be possible? Fake?"

Mr. Li looked at him and said, "I have to ask you, Dean Liu."

Dean Liu’s expression immediately froze.

   Then he showed a wry smile and said, "This girl of yours is really capable."

The only possibility that could forge a paternity test right under his nose was that there was someone at the central hospital, and that person was most likely an acquaintance whom he usually didn't see. "What are you going to do now? She has confessed to you, so she must do something, right?"

 Mr. Li got a headache when he mentioned this, "I know."

 He sighed heavily, "In the next period of time, the Li family will not have peace."

Dean Liu raised his eyebrows, "Since everything is going to be uneasy, do you mind if I add to the fire?"

 Originally, he was full of doubts about the test results of the blood sample. Now that he saw the paternity test, he suddenly made a bold guess.

Mr. Li's eyes darkened, "What do you want to do?"

You still think that the Li family is not chaotic enough, right?

Dean Liu smiled, picked up the two documents on the table, and said: "You said, Li Jiu is not Li Hong's daughter, and our hospital's detection system is almost error-free. She is Wen Yatou's daughter, so... Lao Li , guess who is Li Jiu’s father?”

Mr. Li’s expression changed, “You—”

"Don't use this expression, I know you must have something in mind." Dean Liu paused and continued: "In that accident, when Wen Yatou and Xiao Xi disappeared together, you used all the power of the Li family, and finally Only their bones were found, but the bodies have been burned. Even if DNA testing confirms their identities, do you really believe that they are them? "

Mr. Li didn't speak. He lowered his eyes and concealed the look in his eyes.

Dean Liu sighed: "Even if what happened back then is finalized, I still can't believe it. I can also feel that you are hiding something. There must be a reason why you don't tell me, but I can be regarded as half a teacher like Wen Yatou. She suffered this accident, but nothing happened. I must seek justice for her."

"I admit that I have only met Li Jiu once, and it is inappropriate to compare her blood sample with that of Wen Yatou based on baseless intuition. But even if I have a little clue, I don't want to give up. Do you understand?"

Mr. Li raised his eyes, his eyes were deep and solemn, his expression was covered with a layer of coldness, and he said solemnly: "What happened back then has been concluded, Old Liu, there is no need for you to dig it out."

Seeing that he still kept silent at this point, Dean Liu was also aroused and angered. He slammed the table and glared at him.

"What on earth are you thinking?! The facts have been put in front of you. Li Jiu is most likely your granddaughter who has been dead for many years, and is your most beloved Xiao Xi. Even so, you still refuse to say it?! "

 “It’s not that I don’t want to say it!” Mr. Li suddenly shouted loudly.

Dean Liu was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"Old Liu, what happened back then was indeed not what you saw, but..." Mr. Li calmed down, closed his eyes, and said, "Stop being persistent, it will not be good for you."

 This is for his own good. What happened back then cannot involve more people.

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

After a long while, Dean Liu chuckled, "Okay, I'm not persistent."

Mr. Li looked up at him, somewhat surprised.

 The next second, I just heard him say: "I am not attached to the things of the past for the time being. I only care about the things now."

Dean Liu raised his head and said word by word: "I just want to know if Li Jiu is the daughter of Mr. Shen and Wen Yatou!"

 He doesn’t have to pursue the past matters any further, but he must be clear about this matter!

 He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Lao Li, I want to do a paternity test for Shen Xiaozi and Li Jiu, and I will do it myself this time."


Mr. Li seemed to have finally lost his temper and chose to compromise.


 After all, he also wanted to know whether Xiaojiu was... Xiaoxi.

There are a lot of melons lately and they are a bit big. I can’t digest them well. I forgot to update them yesterday. Sorry~



 (End of this chapter)

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