She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 429: Li's cocktail party

Chapter 429 Li’s Reception

 MZ, President’s Office.

Li Jiu sat lazily on the swivel chair, occupying Ji Huai's position without any pressure.

Poor boss, who is usually very serious and dignified in the eyes of the company's employees, can only sit on the single sofa used for entertaining guests at this time.

Yesterday, Dongcheng's bidding had just ended. For some reason, Li turned the tide and won this big project in one fell swoop. You don't need to read the news to know that Li Hong's tail must have been raised to the sky with joy.

 The more this happened, the more he looked forward to Li Hong's expression in the future knowing that all this was their plan.

It must be very exciting.

Thinking of this, Ji Huai picked up a cup of tea and said happily with a tone of watching a good show: "Boss, the Li family has sent an invitation letter, inviting us to a cocktail party."

Winning the Dongcheng project was equivalent to giving Li a huge life-saving straw. Li Hong consciously slapped the faces of those who were waiting to see his show. He felt very happy and decided to hold a high-class drinking party to celebrate.

This cocktail party attracted a large number of people, ranging from wealthy families to media stars. Everyone received invitations.

 Obviously, Li Hong planned to take advantage of this cocktail party to be proud and let the entire imperial capital realize the rise of the Li family.

But in his opinion, it is not certain whether the people in the Imperial Capital will realize the rise of the Li family, but they will definitely realize how Li Hong died.

  After all, the date for his boss to start trouble was set, and by coincidence, it was the day of the reception.

Li Jiu was spinning her pen boredly, her fingers were nimble and her joints were clear. She was still dressed in the simple dress, and she was sitting on the president's exclusive swivel chair without any disobedience. It can only be said that aura determines everything.

She calmed her expression, her eyes were half-opened, as if she hadn't woken up, and she lazily replied: "I know."

Ji Huai: “…”

He glanced at Li Jiu with a puzzled expression. He was very confused. He was so sleepy. Why did he come to MZ and stay for most of the day?

 Soon, he knew.

His special assistant pushed the door open and was stunned for two seconds when he saw the scene in the office. However, he quickly used his super ability to adapt to the situation and said to Ji Huai: "President, there is a lady named Liu outside. I want to see you and say that I have made an appointment with you.”

Ji Huai opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Li Jiu said: "Let her in."


The special assistant looked at Li Jiu and then at Ji Huai. Finally, he didn't know what he was thinking. He lowered his head and said, "Yes" and left.

Ji Huai finally understood the reason why his boss had to wait here despite being sleepy, and asked with a smile: "Boss, is Liu Yige's reputation so great? Is it worth waiting for you in person?"

Li Jiu didn't say anything about this, but just glanced at him coldly. The meaning was very clear, it's none of your business?

Ji Huai: “…”

  OK, he continues to be his backdrop.

Not long after, Liu Yige opened the door and walked in. For some reason, Ji Huai always felt that she was dressed extraordinarily meticulously today, and the smart and capable female professional suit fit her perfectly.

 It seems like I’m ready to go out and talk about work every minute.

Liu Yige did it on purpose. When she came back from City D, the first thing she did was to go to the largest bathing center in Imperial Capital and take a relaxing bath in the hot spring.

After staying in the mountains for so long, she has developed obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia. If she doesn't save her skin that is on the verge of collapse, she will collapse sooner or later.

Thinking of the torture he had received these days, Liu Yige felt even more angry. He stepped on the ground with his high heels, wishing that the expensive carpet in Ji Huai's office would be broken.

“Boss, this is what you asked me to check. The information and related files are all here.”

Liu Yige glanced at Li Jiu sadly and placed the pile of things in his hands in front of her.

Li Jiu took a cursory glance.


Hum, that’s it?

Liu Yige couldn't believe how Li Jiu could react like this, and explained unwillingly: "Boss, I didn't sleep for two days and two nights, and I pulled these out from tens of thousands of files. You know I almost collapsed after finishing them. Yet?"

 “Oh, hard work.”

         Liu Yige felt that even if she didn't want the eight-digit revenge today, she still had to argue with this black-hearted boss about the merits of her hard work.

 Li Jiu: "Add another zero to the reward."


Liu Yige shut his mouth knowingly.

Eight digits won’t stop her from complaining, but adding a zero to let her go to the toilet can be considered.

Hitting workers is all about money.

Li Jiu picked up a few files and flipped through them, then put them back and said, "You can take these to Lao San later and ask her to hand them over to the police at the right time."

"The right time?" Liu Yige was puzzled, "When is it?"

Ji Huai interrupted and answered her: "Li's cocktail party in a few days."

Li Jiu nodded, looked at Liu Yige, and said, "Inform Bai Ye and the others that the three of you and Ji Huai will go to the reception in a few days."

Although Liu Yige has been away from the Imperial Capital recently and doesn't know what happened, she couldn't help but laugh evilly when she heard this sentence: "Oh, boss, are you planning to cause big things?"

Everyone who has played against their MZ team knows that when the entire MZ think tank is deployed, it will definitely make you question the rhythm of life.

Although she feels that a Li family does not need such a big battle, but...

Who told them that they haven’t moved their muscles for a long time?

 It feels so good to have something to do!

 They have been too comfortable in recent years, almost born of sorrow, but died of happiness.

"More than just trying to make a big deal, the boss's plan involves the two top wealthy families in Imperial Capital. This is obviously going to shake things up." Ji Huai complained at the side.

Li Jiu ignored the two of them's teasing and continued: "Remember to keep a low profile when the time comes, don't make trouble, and wait for my instructions."

 She was most afraid that these people had not done anything for too long, and that they would do bad things if they got excited.


Liu Yige frowned, realized the problem, and asked, "Boss, aren't you with us?"

Ji Huai also looked over.


"Why? Boss, it's now time, so you don't need to pretend anymore. Wouldn't it be better to reveal your identity and blind everyone present?"

Thinking again about the momentum and scene of him and the MZ think tank standing behind her, he dared to say that this girl was absolutely good at pretending.

Li Jiu glanced at him coldly and said sarcastically: "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you?"

 She will definitely become the C-position in the audience if she reveals her identity. She doesn’t want to stand there and be watched by so many people.

Ji Huai: “…”

“Boss, in what capacity do you want to attend the reception, Li Hong’s daughter?” Liu Yige asked.

Li Jiu’s lips curled up, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

 “As Qi Jingci’s female companion.”



Liu Yige and Ji Huai glanced at each other and fell silent together.

Finally, Ji Huai couldn't bear it anymore.

“Forget it, boss, just say you want to do charity, can’t you give each person at the party a piece of dog food?”

 (End of this chapter)

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