She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 432: What does it have to do with her biological brother!

  Chapter 432 What does it have to do with her biological brother?

On the day of Li’s reception, the media arrived at the hotel door early, for fear of missing some big news.

Since the morning, there has been an endless stream of luxury cars in front of the hotel. It is a veritable celebrity cocktail party.

In order to make everyone proud, Li Hong proudly booked the entire hotel floor. For a while, the banquet hall was filled with people drinking and laughing.

Qi Mowei arrived early in the morning. She just wanted to chat with some unfamiliar people, so she took Qi Sijin to find a lounge to stay, planning to wait until the reception officially started before going out.

 “When do you think Third Brother and Ajiu will arrive?”

Wearing a lotus-colored dress, Qi Mowei was sitting on the sofa in the lounge, holding a glass of drink in both hands and staring blankly, as if she was bored until what time it was.

Beside her, Qi Sijin was playing a black card. Hearing this, he replied: "I don't know. I should wait until the reception starts before coming back."

 According to Li Jiu's temperament, he would never give Li Hong face so early.

Qi Mowei sighed, "I originally planned to come with Ajiu."

 The result came so early.

“What do you think I’m doing here so early?” Qi Mowei asked doubtfully.

Recalling Li Hong's lukewarm expression at the door just now after learning that Mr. Qi had sent two of their juniors here, she seemed to slap her soles on his face regardless of her image.

Who do you look down on?

Qi Sijin had just finished the game, turned off the phone, and glanced at her silently, "You asked me?"

 He was also curious as to why she came here like a chicken blood injection.

   It is not necessary to drag him along.

 Qi Mowei: “…”

Just as she sighed again, the door to the lounge was pushed open.

 Seeing the person coming, Qi Mowei's eyes immediately lit up.

 “Mu You! Brother Bai!” She jumped up from the sofa immediately, with an excited look on her face, “You are here too!”

 Bai Muyou and Bai Yuxiu were obviously surprised to see them.

"Why did you come so early?" Bai Yuxiu asked in surprise.

Qi Mowei touched her nose and chuckled, "It's okay to be idle."

Out of sight of her, Qi Sijin sneered, I think you are anxious to see the fun!

 The next second, he raised his eyes and met Bai Muyou's slightly surprised expression, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 If he remembered correctly, she should have been abroad a few days ago, and now she is here, it is self-evident that she is watching the excitement.

Okay, we are all here to watch the fun, who is any better than the other?

The four of them have known each other since childhood. Even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, they are not unfamiliar at all. After Qi Mowei greeted Bai Yuxiu, she ran directly to Bai Muyou and took her arm in an intimate manner.

“Mu You, I almost miss you. I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Bai Muyou was making eye contact with Qi Sijin when he was caught off guard by such a tug from her and staggered.

 “Weiwei, can’t you be more ladylike?”

Qi Mowei showed an exaggerated expression of surprise: "Did you meet me on the first day? The word lady will never be applied to me in this life."

Bai Muyou: “…”

 Are you quite proud of being a co-author?

Bai Yuxiu looked at Qi Mowei, then turned to ask Qi Sijin: "Isn't your old man coming?"

 Qi Sijin nodded: "Yes."

"No wonder, even if you come to this cocktail party, you just want to watch the fun." Bai Yuxiu snorted lightly.

To be honest, if Bai Muyou hadn't suddenly come back from filming, heard about a cocktail party, and clamored to come and relax, he wouldn't have come at all. When Qi Mowei heard this, she also sighed: "I really don't know what Li is thinking, but he actually has the courage to send an invitation to MZ."

Bai Yuxiu responded: "That's right, I saw that no one else from the Li family arrived at all just now, so I guess I don't have the nerve to come."

Mr. Li is probably going to be **** off by Li Hong, his unfilial son, this time, right?

While Bai Yuxiu and Qi Mowei were madly complaining about Li Hong, they secretly sat on the single sofa nearby, took out their mobile phones, and sent Qi Sijin a private message.

   Who will appear in MZ this time? ]

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows, smiled, and replied: [Ji Huai, there are also Yi Ge and the others. ]

Bai Muyou couldn't help but sigh: [The think tank army has been dispatched, the boss is going to show off his power this time. ]

     No, she wants to slaughter the dregs. ]

 This is no longer an act of cruelty. According to Li Hong's level, this is a unilateral massacre.

Bai Muyou touched his chin: [I have always felt that the boss is killing a chicken with a bull's-eye. ]

It seems that dealing with Li Hong does not require so much effort. She had heard abroad that Li Jiu specially sent Liu Yige to check for intelligence.

Qi Sijin: [You don’t understand, the boss values ​​​​love, not to mention the kindness of saving lives, so naturally it must be grand. ]

 They have known about Shan Mu and Shan Mingxi for a long time.

Bai Muyou nodded: [I think what you said makes sense. ]

  …Okay, to be honest, I think the boss made such a big move this time because she had been holding it in for a long time and wanted to vent. ]


"Xiaoyou, why don't you speak?" Bai Yuxiu asked in surprise when he saw Bai Muyou sitting there with his head down and playing with his mobile phone.

 Bai Muyou's hand holding the phone trembled subconsciously, feeling a little bit caught. Then he quickly covered it up: "Oh, my agent is looking for me."

Bai Yuxiu frowned: "Your manager is so incompetent. After the filming is over, can't I let you have a good rest?"

Bai Muyou coughed lightly but said nothing.

  Qi·forced to become an agent·Si·had no vision to see her·Jin: “…”

 “Hey! I said, why are you all just hanging out here?”

A sudden sound startled the four of them, and they all looked towards the door.

Lu Qingran was wearing a flashy red suit, her hair was combed meticulously, and her whole body was so delicate that even her shoes were polished, as if she was attending a wedding.

Everyone was shocked.

Qi Mowei's jaw dropped in shock: "Lu Qingran, are you wearing such fancy clothes to sit on the stage in a nightclub?"

Lu Qingran: "...die girl, do you want to die?"

Qi Mowei stuck out her tongue at him.

 She was just telling the truth.

Lu Qingran rolled her eyes and decided not to fuss with the little girl. She turned around and said to the person behind her with a smile on her face: "Don't be shy, everyone you know is here, come in."

That tone should be as gentle as possible.

It was only then that everyone discovered that there was another person following him.

 The next second, Ning Feng’s reluctant face appeared in everyone’s eyes.

 He was wearing a light blue suit today, with a pair of silver-rimmed glasses symbolically placed on the bridge of his nose. His temperament was gentle and elegant, like a noble prince.

None of this is important. What is important is that he and Lu Qingran are dressed like a couple today.

 For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Especially Bai Muyou, when he saw Ning Feng's face, his whole body felt bad, and his cell phone hit the ground with a clang.

When she realized that Ning Feng and Lu Qingran appeared together and looked particularly ambiguous in their attire, her head buzzed and she blurted out, "Why are you together?"

Hearing her ask this question, Lu Qingran raised the corners of his mouth, put his arms around the shoulders of the person next to him, and said with a pleasant smile on his face: "What do you think?"

Bai Muyou: “…”

Bai Muyou is going crazy.

 What she said she said!

 Lu Qingran, you dog! What is the relationship between you and my mother’s brother?

  Well... I seem to have said that Bai Muyou and Bai Yuxiu are not biological siblings, right? It's not surprising that Bai Muyou has a biological brother, right?



 (End of this chapter)

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