She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 433: Auntie, calm down!

Chapter 433: Auntie, calm down!

 Yes, brother.

 Bai Muyou is the adopted daughter of the Bai family.

The Bais have kept this matter a secret from her and the outside world since she was a child, fearing that she would overthink it and that the outside world would be unfavorable to her.

 This is a kind of protection.

 However, after the death of the Bai family and his wife, Bai Yuxiu still kept this lie and could not bear to break Bai Muyou's peaceful life.

  But what they didn't know was that she knew her life experience from the beginning.

Not only that, even the adoption by the Bai family was planned by her.

 Bai Muyou and Ning Feng are siblings, and they are also teammates and partners. Due to their status, they cannot meet as often as ordinary siblings.

Ning Feng originally chose to enter the entertainment industry because he wanted to be closer to Bai Muyou.

Now, Bai Muyou looked at Lu Qingran's stupid hand on Ning Feng's shoulder and wished he could chop it into pieces with a knife!

She hasn’t contacted Ning Feng for a while, so why did he get to know Lu Qingran, a dog?

 And look at the two of them...

 Oh my God! It's not what she thinks, is it?

Ning Feng's eyes trembled violently the moment they touched Bai Muyou, and he immediately lowered his head and avoided it as if he had a guilty conscience.

Bai Muyou: “…”

 Very good, the bad premonition is getting worse again.

Qi Sijin looked at this scene that could be called a crematorium and was speechless.

Today's good show is really one scene after another.

Bai Yuxiu looked back and forth between Lu Qingran and Ning Feng in surprise. He guessed something and said with a smile: "Lu Qingran, are you..."

  Ning Feng: “…”

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

 Qi Mowei: “…”

Qi Sijin: "..." These two fools!

Bai Muyou: “…”

Bai Muyou: "..."

Kacha—Qi Sijin turned around to look, and the next second, the corner of his mouth twitched.

The glass in Bai Muyou's hand was crushed into powder by her, not surprisingly.

It means to finish.

Qi Sijin felt that if she didn't stop him, Lu Qingran might die here.

So, he stood up immediately, stood in front of Bai Muyou calmly, held down her eager fist, and advised: "Calm down, calm down."

 Bai Muyou gritted his teeth, his whole body was like a bomb about to explode, and his voice was so cold that it could freeze someone to death: "Come, try, try?"

Qi Sijin was silent for a moment, imagined the scene, and said after careful consideration: "Actually... I think you can be more open-minded."

Bai Muyou: "??"

 “At least Lao Shi’s life-long matter has been resolved.”

Bai Muyou: “…”

Qi Sijin, let me go to your uncle!

At this time, Lu Qingran seemed to notice that something was wrong with Bai Muyou's expression, and asked, "What's wrong with Muyou? Do you think I know what's going on?"

Bai Muyou smiled: Yes, I really, really want you to die.

The next second, Qi Sijin quickly suppressed her body that was about to rush forward, and smiled covertly at Lu Qingran: "She is so happy that you found a partner that she doesn't know what to say."

Turning to Bai Muyou, he begged softly: "Sister-in-law, please calm down! If we want to kill people, we can't choose this place, your brother is still here!"


 In the end, Bai Muyou finally gave up the idea of ​​chopping up Lu Qingran and feeding it to the dog on the spot.

Qi Sijin breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't take it carelessly.

 Because he knew that Bai Muyou gave up not because there was anyone here, but because she couldn't beat him.

 Otherwise, Lu Qingran’s head would have been moved long ago.

 (End of this chapter)

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