Chapter 438

Li Jiu’s ears turned red.

 His face was slightly hot, and his fair neck was also stained with a little crimson.

She gritted her teeth, with anger in her eyes, turned her head and glared at him, and said every word: "Shut up!"

  Tsk, it’s even cuter.

Qi Jingci sighed secretly in his heart.

Seeing that he still had a smile on his face, Li Jiu punched him in the abdomen and threatened: "Believe it or not, I will blow your head off?"

Qi Jingci was caught off guard and received a punch, and he took in a sharp breath.

 Cuteness is cute, but the price is a bit heavy.

 Jing 1 and Jing 2 in the front have the same style, expressionless, quietly wearing a background board.

 One is driving without distractions, while the other is enjoying the beautiful scenery without distractions.

 There is a tacit understanding.

"Jiujiu, I just stated a fact. There is no need to get angry, right?"

Qi Jingci closed his eyes. After digesting her punch, the scar healed and he forgot about the pain and continued to seek death.

Li Jiu glanced at him lightly, "Then it will become a fact that I will blow your head off. Do you want to try it?"

 You will definitely die if you try it.

Qi Jingci curled his lips slightly, stretched out his arms to pull her into his arms, and kissed her hair, "I bet you can't bear it."

ˆ “.”

Jingyi couldn't stand it anymore, so he pressed the button and raised the partition.

  Two sneers sounded in the enclosed space of the back seat.

  “Look at how reluctant I am to part with you.”

Immediately afterwards, a muffled hum sounded again.

Qi Jingci covered his chin, hissed slightly, and looked at her with resentment.

 The next moment, his eyes slowly moved downward involuntarily.

 The whole person froze suddenly.

Li Jiu watched helplessly as he had two lines of nosebleeds.

ˆ “.”

 She didn't punch him in the nose.

 “Cough Jiujiu.”

Qi Jingci's eyes dodge, slightly uncomfortable.

"your clothes."

Li Jiu was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head. The dress she wore today had a one-shoulder design and was not fixed with suspenders. Just as she moved, a slight gully appeared on her chest, and a large amount of spring light flowed.

 Li Jiu: “!!”

She immediately reached out to cover her hands and raised her head angrily: "You!"

 The next second, his head was covered by a coat that contained body heat.

 The surroundings were instantly surrounded by the unique sandalwood scent of Qi Jingci.

Li Jiu was stunned.

The first reaction in my mind was not to be moved, but to suddenly remember that I didn't know when I had done this to Qi Mowei before.

 So it is said that things are changing.

Li Jiu twitched her lips, tightened her jacket, and turned to look at Qi Jingci.

 Mr. Qi, who had always been cold and dignified, was in an unprecedented state of embarrassment at this time. In order to prevent the nosebleed from dripping onto the lining, he had to block it with one hand and groped for a tissue with the other hand. His expression was extremely aggrieved.

As he watched, Li Jiu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Qi Jingci’s face became even more distorted.

In order to prevent him from losing too much blood, Li Jiu kindly handed him a tissue. He took the Tuanba Tuanba and stuffed it into his nostrils, which at least temporarily stopped the nosebleeds.

Li Jiu laughed so hard.

Qi Jingci watched coldly from the side, as if he was lying down and ready to be laughed at.

 “No, Qi Jingci, do you only have this little ability to accept?” Li Jiu asked with a smile.

ˆ “.”

Qi Jingci smiled angrily.

 “Who do you think can’t do it?”

"You." Li Jiu looked him up and down, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What will you do in the future if you are like this? Tsk tsk."

ˆ “.”

The last two tuts completely angered Qi Jingci.

 He put his big hands in his arms and held her directly on his lap, with a threatening look in his eyes: "Jiujiu, a man can't say no."

"Oh?" Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and moved the corners of his mouth, but he still couldn't hold it back and failed.

If he said this normally, he might still feel a bit domineering.

Now, he has two paper **** stuffed in his nose, which is as funny as he wants.

  Qi Jingci: "."

  More depressed.

Li Jiu sat on him and smiled enough. Suddenly she put her arms around his neck. Under Qi Jingci's surprised eyes, she grabbed his collar and kissed him on the cheek.

 Then, before he could react, she straddled him with her long legs and boldly straddled him.

At this moment, Qi Jingci froze completely and did not dare to move, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture point.

"Tell me," Li Jiu picked up his tie with one hand and asked with a smile: "If other people see such an innocent side of Mr. Qi, what will they think?"

Qi Jingci’s Adam’s apple rolled up and down and he swallowed.

 “Jiujiu, don’t leave”

The smile on Li Jiu's face deepened, "Huh? What do I want?"

  Qi Jingci: "."

There seems to be something wrong with this conversation?

But he didn't have time to think about that now. There was a beautiful woman sitting on him that he had longed for. The most important thing was that the beautiful woman was dressed very provocatively.

 He is not Liu Xiahui, he is about to explode now!

Li Jiu felt that the teasing was not enough, so she stretched out a finger and tapped his chest, and then slowly slid it down to his lower abdomen.

Before she could go down further, she was grabbed by a big hand.

 The next second, everything changed, and the postures of the two people instantly changed into one up and one down.

Li Jiu still had her hands around his neck, smiling slightly and looking at Qi Jingci who was leaning on her. His expression seemed to be at the extreme of endurance, and there was unconcealable intensity in his eyes.

The coat on her body slipped off due to this movement, revealing her round shoulders and pale skin. The faint light in the car shone on her body, making her look stunningly beautiful.

 Qi Jingci no longer dared to look at Li Jiu's face.

 He was afraid that he might not be able to hold back and execute people on the spot.

ˆ “.”

After a long silence, Li Jiu clearly saw that the paper ball stuffed in Qi Jingci's nostril was slowly soaked with blood.


 A drop of nosebleed fell to the ground.

 Li Jiu: "."

 Three minutes later, the two of them sat at both ends, with the distance in the middle large enough to accommodate an adult.

Li Jiu was wearing the coat given by Qi Jingci and looked at him funny: "It doesn't have to be like this, right?"

She didn’t expect that he would be so flirtatious.

Qi Jingci had already put on a new paper ball at this time, and his voice was a little muffled: "Jiujiu, I won't bring you like this."

Just flirting without taking responsibility, do you know how uncomfortable he is now?

Li Jiu chuckled.

“Can you stop acting like a bullied little daughter-in-law?”

Qi Jingci hummed: "Am I not being bullied by you now?"

 Li Jiu: "."

 “If it weren’t for the wrong timing.”

Qi Jingci looked at him, gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely let you know whether I can do it or not."

"No need, I already knew whether you are okay or not." Li Jiu suppressed a smile, "No need to prove it anymore."

ˆ “.”

Li Jiu moved over little by little and settled old scores: "If you hadn't laughed at me just now, would I have flirted with you? You asked for it all."

  Qi Jingci: "."

 Really, I am extremely frustrated.

 He closed his eyes.

 “No, stay away from me,”

ˆ “.”

Li Jiu kissed him.

"What now?"

 Qi Jingci's eyes were darker, with complex emotions surging behind them.

 “The response is greater.”

ˆ “.”

  emmmmm Is this a car? Anyway, I don’t know what I wrote.



 (End of this chapter)

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