She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 439: Mr. Ji, you can do it yourself

Chapter 439 Mr. Ji, it’s up to you

Since the MZ people arrived, there has been a brief silence in the banquet hall. The people who had just been chatting lively looked at the MZ people intentionally or unintentionally, and whispered:

“No, are you really here?”

“They won’t cause trouble, right?”

“I can’t say for sure, after all, MZ had the trouble with Li before, so it’s very possible that he might come to cause trouble.”

Li Hong was originally chatting with the company's directors about work matters. When he heard people from MZ arriving, his expression suddenly changed. Then he smiled lightly and said to the people around him, "I'll excuse you for a moment."

After speaking, he held a glass of champagne, walked through the crowd, and walked in the direction of Ji Huai and others.

Everyone who was still discussing in a low voice stopped one after another and looked at this scene.

 “Ji Zong.”

Li Hong stood in front of Ji Huai and called out politely, with a slight smile on his face and a particularly friendly attitude.

“I didn’t expect you to come. I’m deeply honored.”

Everyone was surprised. Didn’t Li and MZ already have a falling out? What happens now?

Most of the people present were famous figures in their respective fields. They were used to seeing big scenes, but at this moment, they were a little confused about Li Hong's thoughts.

Since everyone has already known about the trouble, why bother to maintain this level of pretense?

 Looking tired.

Li Hong didn’t think so.

In his eyes, the Li family had just experienced a crisis, and the news that they were at odds with MZ at this time would be very detrimental to them. Therefore, even if everyone knew about the relationship between Li family and MZ, he still had to maintain this surface. relation.

Ji Huai was sitting in the booth, sipping the newly mixed wine. Hearing the words, he raised his head casually, "Oh, it's Mr. Li. I'm glad to meet you. I've seen you for a long time."

 The polite words are very emotionless.

Li Hong's face immediately lost its expression.

He even heard people around him sneer lightly.

He cursed Ji Huai in his heart, but still smiled and said, "Mr. Ji is the one I have admired for a long time."

After the words fell, not only Ji Huai couldn't bear it, his face twisted for a moment, Liu Yige and others not far away also felt sick when they saw him approaching him so shamelessly.

 “Ouch, I’m going to vomit.”

 Liu burst into laughter with songs and made a vomiting gesture. Lancer put down his wine glass and sighed: "Me too."

“How can this Li Hong be so shameless?”

Bai Ye smiled slightly, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and concluded his speech: "Maybe he feels that he can't be the best in other aspects, so he has to be invincible in this aspect."

 The other two people gave him a thumbs up.


Liu Yige touched his chin and said with a smile, "I feel a little sympathy for Ji Huai now."

 At such a young age, I have to face such a shameless person.

Ji Huai vomited a mouthful of blood in his heart. With the expression management he had learned from dealing with all kinds of people in the mall for so many years, he managed to squeeze out a smile from the corner of his mouth: "No, thank you."

 Oh my God, boss, you show up soon, I can’t bear it alone!

Li Hong laughed a few times, then turned his attention to the single mother beside him, and asked hesitantly: "Who is this?"

His eyes were full of doubts. After thinking about it, he realized that he had indeed never seen this person in the upper circles of the imperial capital.

 But it is impossible for Ji Huai to be an ordinary person who can attend the cocktail party and still take him with him.

Li Hong looked at Shan Mu calmly and decided to go back and investigate.

  When Li Hong's eyes fell on him, Shan Mu's hand holding the wine glass tightened, and she almost couldn't suppress the hatred in her heart, and she lost her sense of control on the spot.

Shan’s mother lowered her head, lowered her expression, and turned a blind eye to Li Hong’s words.

She was afraid that she would not be able to help but go up and slap him.

Ji Huai introduced her to her with a smile: "This is my distant relative. She has never participated in such an occasion before. Will Mr. Li mind if I bring her here to have fun?"

When Li Hong learned that Shan's mother was a distant relative who had never seen the world and had nothing to do with the upper class, his expression became much lighter on the spot and said: "It's okay, Mr. Ji, you can do it yourself."

Little cuties with red sleeves, please give me some strength, your ranking will drop down quickly, everyone will rush up!



 (End of this chapter)

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