She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 445: Please come with us

Chapter 445 Please come with us

 Where he couldn't see, Shan Mingxi secretly raised the corners of his lips.

 Finally here.

At this time, everyone was in chaos because of this shocking news.

Especially Li Hong, his forehead twitched and he had a bad feeling.

 He grabbed the waiter by the collar and asked, "What's going on? Why are the police looking for me?"

The waiter looked at him tremblingly and said in a trembling voice: "I don't know either."

Li Hong let him go with a gloomy look.

 The whispers around were nothing more than guessing about the police’s purpose.

They all heard it clearly just now.

 The police are here to see Li Hong.

 Could it be that Li Hong did something he shouldn't have done?

Listening to the various unsavory speculations that kept coming to his ears, Li Hong's breath suddenly became cold, and his face seemed to be covered with a layer of ice.


 He called Shan Mingxi with a sullen face.

Shan Mingxi suppressed the curvature of the corners of his mouth and walked up to him calmly, "Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

 “Go and see what’s going on with the police outside.”

Shan Mingxi paused, then bowed respectfully, lowered his expression, and said, "Yes."

After he left, Li Hong paused, turned around and said to everyone: "I'm sorry everyone, there must be some misunderstanding here. I will give you an explanation after I figure it out."

However, his words did not dispel everyone's curiosity. The discussion became louder and louder, and Li Hong's expression became almost unbearable.

 Damn it! what is going on?

  There happened to be an episode during the reception!

Not far away, Mr. Li looked at all this and frowned fiercely.

 How could the police be alerted?

Li Chen said next to him: "Dad, do you want me to go and take a look?"

Mr. Li waved his hand and said, "No, please be patient."

Let's wait and see what happens. He always felt that the police this time had something to do with Li Jiu, who never arrived.

Mr. Li guessed right. It was Li Jiu who called the police.

 After she and Qi Jingci set off, they did not come directly. Instead, they went to the police station on the way and handed over the information and evidence that He Yao had compiled and handed over to her early in the morning.

After doing all this, Li Jiu followed the police car and headed towards the cocktail party.



I have to say that they are very convinced by this operation.

Although I don’t know what Madam is going to do, looking at this posture, I’m afraid she’s going to shake things up.

On the way here, Qi Jingci looked at the license plate of the police car ahead with a very subtle expression.

Li Jiu smiled: "What's wrong?"

Qi Jingci pinched his eyebrows and said, "It's nothing. I just feel that the person who is about to be unlucky is a bit miserable."

 If Mr. Qi could say it was miserable, it must be extremely miserable.

Li Jiu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

“There is no other way. This is China, and no method is as reliable as calling the police.”

ˆ “.”

Qi Jingci couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

Before coming, because Li Jiu specifically emphasized to the police how famous the people involved were, they specially deployed twice the police force, which was enough to surround the entire banquet room to avoid causing any bad influence.

I'm afraid this is the only way to catch international criminals.

Even though he was mentally prepared, when he actually saw it, the corner of Shan Mingxi's mouth still twitched hard.

Sister, you are really a real sister!

Even if Li Hong is an agent now, he may not be able to escape.

Thinking about this, he felt faintly excited.

Li Hong was waiting very anxiously, but he had to stay calm.

 No, there are so many celebrities gathered at tonight’s cocktail party. If he messes up, his reputation will be completely ruined if word spreads.

  Why hasn’t Shan Mingxi come back yet?

A breeze blew in the evening, lifting the gauze on the skirts of many ladies and ladies, accompanied by the charming light fragrance of flowers.

 Everyone who was invited to the reception thought it was an ordinary banquet, but it was not until now that they discovered that the fun was yet to come.

Everyone was talking in low voices, looking at Li Hong from time to time, with unclear meaning.

 The only quiet place in the entire open-air garden is probably Ji Huai's place.

Ji Huai was bored and shook the goblet in his hand, silently complaining: "Finally here." He turned around and looked around, and found that Bai Ye and Lancer had kept their distance from him since just now, as if he was carrying a virus. .

Ji Huai's face turned dark for a moment.

The next second, someone hit him **** the back. He staggered two steps, lost his balance, and fell down.

 Standard face landing.

Ji Huai: "."

 Damn it, Mercury is definitely retrograde today!

"sorry Sorry!"

  The person who bumped into him quickly apologized and said in a panic, "Sir, are you okay?"

Seeing Ji Huai lying on the ground, Qi Mowei looked at a loss and had to turn around and shout: "Ajin, come here quickly! I hit someone!"

Qi Sijin and others slowly walked towards her not far away. Upon hearing this, Qi Sijin's face darkened, "Qi Mowei, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't get into trouble all day?"

The people who came here today are either rich or noble. If this girl offends someone, she may be in trouble in the future.

With a headache expression on his face, Qi Sijin walked over, glanced at her coldly, then looked at Ji Huai on the ground, and asked softly: "Sir, are you okay?"

Ji Huai, who was lying on the ground, felt that the voice was vaguely familiar. He raised his head, their eyes met, and the atmosphere became quiet.

Ji Huai: "."

  Qi Sijin: “.”

This is really no ordinary coincidence.

Qi Sijin looked at his miserable appearance and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Ji Huai: "."

Qi Mowei: “??”

With her still beside him, Qi Sijin suppressed his mocking words, stretched out his hand to help him up, and said, "I'm sorry, sir, are you okay?"

Qi Mowei kept apologizing.

Ji Huai waved his hands and smiled dryly: "It's okay, it's okay."

 At this time, the other people also followed.

Ning Feng and Bai Muyou admired his miserable appearance without any surprise.


As expected of a brother and sister, they turned their faces and coughed lightly at the same time, suppressing their laughter.

Ji Huai: "."

 Very good, Mr. Xiao Ning, Mr. Bai and Mr. Qi are all here.

 Then the question arises.

  Why did the boss ask them to come here? Make up the numbers?

These people, given any identity, are all at the town-level level, okay?

But before he could seriously think about this issue, someone suddenly shouted in the distance.

A group of uniformed police officers rushed in and formed a circle around the place, all of them expressionless and solemn.

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

The evening wind blew by, but it brought a chill.

Everyone was a celebrity, and most of them had never seen such a scene before. Their faces suddenly turned pale with fright, and they all froze in place, not daring to make a sound.

Li Hong was completely panicked at this time.

 He did not wait for Shan Mingxi to come back to explain the situation, but waited for the police to arrive.

A policeman walked up to Li Hong, looked at his blue face, and said seriously: "Is this Mr. Li Hong?"

Li Hong nodded stiffly.

“Sorry, you are suspected of multiple cases of bribery, stealing trade secrets, hiring murderers, and covering up murder suspects. Please come with us!”

 Everyone was in an uproar.


Li Hong is suspected of murder?

Everyone couldn't believe what they heard.

There was a bang in Li Hong's head, his eyes turned black, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

His body shook twice before he could stand still.

The blood drained from his face, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Police, officer, are you right?"

The police officer looked at him expressionlessly, held the arrest warrant in front of his eyes and said, "That's right, it's you, Mr. Li Hongli."

 The surroundings are quiet and you can hear a needle drop.

Chill instantly rushed into his limbs and bones. Li Hong froze in place, with his mouth half-opened and unable to say anything. He could only stare at the arrest warrant.


Mr. Li dropped the crutch in his hand to the ground and stood up suddenly. His eyes were fixed on the arrest warrant and he was trembling all over.


   Come on, come on, fresh lunch boxes are here!

Wait, there will be more later



 (End of this chapter)

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