She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 446: What did I falsely accuse you of?

Chapter 446 What did I falsely accuse you of?

Li Chen's face was also very ugly. Seeing Mr. Li's old body crumbling, he quickly stepped forward to support him.

Mr. Li held Li Chen's hand tightly, like a drowning man holding on to a driftwood.

He felt his heart was suffocating, and he gasped and asked: "Ah, Ah Chen, what did the police officer say just now?"

Li Hong is suspected of paying to kill someone?


Mr. Li's eyes dimmed for a while, and he suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and he almost fainted on the spot.

Li Chen’s eyes were instantly frightened: “Dad!”

At this time, Li Muye also heard the sound and came over with a panicked expression, "Grandpa!"

 Fortunately, for some reason, Mr. Li endured the shocking news and held on.

However, his face was frighteningly white.

He never thought that the son he had raised for so many years would one day be suspected of murder!

 And he didn't even notice it at all!

Mr. Li suddenly felt like his heart had been stabbed hard.

how so!

how so!

Even Li Hong’s biological father was so shocked, not to mention everyone else present.

They all opened their eyes wide and looked at the scene happening in front of them with disbelief.

In contrast, Ji Huai and others are much calmer.

However, except for a few people who had known the inside story for a long time, several others were still shocked.

Qi Mowei almost bit her tongue and spit out a mouthful of water.

"I go!"

Lu Qingran's pupils trembled fiercely. She didn't know what to say, so she could only keep mumbling: "This, this is so exciting."

 He turned his head and kept tugging on Bai Yuxiu's sleeves, "Old Bai, Old Bai, have you seen it?"

Bai Yuxiu was also shaken to the point of being dizzy, but he was not as excited as he was.

 He frowned, pulled his sleeve out of Lu Qingran's hand, and said, "I'm not blind."

Lu Qingran took a breath of cold air, shocked beyond measure.

He just wanted to bring Ning Feng over to join in the fun, but he never imagined that he would bump into such a century-old giant.    Mist grass!

This melon is a bit big. Is there any indigestion after eating it?

Bai Yuxiu frowned, turned his head and glanced, then was stunned.

Mr. Ji didn’t seem too surprised.

Even Qi Sijin

He turned around, a deep thought flashed across his eyes, and he suppressed the doubts in his heart.

However, if he looked back at this moment, he would find that even Bai Muyou and Ning Feng had calm expressions on their faces.

They looked at Li Hong indifferently, with no emotion in their eyes.

Li Hong's back was soaked with cold sweat at this time, and he couldn't help but tremble when the evening wind blew.

“Police, police officer, you must be mistaken.”

Li Hong swallowed his saliva and his legs became weak. Before this, he never expected that this would be such a situation.

The police officer sneered, "If you made a mistake, just follow us back to the police station and we will find out."

He waved his hand and said to the people behind him, "Hand on and take away!"

The two police officers behind him heard the words and stepped forward, one on the left and one on the right to hold Li Hong. One of them took out a pair of cold metal handcuffs, which glowed coldly under the moonlight.

Li Hong's face suddenly turned paler and he kept struggling.

"You must be mistaken! Officer, officer! How could I do those things? You have to believe me!"

He shouted regardless of his image, his hair was in a mess, and the elegant demeanor he had just now was long gone.

 “Someone must be slandering me!”

 “Yes! Someone must have framed me!”

At this moment, a cold voice came to the ears of everyone present with great clarity.

"Oh? Tell me, what did I falsely accuse you of?"

Dang Dang Dang Dang--Jiu Ye appears on the stage to torture the scum!



 (End of this chapter)

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