She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 447: It's her!

Chapter 447 It’s actually her!

Li Jiu, wearing a black tube top dress, was cold and distant. She walked slowly and calmly under the moonlight. Her clear eyes were full of coldness. She looked at Li Hong sarcastically, as if she was looking at an ant. .

Behind her, Qi Jingci was also wearing a crisp black suit. His temperament was calm and restrained, but he was more intimidating than ever.

Everyone thought inappropriately that these two people were dressed as if they were attending a funeral.

They guessed right. Li Jiu chose a black dress specifically for today, and Qi Jingci also chose a black suit that he didn't usually wear in order to wear a couple's style with her.

 The two came together like a pair of lovers.

But if you look at it in light of the current atmosphere, they are simply demons stepping on the night to take human lives.

 Everyone's eyes were filled with horror.

The moment he saw Li Jiu, Li Hong didn't understand anything. He suddenly looked like crazy, looked at her with vicious eyes, and gritted his teeth: "Li, Jiu!"

Li Jiu walked up to him, met his gaze without hesitation, and raised her eyebrows, "Father, what do you want to say?"

The next second, Li Hong rushed toward her, but was stopped by the police officer behind him.

 “You framed me!”

Li Jiu raised her lips and smiled softly. Faced with his eyes that looked like she wanted to tear her apart, instead of hiding, she stepped forward and sneered: "False accusation?"

Her eyes were cold and her voice was as if it had been tempered with ice, "You deserve it too!"


 Everyone took a breath of air.

 The current situation, please forgive them for their incompetence.

Li Hong’s illegitimate daughter falsely accused Li Hong of murder?

 What is going on?


Lu Qingran almost jumped up on the spot when she saw Li Jiu and Qi Jingci.

 His whole body was not well.

 So, everything happened tonight was caused by my sister-in-law?

 Oh my God!

No wonder he didn’t reply to the message he sent to Qi Jingci just now. He was already planning a big move!

“Old Bai, what do you think this is?” He leaned over and asked Bai Yuxiu in a low voice.

The latter frowned, combed through the clues, and finally concluded: "Li Hong is suspected of multiple crimes. My sister-in-law called the police to arrest him."

Lu Qingran twitched the corner of her mouth, "What do you have to say?"

Bai Yuxiu took a deep breath and continued: "However, looking at the posture of my sister-in-law, I'm afraid she came prepared. The evidence is very sufficient. If nothing else, Li Hong will not be able to escape."

Lu Qingran nodded in agreement, patted his chest, and sighed: "The Imperial Capital will not be able to calm down for a long time."

Li Hong, the president of Li Group, is suspected of murder and many other crimes. He can basically imagine how big a sensation this news will cause if it spreads.

 “Sister-in-law is so cruel.” Lu Qingran twitched the corner of her lips, her eyes flashing lightly.

With this move, Li Hong's fate will definitely not be better. Not only that, the Li family and even the Li family will be affected by it.

 The series of subsequent impacts cannot be predicted and controlled.

 The deep waters of the Imperial Capital are finally going to cause huge waves.

Thinking of this, both Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu looked unhappy.

Behind them, they represent the Lu family and the Bai family respectively. The aristocratic families in the imperial capital can affect the whole body. If something happens to the Li family, they may also be affected.

 This is not a good time.

Just when the two of them looked solemn and deep in thought, Ji Huai secretly glanced behind him. Sure enough, Bai Ye and Lancer were gone.

 He scanned around and finally saw the two of them not far behind Li Jiu.

Ji Huai gritted his teeth. These two guys were running away so fast without waiting for him.

However, according to the current situation, if he rushes forward rashly, he may also arouse suspicion, and it will be bad for Li Jiu.

So, even though he could no longer hold back his excitement, he could only stay where he was. Suddenly, Qi Sijin beside him moved and asked in a low voice: "Didn't I say that Aunt Shan is here too? Where is the person?"

Ji Huai was stunned for a moment, "Yi Ge accompanied her to the bathroom."

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized that they have been gone for so long, why haven't they come back yet?

Qi Sijin frowned. Since the boss brought Shan Mu here, he must have her intentions.

 “Go and find her quickly, what if the boss has something to do with your aunt later?”

Ji Huai glanced at the people around him and gritted his teeth: "But..."

 There is someone else around. In this case, if he leaves suddenly, it will be particularly conspicuous.

Qi Sijin squinted his eyes. The light here was dim, and the surrounding night lights were not turned on, so he could hardly see clearly.

 “You go, I’ll cover you.”

Ji Huai's eyes lit up, he thanked him, and quietly turned around and left.

After he left, Ning Feng silently stepped forward and replaced Ji Huai.

Bai Muyou also moved a few times and stood where Ning Feng was just now.

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows, his eyes met theirs for a moment, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly.

 Sure enough, at this time, it is my teammates who have the best understanding.

The three of them were cooperating in unison without knowing it. Even Qi Mowei, who was closest to Ji Huai, didn't notice anything was wrong.

On the other side, Ji Huai grabbed a waiter and asked for the direction to the bathroom.

After the waiter pointed out the direction, Ji Huai thanked him and left quickly.

 “What a strange person.”

The waiter muttered, patted Ji Huai's wrinkled collar, and turned to leave.

After Shan's mother came out of the bathroom, she didn't see Liu Yige and immediately frowned.

Liu Yige just answered a phone call. It was inconvenient for people to come and go outside the bathroom, so he went elsewhere to answer the call.

 She never expected that a single mother would come out so soon.

The single mother looked around but couldn't find her. The next second, she accidentally bumped into someone at the corner.

That person came running over, and the impact could be imagined. The single mother had been suffering from a long-term illness, which had only improved in recent years. Her physical condition was already weak. After such a collision, she fell to the ground on the spot and let out an ouch.

Li Yun was also hit and staggered twice. He took half a step back and held on to the wall before he regained his balance.

She was already furious, but Shan Mu bumped into her muzzle, and she suddenly exploded regardless.

 “Are you sick? Don’t you look at the road when you walk?”

Shan’s mother’s arm was sore from the fall, but she kept saying sorry. Her eyes moved up and landed on Li Yun’s slightly protruding abdomen, and she was immediately stunned.

She actually bumped into a pregnant woman?

The single mother suddenly panicked. Her old arms and legs didn't matter. What if she hurt her child?

So, she gritted her teeth and stood up from the ground. Regardless of the cut on her calf, she quickly went up to help Li Yun: "Miss, are you okay?"

It was inconvenient for Li Yun to have a big belly. Even though there was a wall behind him to support him, his body still seemed to be falling apart. An unknown fire surged into his heart and he fiercely shook Shan Mu's hand away.

 “Get away! Don’t touch me!”

The single mother did not expect that a pregnant woman would be so strong. She was wearing high heels and her body became unsteady. She also swayed a few times and almost fell again. Fortunately, she finally managed to hold on to the wall.

And at this moment, she saw Li Yun's face clearly, and her whole body froze immediately. The past flashed through her mind like a fleeting glance. She stared at this face, which she would never forget until she died. His face and body were shaking uncontrollably.

 It’s actually her!

I have to say that Qi Sijin and the others really cooperate well with each other. Thumbs up!



 (End of this chapter)

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