She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 454: i can prove

Chapter 454 I can prove it

Li Jiu spoke warmly, as if he was killing someone but refused to stab him to death. Instead, he slowly tortured the other person until he completely collapsed.

 She raised the corners of her lips slightly, "Lance, go and bring this person over."

Lancer responded, turned around and brought up a strange man.

The man was still struggling desperately, but Lancer was holding him down, unable to resist.

Everyone was whispering and couldn't help but guess the person's identity.

Li Jiu smiled: "Come on, raise your head and let Mr. Li have a good time chatting with his old classmates."

Li Hong's expression turned extremely ugly when Lancer escorted the man over.

He hadn't even reacted to Shan Mingxi's sudden rebellion just now, when Li Jiu gave him a fatal blow.

Li Hong's eyesight went dark and he almost fainted.

how come!

Didn’t he tell that person to leave the Imperial Capital early in the morning?

 Why did he stay in the Imperial Capital for so many days?

Li Hong cursed in his heart, he was going to be killed by this idiot today!

The man's face was full of indignation, "What on earth are you trying to arrest me for? I told you this is kidnapping, and I want to call the police!"

Lancer, who was escorting him, said calmly: "Don't bother, there are police here. If you have any grievances, just say it."

The man then raised his head and looked around. After seeing the situation clearly, his pupils shrank and he quickly lowered his head, as if he felt guilty.

Lancer sneered: "Didn't you say you want to call the police?"

The man remained silent, and the color gradually drained from his face.

“Mr. Li, do you know how I found him?”

Li Jiu slowly walked up to Li Hong, leaned forward slightly, and opened his lips: "He took your money and was about to run away when he was captured by my people. Do you think it was a coincidence or not?"

Of course it was a coincidence, because she deliberately let people ambush there, and everyone would get the loot.

Even though there was some distance between the two people, Li Jiu could still clearly feel his anger and trembling at this time.

“When I caught him, I also found some things, and I handed them over to the police.”

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, "Those things should make this gentleman stay in prison for several years."

When he heard that he was going to jail, the man immediately panicked and hurriedly told everything: "No, I don't want to go to jail! He ordered me to do everything. He asked me to bribe other company executives who participated in the bidding, no? I!"

 The people around were stunned.

ˆBuy other companies?

 Just such a bidding project, is it so generous?

Everyone's eyes looked strange, feeling that something was wrong with Li Hong's mind.

Of course they didn’t know that all the senior management of the Li family had lost confidence in Li Hong and were even discussing his removal behind the scenes.

Li Hong was already greedy for this position, so how could he let them get their wish? Of course, he would do everything possible to keep his position.

  In contrast, he did not take it seriously that he could maintain his position as president by spending some money.

Mr. Li was so angry that his body was shaking. Fortunately, Li Chen helped him in time, but his face was also extremely ugly.

Li Jiu hummed: "I can't tell, Mr. Li is quite rich."

She clicked her tongue and said, "I just don't know if you will have the money to bribe the prison guards when you go to prison in the future."

 “You!” Li Hong was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

“Li Jiu, you have gone to great lengths to treat your biological father like this, aren’t you afraid of being punished by God?!”

Xu Su, who had fallen to the ground, struggled to stand up. His hair was disheveled, his expression was ferocious, and his tone was vicious: "No matter what, he is your father! How dare you, how dare you..."

Li Jiu glanced at her lightly, and the next second, he said shockingly: "You are wrong, he is not my father."

"What did you say?"

Xu Su suddenly opened her eyes wide, her whole body trembled, and she pointed at her in disbelief: "You, you bastard! In order to frame your father, you can even say such unscrupulous words?!"

Li Yun also said from the side: "Sister, do you not even recognize your father?"

“Haha, let’s all take a look. When this illegitimate daughter suddenly came to our door, Ahong recognized her because he felt sorry for her. But what happened? He recognized her as a white-eyed wolf!”

Xu Su laughed twice, his eyes full of resentment and malice.

  "What kind of big boss of MZ is just a beast who even framed his father! If I had known this, I shouldn't have-ah!"

Before she could finish her words, she was slapped directly, screamed in pain, and fell back.

His body fell heavily to the ground. The originally clean and tidy dress on his body was already rumpled, as if it had been ravaged by someone. This time, Li Yun didn't react in time to help her.

Li Jiu flicked his wrist and said with cold eyes, "I advise you to use your brain when speaking. The one who recognizes me is grandpa. Who are you?"

"in addition-"

Her hand stretched back, and Bai Ye immediately handed over a document.

Li Jiu took out the paternity test and showed it to everyone, and finally handed it to Xu Su.

"Please see clearly, Li Hong and I are not father and daughter at all. We have nothing to do with him either physically or in name."

Li Jiu threw the paternity test next to Xu Su in shock.

 “So, don’t touch the porcelain.”

 Xu Su was stunned and at a loss.

Even Li Hong looked confused at this moment.


The moment she took out the paternity test, it was like another slap in the head.

Everyone was so dizzy by this shocking news that they could not recover.

 There were too many melons today and they had a bit of indigestion.

Li Jiu is not Li Hong’s biological daughter?

Then why is she, the boss of MZ, pretending to be Li Hong’s illegitimate daughter?

 What are you drawing?

 For a moment, everyone couldn't figure out what Li Jiu was thinking.

  Improperly neglecting a good boss and instead becoming a notorious illegitimate daughter for two years. Before today, they would never have believed such nonsense.

 But now, they have seen a ghost.

 The ones who are more likely to have seen ghosts than them are the members of the Li family.

Li Muye, who had no sense of presence all night, finally stopped acting as a background. He took a long step, quickly picked up the paternity test and browsed it quickly, and then looked at Li Jiu with horrified eyes.

“No, Xiaojiu, are you kidding me?” he asked in disbelief.

 What happened tonight was so shocking that he didn't believe it at first.

Even if this second uncle is usually a bit of a jerk, it’s not to the point of breaking the law, right?

However, after Li Jiu presented a series of evidence, he had nothing to say and could only digest it gradually.

 But now, he can't digest it.

 What the **** is going on? !

Li Jiu glanced at him and lowered his eyes, "Unfortunately, this is the truth."

"This is impossible."

Li Muye frowned fiercely, his expression solemn as never before.

“If you weren’t my sister, then that paternity test—”

  He was naturally referring to the paternity test he presented to the Li family two years ago.

  Li Jiu: "Forged."

Li Chen suddenly spoke and asked in a deep voice: "In that case, how can you prove that the thing in your hand is not a forgery?"

 He also could not accept the fact that Li Jiu was not a member of the Li family.

Li Jiu's eyelashes twitched slightly, and she couldn't tell what she was feeling.

They did not accuse Li Hong when she exposed her, but now their tone was subconsciously anxious.

 Is this, family?

 Unreasonable favoritism.

Li Jiu was silent.

At this moment, Mr. Li suddenly said: "I can prove it."

He closed his eyes and said sadly: "Xiaojiu, it is true that she is not Li Hong's daughter."

  Today...two updates



 (End of this chapter)

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