She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 455: Congratulations to Mr. Li on becoming a father

Chapter 455 Congratulations to Mr. Li on becoming a father

Li Chen turned around in surprise, "Dad?"

Mr. Li sighed and repeated in front of everyone's shocked eyes: "Xiaojiu has confessed to me before. She is indeed not Li Hong's daughter."


 Perhaps it is your daughter.

  But he kept these words deep in his heart and did not say them out.

Mr. Li was a little anxious. Why hasn't Old Liu arrived yet?

 If this continues, Li Jiu may really sever ties with them in order not to affect the reputation of the Li family.

“So...Dad, you already knew?”

Li Chen rarely loses his composure in front of outsiders, but now, he doesn't care about that anymore.

For some reason, when Li Jiu said that he had nothing to do with Li Hong, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

 A little scared...and a little lucky?

Li Chen was slightly startled, why did he have such an idea?

"Grandpa, are you kidding? If Xiaojiu has nothing to do with Li Hong, then why is she..."

 Why are you still going to all the trouble to get through the Li family’s door?

 He did not ask the last sentence, but Li Jiu expected it.

She said: "Indeed, I had another purpose in pretending to be Li Hong's illegitimate daughter."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Hong's expression became slightly excited.

“Dad, you heard it all. She is not your granddaughter at all. She has a purpose in approaching us. Are you just looking at her and ruining your son?”

Li Hong’s voice trembled as he begged for mercy: “We are just a family.”

Mr. Li tilted his head, his eyes were deep and his emotions were complicated, "Even so, you can't deny what you did."

“In front of everyone, Xiaojiu has already produced irrefutable evidence, do you have anything else to say?”

Li Hong's throat almost broke: "Are you still protecting her now?!"

“Dad, let’s forget that you favored my elder brother in the past! Why do you want to help an outsider? In your heart, am I not even as good as this **** of unknown origin?”

"Shut up!"

Mr. Li's face darkened and he cut off his words sternly.

 The cane hit the ground hard, making a heavy muffled sound.

Mr. Li pointed at Li Hong's nose and cursed: "Look at all the **** things you did! Why do you have the face to let me favor you?!"

 “I did all this for the Li family!”

Li Hong's eyes were gloomy and cold, and he retorted unwillingly: "If it weren't for Li, how could I have taken such a risk?"

He struggled twice and almost asked the police behind him.

 “Why should I do those things?!”

“All this is just for the Li family!”

Mr. Li closed his eyes in pain and couldn't bear to look at him again.

“Ah Hong, how could you become like this?”

Li Chen looked at Li Hong's ferocious expression and felt as much pain as Mr. Li.

 Obviously he was not like this before, he was obviously very cheerful and kind.

When exactly did he become like this?

Li Hong looked at him with a sneer: "Stop pretending like this, you know? What I hate the most is your face."

Li Chen’s eyelashes trembled slightly.

"I left the entire Li family behind for a woman, what qualifications do you have to ask me why I am like this?" Li Hong continued: "It's not all because of you!"

"You left the Li family alone and I took care of it, but what? In the end, you accused me, why?"

Li Hong said in a sarcastic tone: "The one who is least qualified to accuse me is you!"

Li Chen's face changed slightly and he took half a step back.

“I did it all for the Li family! What’s wrong with me!”

Just when he was hysterically trying to pour out all the bitter water of the past years, he suddenly remembered a cold voice.

“Oh? So you hired the murderer for the sake of the Li family?”

The surroundings fell into deathly silence again.

Everyone’s hearts trembled. Li Hong's pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned to look at Li Jiu with a gloomy expression. His eyes were vicious and fierce, and he said every word: "Li, Jiu!"

 “Don’t talk nonsense here, when did I kill someone?!”

Li Jiu chuckled lightly and said calmly: "It seems that I have been doing bad things for so long that I have forgotten when I did it."

Her eyes slowly scanned the surroundings, and her eyes fell on the single mother, and the corner of her lips curled up: "What a pity, you forgot, but some people have not forgotten. After more than ten years, the victim came to you to seek revenge."

Li Jiu’s eyes became playful as he watched Ji Huai lead his mother closer step by step.

“I don’t know, Mr. Li, do you have any plans to meet old friends?”

 “What nonsense are you talking about? When did I—”

At this moment, Li Hong suddenly froze, his voice stuck in his throat.

 Because behind Li Jiu, two people came slowly, they were Ji Huai and Shan Mu.

Amid everyone's confused and surprised gazes, Shan Mu bit her lip, restrained her inner trembling, and slowly stepped forward, her eyes extremely angry.

“Li Hong, do you still remember me?”

Li Hong frowned and his eyes became confused: "Who are you?"

 He only knew that this woman was brought here by Ji Huai and did not know anything else.

Hearing this, the single mother’s eyes were extremely sad, and she laughed softly, her face covered with tears.

“That’s right, how could a **** like you remember me?”

Li Jiu stepped forward and held her shoulders, comforting: "Aunt Shan, don't worry, you are here to watch, how can I make this beast pay the price?"

The single mother's body was shaking uncontrollably, and she tried her best to hold back the sobs in her throat. After listening to her words, she nodded slightly, feeling mixed in her heart. She couldn't tell whether she was happy or sad.

Li Jiu turned around and shouted: "Shan Mingxi, come here and help me."

Shan Mingxi immediately responded, ran over, helped Shan's mother over from Li Jiu's hand, stretched out his hand to wipe her tears, and said with a smile: "Mom, stop crying, you should be laughing today."

It is obviously a day of revenge, how can you cry?

 When Shan Mu said this, she immediately stopped crying, "Well, I won't cry."

 Everyone was confused by this scene.

This woman who suddenly appears and seems to be related to Li Hong is Shan Mingxi's mother?

 What kind of development is this?

Li Jiu stood in front of Li Hong, his expression turned cold, and his tone was more like frost: "Mr. Li, I am not your illegitimate daughter."

Li Hong frowned, not sure why.

 “But you do have an illegitimate daughter.”


Li Hong's pupils gradually dilated, "You, what did you say?!"

Li Jiu chuckled: "Not only that, you also have an illegitimate son."

“Congratulations, Mr. Li, it’s been more than ten years since I finally found out that I’m happy to be a father.”

 A bang.

It was as if thunder was rolling and ringing in my ears.

Li Hong's expression suddenly changed, and his voice trembled: "What, what...what did you say?"

 He has an illegitimate daughter and an illegitimate son?

 “Explain it to me clearly!”

Li Hong was even more excited than before and wanted to rush in front of Li Jiu, "What is an illegitimate son or an illegitimate daughter? Tell me clearly!"

Qi Jingci watched his actions from the side and frowned in displeasure. He stepped forward to hold Li Jiu in his arms and took a few steps back.

Li Jiu glanced at him with a smile and said nothing. Instead, he walked straight to Shan's mother and Shan Mingxi. With someone's frightened expression, he softly introduced: "This, Shan Mingxi, is your biological mother." Son, that is, your illegitimate son."

After speaking, she raised her eyebrows and said, "How about it, are you surprised?"

Li Hong was completely speechless. He could only stare and stare blankly.

After listening to Li Jiu's introduction, Shan Mingxi frowned in disgust: "Sister, don't say that, I'm disgusted."

Anything that has the slightest connection with Li Hong makes him feel disgusted.

 Okay, the second update is here, I want to go to bed, I am so sleepy, the Chinese New Year is almost here and there is a lot to do. Obviously no one will come because of the epidemic, but there is really a lot of work to do.



 (End of this chapter)

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