She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 456: Suddenly I got a brother

Chapter 456 Suddenly got a brother

 “This is impossible...this is impossible.”

Li Hong looked stiff and could not accept everything Li Jiu said.

"How could Shan Mingxi be my illegitimate son? You guys worked together to lie to me!"

How could he suddenly have an illegitimate child?

 It must be Li Jiu’s conspiracy.

Shan Mingxi snorted: "What a coincidence, I don't want to have anything to do with you yet."


Before Li Hong could say anything, Xu Su rushed forward as if he was crazy, "You're talking nonsense!"

 She doesn’t believe this is true!

How could Li Hong have an illegitimate son?

Only she knows how difficult it has been for her to be the matron of the Li family over the years.

Li Hong originally favored sons over daughters, but she was unable to have another son due to physical reasons, so she only had one Li Yun.

 She worked hard to deal with Li Hong's mistresses outside.

 Even the scheming woman who wanted to get ahead by relying on her belly was quietly dealt with by her.

Now that an illegitimate child suddenly appears, wouldn't everything she planned for herself and Li Yun be ruined?

No! She doesn't accept it!

"Who are you? Why do you say your child is related to the Li family?"

Xu Su looked ferocious, his eyes stained scarlet, and he asked Shan Mu sternly.

 However, when she looked at the mother-in-law's face, she was slightly startled, "Is it you?"

The woman who just bumped into Li Yun in the bathroom.

 “Okay.” She sneered, “It’s true that we are enemies on a narrow road!”

"You just wanted to harm Yun'er, and now you've made our family uneasy. You're really vicious!"

Hearing her accusation, Shan's mother's eyes panicked and she quickly denied: "No, it's not me. It was your daughter who bumped into her accidentally. I didn't mean it."

 “You still dare to quibble?!”

 Xu Su was furious, and regardless of the situation, she raised her hand and wanted to slap Shan Mu.

 As a result, the hand has not yet fallen.

Li Jiu’s eyes were cold and he squeezed her wrist tightly, “Do it in front of me, do you want to die?!”

Xu Su was startled by her eyes, a chill suddenly rose up all over her body, and she trembled subconsciously.

The next second, she swallowed and managed to calm down: "She was obviously the one who hit Yun'er. Don't think you can bully someone just because there are so many people!" Shan's mother looked on and quickly explained: "It's really not the case. It was her daughter who suddenly bumped into me."

  Xu Su: "Yun'er is pregnant, how could she bump into someone else?"

 “But she...”

"That's you!" Xu Su pointed at her angrily: "Not only do you want to harm Yun'er, but you are now here to frame my husband. How can you, a woman, be so vicious?"


The single mother was shocked by her reaction and could not say anything in defense for a moment.

Xu Su said, still wanting to rush forward.

 The next second.

Mr. Li shouted: "That's enough!"

His face was livid, and complex and deep emotions flashed through his slightly cloudy eyes. He glanced at Shan's mother and Shan Mingxi, not knowing what he was thinking.

 Everyone was shocked.

Mr. Li has never been so angry in front of others in these years.

 It seems that this time, he is really angry.

Mr. Li scolded Xu Su: "Shut up! Look what you look like now!"

  What Xu Su was most afraid of in the Li family was this old man, so he immediately shut up and did not dare to say more.

 He snorted coldly, then looked at Li Jiu, with a heavy tone: "...Xiao Jiu, you, are you telling the truth?"

Li Hong’s illegitimate son?

Isn’t that his grandson?

 Grandson, son? !

No matter how strong his heart is, he can't bear the impact of suddenly having a grandson.

 He felt a little dizzy.

Li Chen also had an extremely shocked look on his face, his eyes wandering back and forth between Li Hong and Shan Mingxi in shock and uncertainty.


His brain capacity seems to be somewhat insufficient.

What's happening here?

Li Muye stood aside, his eyes slightly opened, and his jaw almost dropped in shock.

"I go?"

How does it feel to suddenly have multiple brothers?

 Don’t ask, you’ll be confused if you ask.

   I drank too much tonight and my head is very dizzy, so I’ll just update it...



 (End of this chapter)

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