She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 457: Don't give it to me

Chapter 457 Don’t give it to me

Li Jiu lowered her eyes, feeling a little unbearable. She really didn't want to hit the old man like this, but the matter had reached this point and was irreversible.

“I’m sorry, grandpa, for keeping this secret from you for so long.”

"You kid, why are you hiding it?" Mr. Li sighed with hatred, "If you were really a descendant of my Li family, would I sit back and watch?"

He could completely guess that Li Jiu concealed this matter because he was worried that the Li family would be harmful to the child.

 “Who do you think your grandfather is?”

Li Jiu pursed her lips and said nothing.

 Perhaps she was really a little hasty.

 After entering the Li family, she didn't know the people of the Li family and didn't fully trust the old man. Later, even if she wanted to confess, she couldn't find the right time.

Mr. Li looked at Shan Mingxi with complicated emotions, and even his voice trembled: "My child."

“We have been sorry for you all these years.”

Shan Mingxi’s eyelashes trembled slightly and said nothing.

 Seeing him lowering his head and saying nothing, Mr. Li felt a pain in his heart and suddenly had mixed emotions.

 He turned to look at Li Hong, furious: "Look what good thing you have done?!"

Li Hong shook his head and denied: "Dad, I'm not, I didn't."

 “Still saying no?!”

Mr. Li was so angry that his heart ached.

“Is it possible that Xiaojiu has to throw the paternity test in your face like she did just now?”

Li Hong sneered: "Who knows if her paternity test was forged?"

He spat loudly, "If you drag a **** out of nowhere and claim she is my child, who will believe her?"

When Shan's mother saw Li Hong, she was already very angry. When she heard that he actually called Shan Mingxi a bastard, her anger suddenly surged into her heart. She didn't know where she got the strength to throw away Ji Huai who was supporting her, and rushed towards her. It was a slap in the face before him.


 Cringy and loud.

Li Hong was immediately stunned.

The single mother was breathing heavily, and the hand that had hit him kept trembling, and she held it tightly.

"Li Hong, let me tell you, I was blind when I fell in love with you. Xiaoxi is my son and has nothing to do with you. If I hear you calling him a **** again, do you think I will slap you? !”

"well said!"

As soon as Shan's mother finished speaking, Ji Huai took the lead in applauding, "Auntie, what you said is so good. This kind of person deserves a beating. I support you!"

As he said that, he gave her a thumbs up.

He looked at the disgusting look on this man's face and couldn't help but want to slap him. Shan Mu's slap was really satisfying.

His coaxing attracted everyone's attention.

Li Muye stood next to him and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Mr. Ji, this is our family matter, why are you making trouble?"

Ji Huai smiled and waved his hands: "BOSS's family affairs are my family affairs, it should be as it should be."

 Li Muye: “.”

Li Chen: "."

Mr. Li: "."

  Li Jiu: "." Idiot.

Bai Ye held his forehead, stepped forward and covered his mouth, and smiled apologetically at Mr. Li and others: "Sorry, he has a brain twitch, please don't pay attention to him, you continue, continue, haha."

As he said that, he gave Lancer a look, and the two of them took him out together.

Li Muye walked up to Li Chen and whispered: "Dad, why do I feel that these people are a little unreliable? Are they really from MZ?"

Li Chen glanced at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, you don't know where to hang out when they are killing everyone in the business world."

Li Muye curled his lips and said oh.

The atmosphere just now was disrupted by Ji Huai. It was no longer so tense, but it was not much better.

 They need time to digest this huge amount of information. Shan Mu's slap just now was so strong that Li Hong felt that half of his cheek was numb.

"You crazy woman!" He said with a gloomy face, "Why are you pretending to be noble here? Even if I have a relationship with you and the child comes to you when you are so old, don't think that I don't know what you are planning."

 Isn’t it just that you covet his property?

 What a beautiful thought!

Even if he died, he would never let this mother and son succeed.

"I tell you, even if I go to jail today, you can't take away a penny of Li's money from me."

Hearing his words, Xu Su's lips curled up slightly, and she felt confident.

She knew that Li Hong was not someone who would lose his mind when he saw his son.

 This mother and son are absolutely in trouble!

Shan Mingxi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his eyes and sneered: "Mr. Li? Do you think I care about you?"

An evil smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he gave Li Hong a middle finger.

“Young Master, I am protected by Sister Li Jiu, how can I count Li as a minor figure?”

Mr. Li and Li Chen twitched their lips at the same time.

This child, who was fine just now, why is he suddenly so angry?

Shan Mingxi walked up to Li Jiu and smiled proudly, "Sister, do you think so?"

Li Jiu glanced at him with disgust on his face.

 But in front of Li Hong, the face that should be given must still be given.

 She turned her head and looked at Li Hong, and said with a chuckle: "He really doesn't need to take Mr. Li seriously now."

Li Hong was stunned, "What did you say?"

“I have transferred the 10% shares of the Li family that my grandfather gave me to him.”

 As she spoke, she looked at Mr. Li.

Mr. Li nodded lightly and looked at Shan Mingxi with a smile: "Well, this child is my grandson, so the shares should be regarded as a meeting gift from me to him."

Hearing this, Shan Mingxi and Shan Mu both looked a little unnatural.

 They were obviously at a loss for this sudden kindness.

In Li Hong's increasingly shocked look, Li Jiu continued: "In addition, coupled with the shares MZ acquired from Li's major shareholders during this period, Mingxi's current shareholding has exceeded yours. "

“So, the real person in power of the Li family now is Ming Xi.”

Li Jiu smiled and asked, "Mr. Li, I wonder if you are satisfied with the result?"

 “No, it’s impossible, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!”

Li Hong has completely collapsed, and this news is undoubtedly the last straw that breaks him.

 Li Shi, how could Li Shi become someone else’s?

Then wouldn’t everything he did be meaningless?

No! He doesn't accept it!

Shan Mingxi was also obviously surprised. He let out a "Fuck" sound and was so frightened by Li Jiu.

“No, sister, are you kidding me? How much will it cost to acquire so many shares?”

 He clutched his chest with a heartbroken look on his face. Wouldn't it be better to just give the money to him in cash?

 What a waste!

 Bai Ye, who had just dealt with Ji Huai and ordered him not to talk nonsense anymore, twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, and said: "MZ is not short of money."

Shan Mingxi: "I'm lacking."

ˆ “.”

Li Jiu couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to beat this loser to death. "Shut up. If you don't have enough money, take good care of the Li family."

Shan Mingxi felt aggrieved: "Sister, but I don't want the Li family."

He just wants to be a vagrant and take care of the entire company. Wouldn't it cost him his life?

Li Muye was delighted when he heard this. He stepped forward and put a familiar hand on his shoulder, saying, "Brother, let's talk about it. If you don't want it, how about you give it to me?"

 He is very interested in Li Shi.

Li Chen frowned and said in a deep voice: "Makino, stop messing around and come back."

This boy, are you afraid that the scene will not be chaotic enough?

Haven’t you seen that Li Hong was so angry that he almost fainted?

 (End of this chapter)

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