She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 458: Is this okay?

Chapter 458 Is this okay?

Li Hong was really angry to death.

The Li family that he had managed with all his heart for so many years was taken away by Li Jiu. He didn't even say anything, but these people actually disliked it?

 “You guys are going too far to deceive others!”

Shan Mingxi was caught off guard by Li Muye's Zilaisu. When he heard this, he turned around and sneered: "Really? But I feel that these alone are not enough at all."

“Li Hong, the debt you owe is far more than this.”

Seeing that they were still not going to let him go, Li Hong couldn't bear it: "What do you want? Now that the Li family is yours, you still want to be aggressive? No matter what, I am also your father. No matter how much you hate me, you still can't bear it." There should be a degree, right?”


 His adaptability is quite good.

Li Jiu clicked her tongue in her heart.

Li Hong originally thought that the reason why the mother and son came to the door was simply because he had abandoned them and was resentful. As long as he stabilized them now and promised to make good compensation in the future, they would not pursue the case again.

As long as you escape this time, are you still afraid that you won't have a chance to make a comeback?

Unexpectedly, just as he was calculating, Shan Mingxi's breath suddenly sank, and his whole body exuded a violent aura, and his eyes were even more cold, like an angry beast that suddenly went crazy, which was frightening.

Li Muye, who was closest to him, suddenly retracted his hand and muttered in shock, his face full of confusion.

 “What do we want?”

Shan Mingxi sneered lowly, his tone was like ice, and his eyes were stained with scarlet.

He rushed forward when everyone was unprepared, and grabbed Li Hong's collar with such force that he almost strangled him to death.

 “You, hurry up and let go.”

Li Hong’s feet left the ground, his face suddenly lost all color, and the veins on his neck were exposed.

 He was almost out of breath.

 Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Shan Mingxi looked like he was crazy, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "The labor and management **** want you to die!"

“You beast, you still have the nerve to let us stop? Who the **** gave you the face?! Huh?”

“Why the **** didn’t you think enough was enough when you were always messing with my mother and then abandoned her?”

“How come you didn’t think enough was enough when you abandoned us?”

“Why didn’t you think enough was enough when you killed my sister?”

 The questions were asked hoarsely, hitting everyone's heart like a bomb.

Especially the last sentence, everyone was stunned.

Shan Mingxi spat and let go of him suddenly.

Li Hong fell to the ground with a look of horror on his face, looking dazed.

What is he saying?

 What killed his sister?

Before he could think about it, he grabbed his collar again.

Shan Mingxi just took off his suit jacket and folded the sleeves up twice, revealing his strong forearms.

“If labor and management don’t beat you to death today, labor and management will not be men!”

As he spoke, he clenched his right hand and punched Li Hong in the abdomen. The position is precise and the strength is not restrained.

 This is the effect after being trained by Li Jiu.

 One move can kill someone.

He heard a clear click, and severe pain hit him. Li Hong groaned, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  Ribs, broken.

Shan Mingxi punched him again, hitting him directly in the eye socket.

 “Fuck you!”

 “Beasts! Scum! Scum! Labor and management will do justice for God today.”

Everyone was shocked on the spot and could not make any reaction. They could only watch the scene in front of them of the son beating his father.

Seeing that Li Hong was about to be interrupted by Shan Mingxi, Shan's mother frowned and quickly stopped him: "Mingxi, that's enough, let's kill another person."

 “If someone’s life is saved, someone’s life will be saved!”

Shan Mingxi has obviously lost his mind and refuses to listen to dissuasion at all.

Mr. Li quickly tapped the ground with his crutch, "Why are you standing there in a daze? Come up and pull away!"

If this kid keeps hitting him, something will happen!

Everyone was stunned and immediately stepped forward to pull him away.

But once Shan Mingxi goes crazy, most people can't stop him at all, and Li Muye almost fell into trouble because of this.

 “I’ll go!” Li Muye doubted his life, “Why is he so strong?”

 In the end, it was Li Jiuba who pulled everyone away, stepped forward to stand in front of Shan Mingxi, and easily received his punch.

"have you had enough?"

Seeing that it was Li Jiu, Shan Mingxi calmed down for a moment.

 “Sister, get out of the way.”

Li Jiu said calmly: "Can killing him solve the problem?"

She hummed softly and turned slightly.

 “Then continue.”

 Everyone: “.”

 Are you here to have a fight, or are you here to watch a show?

Just when they were afraid that Shan Mingxi would kill Li Hong impulsively, he gradually calmed down.

ˆ “.”

 This is all okay?

 (End of this chapter)

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