She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 459: murderer!

 Chapter 459 Murderer!

Li Jiu turned around and looked at the embarrassed Li Hong, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"You don't have to worry about getting your hands dirty when you fight this kind of beast."

“Hmph, it’s easy for him.” Shan Mingxi glanced at him with disgust, as if he was looking at some rubbish.

Just beating him up will not go away the hatred in your heart.

Li Hong collapsed on the ground, curled up, his expression was extremely painful and miserable, his face turned pale, and big cold sweat dripped to the ground. He covered his abdomen and couldn't say a word. His eyes were bruised and his eyes were almost blurry.

 Xu Su and Li Yun looked horrified when they saw his miserable state, and rushed to his side.



The two of them were crying and checking Li Hong's injuries, sobbing and out of breath.

“Call an ambulance quickly! Didn’t you see that my father was about to faint?” Li Yun shouted sharply to the people around him.

However, no one paid attention to her.

Everyone can see that the only people present who can make the decision are Mr. Li and Li Jiu.

Who among the others dares to take the initiative to make a fuss?

 Hence, even if Li Hong was about to be beaten to death at this moment, everyone still chose to stand by and watch.

 Extremely indifferent.

Li Yun was about to collapse. She stumbled to her feet, her eyes full of hatred, and she looked at Shan Mingxi, "This is your father, how could you do such a cruel thing?"

"Even if Dad keeps ignoring you, you can't do such a rebellious thing!"

"Yes." Xu Su also agreed. She bit her lip and glared at Shan Mingxi, "You are so cruel. How could Ahong have a son like you?!"

After saying that, she turned her attention to the single mother again and sneered: "Sure enough, what kind of son can be raised by anyone? A mistress will raise a child who is nothing at all!"

Shan Mingxi's eyes sharpened, and the air pressure in his body dropped rapidly. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to teach them a lesson.

But he was stopped by Li Jiu.

 He looked at Li Jiu in surprise, not knowing why.

Li Jiu gave him a look, telling him to calm down, then turned to look at Xu Su, with a cold and sarcastic curve on his lips: "What kind of child does someone teach?"

She smiled playfully, her eyes particularly mocking and cold.

“I don’t know Mrs. Li, you have taught a murderer, what kind of person are you?”

Xu Su's pupils shrank suddenly and her voice was sharp: "What are you talking about?!"

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, pointed at Li Yun casually, and dropped another bombshell.

"Li Yun, together with his accomplices, planned to **** and murder a female college student five years ago. Afterwards, he used Li Hong's power to calm the matter, trying to cover up the truth, driving the victim's family out of the imperial capital, and threatening them."

 The whole place was silent again.

Mr. Li and Li Chen both changed their expressions, and their eyes fell on Li Yun at the same time, their expressions condensed.

Li Yun's face suddenly turned pale.

She took two steps back in horror, barely holding herself steady and forcing herself to calm down.

" are talking nonsense, I didn't, you are slandering me!"

Comparing to Li Hong just now, she is indeed much calmer. Even though she is sweating from behind, her brain is still spinning rapidly, thinking about countermeasures.

Li Yun said in a barely calm tone: "You just slandered my father, and now you are throwing dirty water on me. Li Jiu, since you are not from our Li family, you are still here to frame us with nothing. What are you worried about?" Her eyes seemed to be looking at Mr. Li unintentionally, but the latter didn't look at her at all.

Li Yun bit his lip and cursed secretly in his heart.

The old man is really stubborn. This unknown Li Jiu has dealt with the Li family so openly, but he still doesn't react at all!

What a waste!

Li Yun's hands hanging by his sides were clenched into fists, and his heart could not help but rise.

Just now she heard Li Jiu mention this incident, and her heart actually trembled. But after she calmed down, she realized that five years had passed since the incident, and it was impossible to find out anything.

Li Jiu said this, which sounded quite bluffing at first, but he was definitely deceiving her.

 Besides, she did it very covertly and basically didn’t interfere. At most, she just lured the girl there, and she didn’t participate in the rest of the matter at all.

 No matter what, this basin of dirty water cannot be poured on her head.

 That's right, she will never be involved in this matter!

Li Jiu chuckled: "It seems that Miss Li, like your father, never sheds tears before seeing the coffin."

Li Yun clenched his hands tighter, his nails digging into his flesh so hard that he almost bled.

“Li, Jiu! Even if I really kill someone, what does it have to do with you?!”

 Why does she insist on keeping an eye on their house?

Li Jiu raised her lips: "How come it doesn't matter? That girl is Shan Mingxi's biological sister, oh, she is also your biological sister, Mr. Li's biological daughter, Shan Mingya."

At this moment, Li Yun could no longer hold back his calm expression, and his voice broke: "What?!"

How? How could it happen?

If she remembered correctly, she was just a female college student from a poor ravine.

 How could it be related to their family?

 So I have to say that everything is fate, but sometimes it is all bad fate.

Mr. Li suffered too many blows tonight. His eyesight turned black and he almost lost his balance.

 He ​​had doubts in his heart just now, why Xiaojiu mentioned that Li Hong had an illegitimate daughter, but she was never seen from the beginning to the end.

 It turns out that this is the reason!

His crutch hit the ground heavily, and his tone was sad and sad: "You have committed evil!"

 “You are really committing evil!”

These evil obstacles, evil obstacles!

Mr. Li looked at Shan's mother and Shan Mingxi apologetically. He also dreamed that this child could recognize his ancestors.

Now it seems that as long as he doesn't harm the Li family, everyone will really be happy.

Li Chen and Li Muye also looked extremely ugly.

They never thought that one day, someone in their own family would be killed!

Mr. Li closed his eyes as if accepting his fate: "Xiaojiu, tell me, I want to see what is going on!"

 “That’s a long story.”

Li Jiu walked up to Shan's mother, patted her slightly trembling shoulder to comfort her, opened her lips and said slowly: "Back then, I was saved by Aunt Shan because I was injured, and I learned about my grudge against Li Hong from her mouth."

“Back then, Aunt Shan had a good relationship with Li Hong for a while, and then she returned to her hometown. After returning, she found out that she was pregnant.”

At that time, D City was very backward, and aborting an abortion required a large amount of money. Naturally, a single mother could not afford it, and was reluctant to abort the child, so she endured the criticism of the villagers and gave birth to the child.

  Even though the mother and son were subject to a lot of rumors, they lived a relatively comfortable life.

The single mother supports Shan Mingxi and Shan Mingya's siblings in their studies by herself, hoping that they will get ahead without having to live the same miserable life as herself.

Until one day, Shan Mingya received the admission notice from Dijing.

 (End of this chapter)

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