She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 460: The truth back then

Chapter 460 The truth of the year

The Imperial Capital was a place full of bad memories. Naturally, Shan’s mother didn’t want Shan Mingya to go there, but seeing her daughter’s eagerness for knowledge, she never had the heart to refuse.

Before leaving, Shan's mother worriedly gave Shan Mingya a rest all night, fearing that she would follow her own path.

Who knows, Shan Mingya suddenly asked: "Mom, is my dad... in the Imperial Capital?"

Sudden mother's hands shook and she broke a cup.

She didn't know why her daughter suddenly asked about Li Hong. She had been avoiding this question for so many years, and the siblings were born well-behaved and sensible, so they didn't ask deliberately.

She thought she could escape for the rest of her life, but who knew that Shan Mingya would ask the question without any warning.

 Suddenly, something flashed through Shan's mind. She immediately stood up and asked, "Is this why you got admitted to the university in Dijing?"

Shan Mingya didn't say anything, but she knew it was acquiescence.

  In order to find the biological father who abandoned his children, she chose to go to the distant Imperial Capital.

Shan Mingya didn’t really want to recognize her biological father. In fact, since Shan’s mother had kept it secret from them for so many years, she knew very well that her father probably already had a family.

It doesn’t matter.

She just wanted to seek justice, to ask him why he had abandoned them for so many years, and to ask him if he knew what a single mother had suffered over the years.

 After asking these questions, she will no longer disturb him and completely disappear from his life.

However, what Shan Mingya didn't expect was that Shan's mother would be so excited after learning her thoughts. Not only did she not agree with her going to the Imperial Capital, she even hid her ID card and admission notice.

She wanted to use this to dispel her daughter's thoughts, but unexpectedly, none of this could trap Shan Mingya. She stole all the things in the middle of the night and got on the train to the Imperial Capital overnight.

 After the single mother learned everything, she had successfully moved into the university dormitory.

Shan Mingya has always had a hot temper, and she is at a rebellious age. She will never give up easily if she makes up her mind to do something.

She originally thought of settling down in the Imperial Capital first, and then finding a way to find Li Hong when the time was right.

Unexpectedly, before Shan Mingya's plan could be implemented, she met Li Yun and became her roommate, and there were some minor frictions.

Li Yun was angry because of this. At a party, she saw that the fox friends looked obviously wrong, and suddenly she had a plan in mind and called Shan Mingya over temporarily.

Later, when those people saw Shan Mingya's beauty, they had evil thoughts and drugged her to stun her.

When Shan Mingya woke up, she found that she had been ruined and she immediately collapsed and shouted to call the police.

Those dandy boys all had powerful families, and they were afraid that this matter would be exposed and affect them, so they simply killed Shan Mingya directly, faked the scene of an accidental death, and spent money to call the police station. People, this matter has just ended.

The single mother’s tears couldn’t stop flowing. Every time she mentioned this incident, she was heartbroken.

“After Mingxi and I received the notice from the police station to claim the body, we rushed to Dijing. The moment we saw the body, I almost fainted on the spot.”

 Speaking, Shan’s mother buried her face in her palms and sobbed.

Shan Mingxi patted her shoulder lightly and continued: "At that time, I always felt that my sister's death was not an accident. After many inquiries, I finally learned that it was probably related to Li Yun!"

Shan Mingxi gritted his molars and looked at Li Yun, wishing he could kill her on the spot.

"However, when we wanted to investigate the real cause of my sister's death, we were threatened by the Li family." Mr. Li's eyes darkened, and his face was filled with dark clouds and a storm was coming: "You mean threats?"

Shan Mingxi nodded: "Yes."

He chuckled: "I think it was Li Hong's handiwork. Old man, you shouldn't do such a derogatory thing."

Mr. Li's face became even more ugly. He looked at Li Hong and Li Yun coldly and said in a gloomy tone, "Go on."

"Later, we were kicked out of the Imperial Capital. Because of the threats from those people from time to time, and the news of my sister's death, my mother became sick with worry. In the end, we had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​seeking revenge for our sister, and returned to City D to give our mother first Cure."

“Furthermore, you all know that my mother accidentally saved Sister Li Jiu’s life. After hearing about this incident, she promised to help us take revenge in return for saving her life.”

Shan Mingxi finished his last word, and the whole place fell into silence.

Li Yun’s eyes were filled with shock.

 “No…impossible, no way, I don’t know she is…”

Mr. Li's body pressure suddenly dropped, and finally he couldn't help it, and burst out: "You bastard!"

He threw his crutch over and roared: "You are worse than animals!"

 The wooden crutch fell heavily beside him, making a heavy sound.

Li Yun was trembling with fright, and she was covered in cold sweat. Her pupils were constricted, and the last trace of blood on her face had faded away.

Mr. Li pointed at her and then at Li Hong who was lying on the ground: "Okay, you guys, you have done so much without telling me, an old man, and you have used so many tricks for so many years. You guys, you are really good!"

He was so angry that he couldn't breathe evenly. When the momentum that had accumulated over the years broke out, it was beyond the ability of ordinary people. Almost everyone was shocked by his anger and was stunned and at a loss.

“It’s also my fault. I have been focusing on enjoying my own happiness these years and not caring about other things at all. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have let you take advantage of such a big loophole!”

Mr. Li looked at Li Hong with disappointed eyes: "I asked you to be the head of the Li family in the first place, just because your eldest brother left and I got old. The Li family needs a new pillar of support, but look! You all What have you done!"

He pointed at Li Yun, who looked pale, and said angrily: "Look at the good daughter you raised! For a little friction, you can kill others, and you are so evil-hearted. How come we have two pigs and dogs like you in our Li family?" An inferior beast!"

Li Yun seemed to have just come to his senses and quickly defended: "No, no, grandpa, I didn't!"

Her eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, and turned to look at Li Jiu: "You have no evidence to prove that I participated in the killing of Shan Mingya. She was killed by those playboys. What does it have to do with me?"

Li Jiu raised his lips and smiled, "Unfortunately, someone installed a camera in the bar box back then. The boss originally planned to use it to peek and commit mischief, but who knew that all your actions were recorded."

"including you."

Li Yun's body was unstable and he sat slumped on the ground.

Shan Mingxi snorted lightly when he saw this, "You thought you didn't leave any evidence back then, but if you look carefully, you will find that there are many flaws. The reason why we did not immediately expose your crime at that time was simply because we had no evidence in the Imperial Capital. We had no power, and you forced me and my mother to leave, so we had to give up.”

 But it’s different now. With Li Jiu helping them, what evidence is not at hand?

Li Jiu said calmly: "In addition to surveillance audio materials, there are also some other evidences. I have asked people to hand them over to the police. If you are interested in seeing them, you can go to the police station to enjoy them yourself. It's easy to go. Don’t send it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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