She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 461: they are not qualified

Chapter 461 They are not qualified

“Okay everyone, after talking so much, it should be enough.”

The middle-aged police officer who had been standing aside and acting as a background interrupted and said to Li Yun, who looked collapsed: "You are Miss Li Yun, right? I'm sorry, you are suspected of participating in a murder case. Please cooperate."

This time, in addition to taking away Li Hong, they also want to take away Li Yun.

 Since she appeared on her own, they were not polite.

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the two policemen behind him immediately picked her up.

When the cold, metallic handcuffs were put on his hands, Li Yun began to struggle desperately: "No! I won't go! I'm a pregnant woman, you can't do this to me!"

 Police: "Ms. Li, please cooperate."

 “I don’t want it! Let me go!”

Shan Mingxi and Shan's mother watched all this with cold eyes. Shan's mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a sad expression.

Even if she could see Xiaoya’s murderer brought to justice with her own eyes, she couldn’t get Xiaoya back.

After Mr. Li learned everything, he could no longer maintain his composure. The hand holding Li Muye kept shaking, and his mind was dizzy.

Li Yun killed his other granddaughter.

Li Hong actually helped Li Yun cover up his crime, and even did that kind of thing to Shan's mother and son in the name of the Li family.

 He really felt like his lungs were going to explode.

Mr. Li pointed at Li Yun and Li Hong. His face was livid with anger and he couldn't say anything.

 These two scum, beasts!

 What evil did he do to give birth to such a son?

 He actually thought about letting Li Hong go before, which is simply ridiculous!

If someone like Li Hong is let go, how can he have the face to face the ancestors of the Li family?

This scoundrel is simply a disgrace to the Li family!

Just when Mr. Li wanted to beat the unfilial son Li Hong to death with his own hands, Li Chen looked at Shan's mother and pondered for a moment, then walked forward and tentatively said: "Hello, Mrs. Shan? I'm sorry, our Li family You caused so much harm.”

Although he and Mr. Li did not know about the evil Li Hong had done, the harm to the Shan family's mother and son was always related to the Li family.

 This apology and compensation are necessary.

Shan's mother was slightly surprised for a moment and shook her head quickly: "These have nothing to do with you. I know that you were also kept in the dark by Li Hong." Although she was brooding about Xiaoya's death, she was not someone who would easily offend others.

Mr. Li and Li Chen did not know about this, and she would not vent her resentment on them.

Li Chen: "No matter what, we also have responsibilities."

He looked deeply at Shan Mingxi and sighed: "Although it's too much to say this, but... I still have a merciless request."

Li Chen paused, coughed slightly, and said, "I hope you can accept the compensation from our Li family. Whatever you want, please just ask and we will definitely satisfy you."


"I know that these are insignificant compared to the harm you have suffered, but... please let us do something, otherwise we will feel uneasy."

Shan Mingxi frowned: "But I don't want to..."

Li Chen: "After all, you should be a child of the Li family. This is what we owe you."

 The belated compensation for being owed more than 20 years.

 Although it is too late, it is better than nothing.

At this time, Mr. Li also said: "Yes, this is all what the Li family owes you. The Li family has been given to you by Xiaojiu. I am embarrassed to take this as compensation anymore. So, my son, you If you want anything else, just say it and we will definitely satisfy you.”

 He really felt sorry for this child. When he thought of his grandson living outside and suffering so much, he also had a granddaughter...

 He felt as if a piece of flesh had been cut off from his heart.

 He wanted to try his best to make up for this child and wanted to recognize him back to the Li family.

 But he didn’t dare, and he didn’t have the nerve.

Li Hong has done so many unforgivable wrong things, so what qualifications do they have to let Shan Mingxi recognize his ancestor?

 (End of this chapter)

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