She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 462: bastard

Chapter 462 Wild Species

 Shan Mu and Shan Mingxi both looked a bit unnatural.

 They just want Li Hong and his daughter to pay the price they deserve. As for the rest of the Li family...

To be honest, they don’t know how to face it.

Shan Mingxi clenched his fists, raised his head and said, "No need, we just want Li Hong and his daughter to get retribution. As for compensation... you don't owe me anything, I don't need it."


Li Chen wanted to say something else, but he was stopped by Mr. Li.

Mr. Li: "Forget it, let them go."

He took a deep look at Shan Mingxi and said, "Son, if you don't want to, I won't force you, but if you need any help, you can just ask in the future."

Shan Mingxi’s eyes flickered and he nodded.

While the few of them were talking, Li Yun was still struggling desperately, as if he was determined to die and refused to leave.

 “I won’t go! I don’t want to go, Mom, save me!”

She desperately reached out to Xu Su. Xu Su stumbled to his feet, cried and threw himself at her, shouting desperately: "Yun'er!"

 “Don’t take her away, I beg you! She’s still pregnant!”

At this time, she had completely ignored what Li Hong and Li Yun had done. She only thought that her daughter could not be taken away like this, otherwise, she would be completely destroyed.

On the other side, Li Hong was also picked up and led out together with Li Yun.

Seeing this, Xu Su cried even harder: "Husband!"

 With her daughter on one side and her husband on the other, Xu Su couldn't look at both sides at all.

As a last resort, she had no choice but to turn around, kneel down in front of Li Jiu with a plop, and begged: "I beg you, I beg you, let them go?"

"Even if, even if they made a huge mistake, you...can you let them go for the sake of the past?" Xu Su cried so hard that his voice was broken and miserable.

Li Jiu didn't react at all, and said in a playful tone: "Favor? Mrs. Xu is really good at joking."

  She took two steps back, as if she was disgusted by being even remotely close to her.

 “I don’t have any sympathy with you.”

Li Jiu's cold and indifferent tone was like a sharp knife piercing Xu Su's heart, and her face suddenly lost all color.

Xu Su turned to Mr. Li to plead for mercy: "Old man, Ahong is your biological son, and Yun'er is your biological granddaughter. No matter what, they are related by blood. Can you save them?!"

Looking at her desperate expression, Mr. Li couldn't bear to close his eyes and sighed: "They all asked for it, what can I do?"

 In front of so many people, even if he wanted to cover up, it would be impossible.

Upon hearing this, Xu Su collapsed on the ground, her face completely gloomy, and her eyes were full of despair and gloom.

Li Chen looked on, somewhat unbearably, and said, "Makino, please help your second aunt to have a rest first."

Li Muye nodded: "Okay."

Unexpectedly, just as his hand was about to touch Xu Su, she pushed him away.

"Do not touch me!"

The originally dignified and elegant hairstyle has been spread out, and all the makeup on her face has been smeared. A few strands of foundation are stuck to her forehead, and her face is bloodless, like a female ghost seeking her life.

Xu Su raised her eyes and glanced at them coldly, her eyes filled with resentment and gloominess. She pointed at them and said word by word: "You are so cruel!"

  "What Li family! Why don't you sacrifice my husband and daughter to protect yourself when something like this happens!"

She looked at Mr. Li angrily: "Why don't you save them? For so many years, your good son has only thought about that woman, but has he ever cared about this family? Isn't it all Ahong's wholehearted effort?"

"It's okay now, Li Chen is back, why are you so anxious to dismount Ahong and make way for him?!" Mr. Li's face darkened, "What are you talking about?"

"Did I said wrong thing?!"

Xu Su's eyes were scarlet and she suddenly pointed at Li Jiu, "This **** has nothing to do with the Li family, but you let her frame A Hong like this, old man! Do you have any intention!"


"Shut up!"

Hearing Xu Su scolding Mr. Li, several people present changed their expressions. Li Chen and Li Muye scolded her in unison.

As for Li Jiu, after she finished speaking, her breath suddenly became cold, and she came to Xu Su at a speed that no one could see clearly. He pinched her neck hard and almost lifted her into the air.

Li Jiu’s eyes were stern, and his breath was cold and frightening. He said word by word, “Say it again?”

Xu Su was choked by her and couldn't breathe. Her face was red and the veins on her neck were exposed, but she still gritted her teeth and spoke hard, looking like she was breaking a jar.

 Since this is already the case, what is she still afraid of?

"Did I say something wrong? Li Jiu, you are a bitch! A scourge! The broom star! As soon as you come to the Li family, you will be obsessed with everyone. The old man only favors you, why do you!"

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes dangerously, his murderous intention gradually revealed, and the strength in his hand became a little stronger.

Xu Su's face turned from red to bluish-white. A suffocating fear suddenly surged into his heart, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

"Just...even if Ah Hong and Yun'er really did something wrong, you shouldn't be the one to expose them. Who do you think you are and what qualifications do you have?!"

Li Jiu smiled: "Oh? You mean, it's all my fault in the end?"

"It's your fault! You **** who came out of nowhere! Why should you care about our Li family's affairs!"

The atmosphere suddenly palpitated.

"Fuck! Is this Xu Su sick?" Qi Sijin suddenly cursed.

 He looked at Li Jiu with some worry.

 What I said just now is really stepping into the boss's minefield.

Qi Mowei didn't know why, so she looked at him curiously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qi Sijin closed her eyes, suppressed the thought in her heart of rushing to kill Xu Su, slightly pulled her lips, and said: "It's okay, I just can't get angry."

 Lu Qingran nodded in agreement: "Yes, this Xu Su is too annoying."

 He couldn't stand it anymore.

How shameless!

Behind him, Ning Feng quickly pressed Bai Muyou's hand and said in the voice of only the two of them: "Sister! Calm down!"

Bai Muyou: "Calm down! Don't stop me, I'm going to **** kill that woman!"

Ning Feng was so angry that he clenched his fists, but his reason defeated his impulse, "Sister, Young Master Bai is still here, don't reveal the truth!"

At the mention of Bai Yuxiu, Bai Muyou finally regained some composure, but the murderous intent in his eyes still did not go away.

She gritted her teeth and cursed: "Fuck her! She'd better pray that she doesn't fall into my hands in this life!"

 Otherwise, she must teach this woman how to behave!

Everyone in the second team doesn't know that their eldest son, Li Jiu, was raised by the president of the association after his mother was seriously injured and turned into a vegetative state. His father is unknown and his life experience is a mystery.

 The word "bastard" is what I hate the most in my life.

This is great, Xu Su has trampled all the boss's minefields.

  How can you be so mean!

 (End of this chapter)

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