She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 463: Bai Muyou: Is it bad luck?

Chapter 463 Bai Muyou: Is it bad luck?

Bai Muyou could barely restrain his murderous intention.

 What is Xu Su! How dare you call Li Jiu a bastard?

 She deserves it too!

“Okay sister, don’t get excited, don’t get excited! There are still people here, please be restrained, don’t freeze the surrounding ten miles into ice sculptures!”

Ning Feng knew very well that Bai Muyou's powers had been out of control lately and his mental power was often leaked. He was a level 2S power user with an ice ability. He could quickly freeze everyone present into sculptures with a single slide of his hand.

 Except them, of course.

 …The picture was so shocking that he could not imagine it.

  It would be a minor offense to be arrested by the Special Administration Bureau.

The most serious consequence is that the ability is disabled and expelled from the association!

Ning Feng desperately pulled Bai Muyou's arm, took out a black bracelet and put it on her hand.

 After doing all this, he reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, he was prepared and kept the suppression bracelet on him.

With this on, even if a person with superpowers is standing next to them, they will never notice a trace of mental power.

However, Bai Yuxiu still sensed something strange, frowned, and asked Lu Qingran in a low voice: "Have you noticed anything wrong?"

Lu Qingran: "No, what's wrong?"

Bai Yuxiu frowned even more, "I seemed to have sensed... spiritual power just now?"


Lu Qingran's eyes almost popped out of his head. He quickly looked behind him and saw that no one heard him. He suddenly pulled him aside and growled: "You are crazy! You are saying this on such an occasion?!"

 “I really felt it just now.”

Lu Qingran said resolutely: "Illusion!"

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

 “Are you kidding? There are all ordinary people here, where do they get their mental strength?”

Lu Qingran suddenly narrowed her eyes: "Or do you think there are people with superpowers around us?"

Bai Yuxiu was silent for a moment, then turned back and looked around. Beside him are Qi Mowei and Qi Sijin.

 Behind him are Bai Muyou and Ning Feng.


Bai Yuxiu pondered for a moment and felt that he was hallucinating.

Seeing the self-doubt on his face, Lu Qingran laughed and said, "Okay, Lao Bai, I know that your mental power has recently reached a critical level and you are about to break through, but there is no need to be suspicious, right?"

“This is the Imperial Capital, a key surveillance area of ​​the Special Administrative Bureau, and all people with superpowers are registered. Who dares to reveal his spiritual power in broad daylight if he doesn’t care about his life?”

What's more, the Special Administration Bureau of Imperial Capital belongs directly to their team.

 Is the reputation of a team of cold-faced kings of **** in vain?

  There are simply not many associations with superpowers who dare to take the initiative to die and provoke the Special Administration Bureau.

Bai Yuxiu was finally convinced by him and gave up his doubts.

 Lu Qingran didn’t realize that the “few few” he said did not include Bai Muyou and others.

Even if Bai Yuxiu wanted to break his head at this moment, he would never have thought that his good sister would almost have her supernatural powers leaked under his nose.

 Bai Muyou, who had no idea that he had escaped, finally calmed down, and while adjusting his sleeves that were wrinkled by Ning Feng, he snorted: "The fate of Li Hong's family is really easy for them!"

 In the past, they would have been killed long ago.

Ning Feng: "Don't worry, the boss won't let her go."

Bai Muyou raised his hand, looked at the bracelet with disgust, and asked, "Why are you still carrying this with you? Is it bad luck?"

To those with special powers, suppression bracelets are like handcuffs for ordinary people... which is what Li Hong and Li Yun are wearing at the moment.

Especially offensive to people.

Ning Feng sighed: "There is no way. Before Seventh Sister can research the medicine, you can only wear this just in case."

Bai Muyou: “…” is about to start, and I also have homework to make up, so...don't rush me, wait until I finish cleaning up the little devil with homework, and then I'll pamper you, be good~



 (End of this chapter)

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