She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 475: He was indeed bribed by Qi Jingci

Chapter 475 He was indeed bribed by Qi Jingci

Li Chen glanced at him coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up!"

Whose son is this brat?

Li Muye curled his lips and muttered: "I'm not wrong."

Li Chen: “…”

 Forget it, let’s throw this son away.

Seeing that the father and son were about to quarrel, Mr. Li stopped them at the right time: "Stop it, we are such big people."

The same goes for Ah Chen. He usually has a calm temperament, but he always gets into arguments with Makino. I really don’t know what to say to him.

Mr. Li shook his head in a funny way. Seeing that Li Chen's mood improved a lot, he felt relieved.

“Ah Shen, don’t get into trouble with Ah Ci. It’s a good thing that the two of them have a good relationship.”

He also saw that Li Chen felt uncomfortable because Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were too close.

It’s no wonder that anyone’s daughter will not feel good if she just recognizes her daughter and finds out that she belongs to someone else’s family.

A smile appeared on Mr. Li's face: "Aci is my grandson-in-law who I personally selected. Aren't you still relieved?"

"Dad, this is not a matter of being at ease." Li Chen looked at him helplessly, "I...I just can't bear to part with you."

His daughter had just been found, and in the blink of an eye she belonged to someone else's family, and he was feeling suffocated and had nowhere to vent his anger.

When Li Muye heard this, he couldn't help but say: "Dad, even if you are reluctant to let go now, it will not help. Xiaojiu is already engaged."


Li Chen wished he could shoot him to death on the spot.

 “Which side are you on?”

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Muye quickly dodged to a distance and sneered: "I remain neutral."

Seeing that Li Chen was so angry that he didn't speak, he spoke again: "Dad, don't forget, you have personally acknowledged Master Qi's identity before. He should be considered my brother-in-law now, right?"

 “Brother-in-law! Get out of here!”

As soon as he heard the word brother-in-law, Li Chen exploded instantly. He picked up the pillow on the hospital bed and threw it at him, roaring angrily.

 This is a piece of cake!

Now he has every reason to doubt whether this kid is taking Qi Jingci's favor to speak for outsiders so much.

Li Muye caught the pillow with quick hands, laughed twice, and immediately surrendered: "Yes, yes, I was wrong, get out now."

 After saying that, he actually went out and closed the door behind him.

The single mother couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing. Haven't you noticed before that the Li family is so interesting?

The way this family gets along is so enviable.

After Li Chen vented his anger at Li Muye, he realized that there were other people in the ward, and immediately coughed twice in embarrassment: "Sorry, we are rude."

"It's okay," Shan Mingxi waved his hand, "We are here to disturb you."

Shan's mother also said: "Yes, I was just worried about Mr. Li's situation so I followed him, but I didn't expect to stay for so long."

 They are not very familiar with each other after all, so it may be inconvenient to stay here.

However, Mr. Li waved his hand and said, "No matter what, we are a family. Old man, I have to thank you for taking care of Xiaojiu for such a long time."

He knew a little about Li Jiu and the Shan family's mother and son, and knew that they had saved her. He was already very grateful, but he didn't expect that Shan Mingxi was actually his grandson.

This is so fateful.

 It’s just…

 A trace of deep meaning flashed across Mr. Li's eyes.

 Judging from the child's attitude, he is not willing to accept them yet. He always maintains a certain boundary with them and refuses to go beyond it. They are obviously a family related by blood, but they are like strangers.

 He sighed quietly in his heart.

 Take your time, after all, the Li family owes them something, and they will make up for it little by little in the future.

“Old man, you are serious. We only helped Xiaojiu once, and she basically helped us the rest of the time.”

The single mother's tone was a little ashamed, but that was indeed the case. Li Jiu had helped them far more than he had saved their lives back then.

Speaking of this, Li pondered for a moment, looked at Shan's mother thoughtfully, and suddenly asked: "I don't know... can you tell me about Xiaojiu in recent years? I want to know more about her."

Shan’s mother’s eyes lit up and she immediately agreed: “Okay!”

  What she likes most is to tell others about her and Xiaojiu’s past.

 In the ward, everyone began to chat about some of Li Jiu’s past.

Outside the ward, Li Muye was leaning against the wall casually, playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

Li Chen was right about what he said just now. He was indeed bribed by Qi Jingci.

     Brother-in-law, I have done all I can to help Dad, the rest is up to you. ]

After a while, Qi Jingci replied to him: [Yeah. ]

   Let's update this for today. My aunt is here. My back is sore. I will update more tomorrow during the Lantern Festival.



 (End of this chapter)

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