She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 476: Big guy from headquarters

Chapter 476 The big boss from the headquarters

Li Jiu noticed that he was not moving, so he turned his head and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Qi Jingci took back his cell phone and said, "Break into the enemy."


 He smiled mysteriously: "Nothing."

Some time ago, he happened to meet Li Muye several times. He learned that the latter was very busy trying to attract investment, so he helped him out.

Li Muye felt that he owed a favor and promised to come to him if he needed help in the future.

I never expected that this favor would have to be repaid so soon.

Li Jiu glanced at him inexplicably and didn't ask any more questions.

There was a moment of silence in the elevator.

Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu's profile, narrowed his eyes, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Do you have anything else to do next?"


MZ's matter has been taken care of, and Li Chen is fine. She will indeed have nothing to do and will be very free.

Qi Jingci raised a smile on his lips, leaned close to her ear, and suggested in a low voice: "How about... let's go on a date?"

Calculating carefully, it seems that they have not had a formal date since their relationship was confirmed. It happened that she was in a low mood recently, so it would be good to take her out for a walk.

Li Jiu raised his eyes in surprise: "Are you very free?"

As far as she knows, SR is usually very busy. Even employees on vacation have to work overtime. Everyone is complaining and wants to jump off the top floor of SR on the spot to relieve all their worries.

The cause of all this was Mr. Qi standing in front of her - someone who skipped work all day long, doubling the work of his employees.

If he had been born in ancient times, he would have been a tyrant.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows and said without blushing, "I'm really free."

 Li Jiu: “…”

Sooner or later, SR’s employees would collectively find a rope in front of him and hang themselves.

She even thought that it would be better to recruit SR employees to MZ.

 Influenced by a certain big boss who often skipped work, she now felt aggrieved that SR employees were doing the work of three people for one salary.

Qi Jingci didn't know what was going on in Li Jiu's mind. He looked at her thoughtful expression and thought she didn't want to. He put his hand on her shoulder and said in a low tone: "Jiujiu, we haven't even had a good date. Woolen cloth."


Li Jiu met his gaze expressionlessly. After a few seconds, he finally couldn't help but let go: "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was hugged into his arms.

Qi Jingci’s lips curved in pleasure, “Well, give me a hug to celebrate our official date.”


 She wanted to hit someone.


 On the other side, Dijing Airport.

Walking through the crowded crowd, Mia pushed the suitcase with one hand and looked down at the messages on her phone. She had a pair of sunglasses on her nose, and the lower half of her face was completely covered by a mask. She was fully armed, but she didn't know that It's more like a celebrity showing up at the airport, attracting frequent glances from people around.

 She seemed completely unaware of the sights around her, focusing solely on her mobile phone.

The next moment, Mia couldn't bear it any longer. She gritted her teeth and looked at the navigation on her phone, her heart almost breaking.

What is this navigation all about?

 She has never been to Imperial Capital before, so she doesn’t know the way.

I wanted to inform Li Yan to pick up the aircraft before, but after passing the video that night, she couldn't wait to hide from Li Yan immediately, how could she go to her eyes.

If the other people in the second team were informed, Li Jiu would definitely know, and he would still not be able to escape by then.

Mia scratched her hair irritably, raised her head and looked around, not knowing what to do.


Mia's eyes suddenly lit up as she remembered something.

There is also Qi Jingci, he is also in the imperial capital.

A smile appeared on her lips, she quickly took out her phone and found his contact information in the corner of her address book.


However, after calling three times, I was hung up mercilessly. Over there, Qi Jingci and Li Jiu found a couple's restaurant. As soon as they sat down, someone called to ruin the atmosphere.

Seeing him frowning and refusing three times with a cold face, Li Jiu couldn't help but said: "Why don't you just accept it, what if there is something important?"

Qi Jingci: “No note, maybe it’s a harassing call, a sales promotion.”


  Mi·Forced to Sell·Ya had a sullen face, desperately resisting the urge to get angry in public.

 It’s okay now, she can’t contact anyone.

 Mia squatted down without tears, leaned against the suitcase, looked at the ceiling above her head, and asked questions deep in her soul.

How many days can a top-level street idiot survive in the huge Imperial Capital?

 Passers around saw a strange scene. A girl with a good figure and outstanding temperament, wearing sunglasses and a mask, squatted next to the suitcase in the middle of the airport hall.

 As more and more passers-by gathered to watch, the staff were finally attracted.

“Ma’am, may I help you?”

Mia sighed, "Lost."

The staff member was stunned for a moment, and then asked: " I need to call the police for help?"


Before she could respond, a person squeezed out of the crowd, panted and rushed to Mia, and said out of breath to the staff: "I, I am her friend, I came to pick her up, thank you. "

 The staff member looked at the visitor, his suit was straight and he looked like a serious man. To make sure nothing was missed, he lowered his head and asked: "Madam, is he your friend?"

Mia stood up from the ground, took off her sunglasses and mask, frowned amidst the stunned looks and gasps around her, and said, "Who are you?"

The man straightened his sleeves and stretched out his hand towards her: "Hello, Miss Mia, someone asked me to pick you up."

The moment he stretched out his hand, Mia's eyes inadvertently glanced at the bracelet on his wrist, and she suddenly felt clear.

 “Oh, that’s right, I understand.”

 She turned around and smiled brightly at the staff member: "He is my friend, thank you."

  The staff member was stunned on the spot, looking at her blankly.

 So beautiful. He has never seen such a beautiful person.

 She is fair-skinned, beautiful, and has an outstanding temperament, comparable to any star on TV.

No wonder you have to cover yourself up when going out. With a face like this, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation wherever you go.

 Realizing that he had been distracted by the surprise, the staff member immediately said sheepishly: "Sorry."

Mia raised her eyebrows and said in a light tone: "It's okay, I know I look good."


After the staff flushed and drove away the onlookers, Mia winked at the man, motioned for him to take the suitcase, and walked away.

 The man accepted his fate and became a coolie.

 The two of them left the airport one after another.

Mia walked in front on high heels and asked, "Who asked you to come?"

  The man said: "The boss's order."

He received a call from his boss personally this morning, saying that an order came from the association headquarters that a big shot would come to Dijing and asked him to come and pick him up.

As a junior employee at the lowest level of the Special Administration Bureau who had never met a big boss, he was anxious and nervous all morning and almost missed the time to pick up the plane.

 Fortunately, I finally got someone.

 “Who is your boss?”

 “Zou, Zou Ming.”

 Mia understands.

“Oh, Xiao Zou, that B-level earth-type psychic with mediocre qualifications?”


The boss can be regarded as one of the best combat power users in their special management bureau, but in her words, his qualifications are mediocre?

 Are all the big guys from the headquarters so awesome?

 (End of this chapter)

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