She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 481: Did you agree to be single together?

Chapter 481 Where are the people who agreed to be single together?

Mia's legs softened again and she almost fell to her knees.

 Does the president know?

 How did he know? When did you know this?

 Why doesn’t she know?

 She asked questions from the depths of her soul.

 “Yes, President, you know?!”

 Mia's pronunciation broke out on the last word, her expression as if she had seen a ghost.

 “Why didn’t you tell me?”

How could such a big thing be hidden from her?

Zhong Qing snorted coldly: "I just don't know. Where can I tell you?"

 He is still so angry that he has nowhere to vent his anger!

"These two bastards! They really know how to play! Do you think I am air?"

Mia was so frightened by his tone that she shrank.

The last time the president got into such a big fire, the person who offended him was directly thrown into the mountains and forests to fend for himself.

This time...

She raised her head and glanced at the two people not far away, and thought about it.

 A junior fellow apprentice and an apprentice got together, not only did they not tell him, but they kept it secret from him.

Well, it’s still the worst for him.

So, Mia cautiously asked: "Then... how about you put them two in solitary confinement?"

Zhongqing: "I'm afraid they will tear down the solitary room."


 This is really possible.

Mia clicked her tongue twice. Fate is really a **** thing. Usually the two of them would fight to the death in the association, but now they are kissing each other here.

 She looked disgusted.

Not far ahead, Li Jiu pushed Qi Jingci away, narrowed his eyes and warned: "Stay away from me, don't be clingy!"

When the latter heard this, his eyes suddenly darkened, "Jiujiu..."


Li Jiu gritted his teeth: "At least not on the street!"

People come and go, doesn’t she want to lose face?

Qi Jingci’s eyes lit up.

 So, does it mean that you can kiss as long as you are not on the street?

 He curled his lips with a happy expression: "Okay, I understand."

 You understand what the hell!

Li Jiu glared at him angrily.

 Suddenly, her eyes flashed, and she turned back suddenly as if she noticed something, frowning slightly.

 “What’s wrong?” Qi Jingci asked.

She looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary. She retracted her gaze and said, "It's nothing. I saw it wrong."

 Maybe it was an illusion, she always felt like someone was staring at her.

In the car, Mia, who had hid in time without being discovered, secretly raised her head and stretched out her hand to open the car window. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the two of them had gone away.

Ajiu’s insight is a little too sharp, right?

 Almost discovered!

“President, what should we do now?”

Mia hesitated for a moment, "Do you need help..."

Zhong Qing knew what she was going to say next and interrupted directly: "No need."

He snorted softly, "Since the two of them are having a good time, why do we go to take off his waistcoat without a wink?"


“Let them be, I want to see what kind of interesting scene it will be after their identities are exposed to each other.”

Zhong Qing sneered twice, his voice full of the meaning of watching a good show.

 Mia: “…”

She felt that the scenes at that time were not interesting and might even be a little bloody.

 The first team and the second team have a "bloody feud"!

 Normally when people from the two teams meet, they are eager to pounce on each other and bite each other. If they know that their captain is secretly involved with the enemy.

Then the ceiling of the association has to be lifted by them? !

 No, no, no!

 Mia shook her head violently.

 The president is right, let them go, don't reveal your identity too early, otherwise it will easily lead to murder. "I asked you to go investigate the Li family's affairs. You don't need to worry about the rest." Zhong Qing said.

  When mentioning the Li family, Mia suddenly realized something.

“By the way, President! Do you know that Ajiu is Li Chen’s daughter and Mr. Li’s biological granddaughter?”

Zhong Qing stood up suddenly, his brows furrowed, and his expression changed instantly: "What did you say?"

“The news in the Imperial Capital has gone crazy, and I just found out about it. I originally wanted to go find Ajiu to find out, but I bumped into the two of them on the road.”

Mia frowned and said, "President, what should we do now? Things seem to be getting more and more complicated."

Zhong Qing's expression was dark and unclear. It seems that when Qi Jingci asked him for help before, he did say that the affairs of the Li family were related to his fiancée.

 His fiancée...isn't she Xiaojiu?

 Li family, Mr. Li, Li Chen.

Zhong Qing narrowed his eyes, his eyes far away, as if he was thinking deeply about something.

 He remembered that Mr. Li seemed to be a collaborator.

And the Li family also participated in that incident back then...

 After thinking for a long time, he suddenly curled up his lips and said, "So that's it."

Mia is still confused: "Why is that so?"

 “It’s okay, don’t worry, things are getting easier.”

 “Then I still want to check?” Mia asked.

“Check, tell me immediately if you find any clues.”

Zhong Qing thought for a while and then said: "You should stay in the Imperial Capital during this period and don't come back. Stay with Jing Ci and Xiaojiu and don't let them find out."


 Mia feels that this task is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

“President, what kind of strength do they have? No matter how much I pretend, it won’t work. What’s more, they both know me. What if the situation gets out of control and a war comes early?”

  "This is not my business, but you should keep an eye on them."

 After saying that, Zhong Qing didn't care what her reaction was and hung up the phone directly.

 Mia looked at the hung up call, her eyes almost rolling out of her head.

  What is all this!

  She thought she could easily complete this simple task and have a wonderful holiday.

 As a result, the holiday just flew away from her.

 She gritted her teeth, sighed helplessly, and began to lower her head in thought, thinking of possible solutions.

 Suddenly, a person appeared in her mind.

 That’s right, why did you forget that person?

Mia raised the corners of her mouth slightly, looking through her address book with a happy expression.

 “Hello? Who is it?”

Ji Yunshu's lazily voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

Mia’s eyes curled up and she said sweetly: “Dear, it’s me.”


“Hmm, I’m here in the Imperial Capital. Are you surprised? Are you surprised?”

There was no movement over there.

 “Yun Shu?”

Suddenly, there was the sound of the rubbing of clothes coming from the mobile phone, and then, a hoarse and deep male voice said: "Ashu, whose call is it?"

 Mia's pupils suddenly dilated.

She suddenly raised her voice: "Ji Yunshu? Why do you have a man's voice there?"

Ji Yunshu was yelled at so much that her ears buzzed. She took the phone further away and said disgustedly: "My boyfriend, what's wrong?"

 Mia: “…”

What's wrong?

 You ask me what’s wrong?

 I asked you, what's going on with each of you?

Didn’t we agree to be single together? The results of it?

  After returning to Dijing, she couldn’t wait to find a boyfriend and fall in love. In the end, she was the only single one left.

How come the people in your second team are all, like, dogs?

Mia was so angry that she almost broke her teeth.

Second update, dedicated to the little cuties who will start school tomorrow, I love you~



 (End of this chapter)

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