She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 482: Ji Yunshu: This is my boyfriend

Chapter 482 Ji Yunshu: This is my boyfriend

Ji Yunshu turned to look at Li Tingzhi, who sat up from the sofa. The coat he had just put on him slipped off with the movement. His eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were green and black, and his expression showed a hint of exhaustion.

 He had just finished his mission and had not slept for half a month. When he came back, he planned to come to Ji Yunshu's place first and then return to Li's house.

Who would have known that such a big thing would happen in the Imperial Capital during his absence for a period of time.

Li Jiu is his biological sister?

After hearing the news, his mind exploded instantly, and he felt dizzy. Finally, he couldn't hold on anymore and passed out.

When Li Tingzhi woke up, he happened to hear Ji Yunshu talking to someone. He covered his still dizzy forehead and asked casually.

"you're awake?"

Ji Yunshu was attracted by his movement and said to Mia on the other side of the phone: "I have something else to do, so hang up first."

 After saying that, regardless of the reaction from the other side, he directly cut off the communication.

 Mia: “…”

Li Tingzhi pressed his forehead. The sofa was a bit small. Half of his body was numb from sleeping. Just when he wanted to stretch his limbs, he suddenly found that there were needles buried in the back of his hands.

"Don't move, I'll give you some nutrient solution."

Ji Yunshu saw him raising his hand to pull out the needle and quickly stepped forward to stop him.

Looking at his still bloodless face with a haggard look on his brows, she frowned slightly and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Hearing this, Li Tingzhi smiled, his voice a little weak: "Much better."

 After a good sleep, although my body is still very tired, my mental state is much better.

Ji Yunshu's frown relaxed, he sighed and said, "Don't be too excited."

The first thing he did when he came back was to find her. She was very happy at first, but then he fainted after looking at the hot searches on his phone, which made her worry all day long.


The smile on Li Tingzhi's lips gradually dropped, and his eyes were filled with unclear emotions, "I was just shocked, Ashu, what happened in the Imperial Capital while I was away?"

And could she be his biological sister?

Ji Yunshu lowered his eyes and told him all the recent events.

Li Tingzhi was silent for a long time after hearing this.

“It turns out that so many things have happened.” He sighed.

Ji Yunshu was afraid that he would continue to think wildly, so he lowered his head and pulled out the needle and said, "Don't think about this, go take a shower first."

 She turned around, put the things away, and threw a dry towel to him.

 “The bathroom is upstairs.”

Li Tingzhi's face stiffened and he glanced down. There were several holes in his military uniform, and there was mud on his trousers and hem. He was in a miserable state.

His expression was distorted for a moment. He hadn't washed himself in more than half a month, and he could even smell the rancid smell on his body.

I really don’t know how Ji Yunshu could hold back when he gave him the infusion just now.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the coat beside him. He was stunned for a moment, picked it up and asked, "Is this yours?"

Ji Yunshu glanced at it and hummed lightly.

his eyes flashed, a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly: "I'm dirty, your coat..."

 Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Yunshu.

"It's okay." She turned back to look at him, "Why don't you go quickly?"

Li Tingzhi stopped talking immediately, picked up a dry towel and went straight to the bathroom.

Ji Yunshu stayed where he was, meditating for a moment, and planned to make him a medicinal diet to replenish his body.

However, before she could make any move, there was a knock on the door of the clinic.

She opened the door, and standing outside the door was Mia, who had just finished talking to her on the phone, greeting her with a smile. "Hi!"

Ji Yunshu frowned, looked at her with cold eyes, and asked doubtfully: "How did you find this place?"

She has never told her the address here, and Mia is still a road addict. It is incredible that she can find her here accurately.

Mia took off her sunglasses, came in and sat on the sofa, crossed her legs, and explained to Ji Yunshu with a smile: "The first thing I learned when I came here was to ask for directions."

She shrugged and said, "I asked a passerby if there was any miraculous doctor here. What do you think he told me?"

Ji Yunshu raised his eyebrows, feeling that this was not a good thing.

She guessed right. Mia couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed: "Hahahaha, he said there is no miracle doctor, but there is a kind-hearted psychiatrist nearby. He is a famous interpreter. If you have any worries, just talk to her." Talking about it will make you feel better in an instant.”


Mia laughed so hard that her stomach ached, "When did you get the nickname Jieyuhua, Mr. Ghost Doctor?"

Ji Yunshu’s face turned completely dark.

 “Have you laughed enough?”


 Ji Yunshu: “…”

After appreciating her aggrieved expression with satisfaction, Mia's depressed mood suddenly improved a lot.

Ji Yunshu ignored her, gave her a cold look, walked straight to the kitchen, and started cleaning the vegetables.

Mia was not polite. She got up and walked around the clinic and asked curiously: "The man I just heard on the phone, where is your boyfriend?"

Shouldn’t the two of them be together just now?

 Why can’t I see anyone now?

Ji Yunshu focused his head on cutting vegetables, "Why are you asking him?"

“I’m curious.” Mia held the kitchen door, her eyes flashing, “What kind of man is it that makes you fall in love with me?”

 “Tell me? How did he catch you?”

Although she was very angry that Ji Yunshu and Li Jiu were dating behind her back, she was also very curious. Who could seduce Ji Yunshu, who was as cold as an iceberg?

Ji Yunshu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "That's how he repays his kindness."

Where is he chasing people? He was clearly forcing her to accept his promise.

 “Huh? Tell me quickly!”

Looking at her expression, Mia suddenly became more curious, and the spirit of gossip in her body burned brightly.

 Intuition told her that the story of these two people must be unusual.

 However, Ji Yunshu was not in the habit of sharing his relationship history with others, so he coldly rejected her: "No."

 Mia was immediately disappointed.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from upstairs.

Li Tingzhi had a towel hanging on his shoulders, and his hair was still wet with water drops, sliding down his collarbone and sinking into his collar.

Since Ji Yunshu didn't have any extra bath towels here, he could only wear the lining of his military uniform when he came out, hanging it loosely on his body, inadvertently revealing his strong and smooth lines.

Mia's eyes widened. She looked Li Tingzhi up and down, swallowed her saliva, her voice was trembling, "Yun, Yun Shu, is this... your boyfriend?"

Hearing what she said, Ji Yunshu immediately turned around and saw Li Tingzhi standing there in surprise. He was very surprised that a stranger suddenly appeared and asked her, "Ashu, is this your friend?"

Ji Yunshu nodded and introduced the two of them.

“This is my good friend Mia, who just came to Imperial Capital from abroad. Mia, this is my boyfriend, Li Tingzhi.”

 (End of this chapter)

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