She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 483: I need a favor from you

Chapter 483 I’m asking you for a favor

After the introduction, she went into the kitchen and was busy making medicinal recipes, leaving the two of them standing there looking at each other, at a loss.

Mia laughed dryly and said, "Hello, it's our first time meeting you."

 “Hello.” Li Tingzhi replied politely.

Although he and Ji Yunshu have been in a relationship for some time, because of his special status, he plans to make the relationship stable after a while before making it public. He has not yet formally introduced it to relatives and friends of both parties. This is the first time he has met Ji Yunshu's friend. His attitude Compared with being in front of his subordinates in the army, he was surprisingly gentle.

 After greeting each other, the atmosphere became silent.

Li Tingzhi was not a good talker to begin with, and it was the first time Mia met him. There was nothing to talk about, and the two of them were just in a stalemate, which was a little awkward.

 In the end, it was Mia who couldn't help it, coughed slightly, and broke the silence, " long have you and Ashu been together?"

  When Ji Yunshu was mentioned, his eyes softened subconsciously, "It's been a few months."

Mia said oh, and squeezed out a smile, but she secretly felt Ji Yunshu's villain in her heart.

 It’s been a few months!

 She doesn’t even know a shred of news!

 Sure enough, my wings have become stiff and my feelings for my natal family have weakened. I don’t even mention this kind of thing.

Li Tingzhi was keenly aware that after her words came out, her expression changed. There seemed to be a trace of...gnashing of teeth?

He looked confused for a moment, not knowing where he had offended her.

In order to leave a good impression during their first meeting, he decided not to take the initiative to speak in the future. If you talk too much, you will make mistakes, so it is better to be careful.

  Two people were sitting peacefully on the sofa. The distance between them could be separated by the Pacific Ocean. The desire to survive was very strong at first sight.

After a while, Li Tingzhi’s eyes fell on the busy figures in the kitchen, and he suddenly asked, “What is Ashu busy with?”

Mia lowered her head and played with her cell phone. She didn’t even raise her eyes when she heard this, and said, “I seem to be making some medicinal food for you to replenish your body.”

 At this point, she paused suddenly, stopped moving her hands, and looked at Li Tingzhi strangely.

 It doesn’t look like you need to replenish your body, does it?

  Could it be said that there is nothing more than gold and jade... cough cough cough.

 Mia was shocked by her own thoughts, and her expression suddenly became extremely weird.

  It should not be the case.

Then...could it be that he has been overworked recently and has kidney deficiency?

Mia touched her chin and glanced in the direction of Ji Yunshu, suddenly feeling that this was a very possible possibility.

After all, her Ashu looks cold and cold on the outside, but who knows if he’s like a wolf and a tiger on the inside?


Li Tingzhi's expression also twisted for a moment.

Since the two of them officially got together, Ji Yunshu has always thought of ways to make medicinal meals for him. One time, after returning from vacation, he gained a lot of weight and practiced hard for a week in private before he could get back to training.

 Since then, he has had a psychological shadow on medicated food.

Just when he was trying to find an excuse to slip away, Ji Yunshu came out with a bowl of steaming soup. Seeing where they were sitting, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there a nail among you? Is it so far away?"

“Am I not trying to avoid suspicion?” Mia curled her lips.

Ji Yunshu smiled and said, "Thank you. You don't have to avoid it. He doesn't look down on people like you."

 So she didn’t have the slightest sense of crisis.


 Mia wants to punch someone.

Sister, it’s okay to fall in love, but you still care about her?

However, Ji Yunshu didn't even look at her. He put the soup in front of Li Tingzhi and said, "Drink it while it's hot."


Li Tingzhi looked at the bowl of soup, his expression was extremely distorted, and he said: "...Ashu, can I..."


Before he finished speaking, Ji Yunshu stopped him midway. She frowned: "You are in a special situation this time. You have been in a state of high tension for half a month, and your body can't bear it. I'll give you some warm and tonic food, drink it quickly."

Li Tingzhi looked at her strong expression and retorted weakly: "...but I feel pretty good now."

Ji Yunshu glanced at him lightly: "I am a doctor and you are a doctor?"


 So, it is not a good thing if your girlfriend is too powerful.

In the end, Li Tingzhi still couldn't resist Ji Yunshu, so he could only endure the strange smell of the medicinal food and drink the soup obediently.

 Watching him empty the bowl, Ji Yunshu finally had a smile on his face, leaned over to wipe his mouth, and said, "You're so good."


 Why do you feel something is wrong?

Her tone was exactly the same as that of Ala when she was sick.

Li Tingzhi was silent for a moment, and finally smiled helplessly, hugged her gently, and said, "I want to go to the hospital to see my dad first, so I won't accompany you."

As a son, if his father is hospitalized, if he doesn’t even look at him, is he still a son?

Ji Yunshu nodded, "I understand, go ahead."

Li Tingzhi ignored Mia's presence and lowered his head to kiss the corner of her mouth as a farewell kiss.

"I'm leaving."


  It wasn't until his back disappeared from sight that Ji Yunshu calmly withdrew his gaze.

Mia was so fed up with the two of them that she had goosebumps all over her body.

"You two, can you die if you don't get tired of it?"

Can you take care of her being single?

Ji Yunshu glanced at her and calmly uttered two words: "No."

Mia snorted, expressing disdain for her cruelty to dogs.

But soon, her expression turned gossipy, and she couldn't wait to approach Ji Yunshu and asked: "How far have you two progressed?"

Ji Yunshu frowned: "What step?"

“Don’t be pretentious, you must be living together, right? Otherwise, you, a severe mysophobia, will let him take a bath at your place?”

 Mia looked like she had expected it.

"..." Ji Yunshu looked at her speechlessly, "What are you thinking about all day long? He just came back from a mission and was dirty. I asked him to wash it. Isn't it normal?"

 Sure enough, dirty eyes make people look yellow.

"Stop it."

Mia didn’t believe it at all.

“With how tired you two were just now, the progress is definitely going to be faster than I thought.”

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

Ji Yunshu resisted the urge to strangle her, gritted his teeth and asked, "Is this why you came here to discuss this with me today?"

  When mentioning this, Mia suddenly remembered the purpose of her visit.

“I almost forgot, I came to you to make a human skin mask, but I was so stimulated by you two that I almost forgot about the business.”

Ji Yunshu frowned: "Human skin mask? What do you want that for?"

 “Besides, don’t you know how to do it yourself?”

  Why did you come all the way to ask her for help?

Mia sighed: "The president asked me to come to the Imperial Capital to do something. As you know, there is a mixed crowd here, and there are many acquaintances who know me. Although my disguise skills are not bad, it can be easily exposed."

She looked at Ji Yunshu and said with a smile: "But if you, a master of disguise, are willing to help, there will definitely be no problem."

 (End of this chapter)

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