She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 484: Stab Lou Zi

Chapter 484: Stab

Ji Yunshu didn't take her for granted and glanced at her, "Stop flattering me. I don't do anything without reward."


Mia twitched the corner of her mouth and held out three fingers as if she had expected it: "This number?"

"make a deal."

Although it hurts, Ji Yunshu’s disguise skills were second to none, and no one dared to call them first. When Mia left, she seemed to have completely changed her appearance, and there was not even the slightest resemblance to when she came.

Zou Ming didn't recognize her at all when he returned to the Special Administration Bureau. When he saw her sitting calmly in the director's office, he frowned and said in a cold tone: "Who are you?"

  This face has never been seen in the bureau, but sitting casually in the director's seat at this moment is really extremely presumptuous.

Mia raised her eyebrows, subconsciously touched her cheek, and secretly sighed that this human skin mask was really powerful.

Before leaving, Ji Yunshu also gave her a voice changer as a gift. With these two things in hand, people who are familiar with her may not be able to recognize her.

 In this way, you don’t have to worry about the horse falling off.

Mia smiled in her heart for a moment, coughed slightly, and returned to her original voice: "It's me."

Zou Ming was stunned and looked her up and down in disbelief, "Special Assistant Mia?"


As the captain of the Special Administration Bureau's action team, Zou Ming often wears human skin masks when going on missions. He is no stranger to this thing, so he was only surprised for a moment and then became confused.

 “You are…”

Mia flexed her fingers, tapped the table twice, gave him a look, and said, "It's easy to move."

Zou Ming suddenly realized that it was a mission requirement.

 “How can I help?” he asked.

Mia nodded, "Does the file that the girl brought over before still exist?"

"Here I am."

  When mentioning the file, Zou Ming's expression changed for a moment, and he said tentatively: "Special assistant, do you really want to investigate what happened to the Li family back then?"

His tone was a little weird, Mia raised her head and glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

Zou Ming sighed: "It's nothing, it's just...a little complicated."

“Hmm?” Hearing what he meant, Mia seemed to know quite a lot. Mia immediately put down the things in her hands and raised her head to look at him calmly.

Zou Ming looked uncomfortable because of her gaze. He coughed twice and said, "...You also know that the Li family has been cooperating with the association for decades."

 Mia hummed.

 There was no need for him to say this, she had heard Zhong Qing mention it before.

The five major families in Imperial Capital all had a close relationship with superpowers and superpower associations. However, for unknown reasons later on, the five major families declined, leaving only the Li family and the Qi family today.

Zou Ming paused and continued: "To be honest, the Special Administrative Bureau was able to establish a firm foothold in the Imperial Capital and develop steadily to where it is today. Much of the credit goes to the two old men of the Li family and the Qi family. It is because of their implicit support that we are where we are today.”

“So, in some respects, if these two families need it, we will provide convenience.”

Mia narrowed her eyes and had an intuition that what he was going to say next was not a good thing.

As expected, Zou Ming's eyes became evasive and his voice gradually became quieter: "Shortly after the kidnapping occurred, Mr. Li took the initiative to cancel the investigation and wanted, and even personally came to the Special Administration Bureau to ask us to delete it. Some records about the cases of that year.”

Mia’s eyes darkened.

 “You agree?”

Zou Ming put his fist to his lips, coughed twice, and nodded.

“Although it is against the rules, we have to give this face.”

 Mia: “…”

She was silent for a moment, with a speechless expression on her face, and asked: "Have you reported this matter?"

Zou Ming shook his head, "No, Mr. Li has a good relationship with the director... The director said there is no need to report it..."

 In the end, he became less and less confident, obviously knowing that doing so was not only against the rules, but also simply lawless.

Mia grinded her back teeth and glared at Zou Ming through gritted teeth.

 She was wrong. She should not have praised the director for his ability in the first place.

Now it’s okay. Failure to report information is not just a violation of regulations. Once something goes wrong, you will be dismissed at the least, or you will hand over everything on the spot and be escorted back to the association.

Director Sun doesn’t want to do this anymore, does he?

How could he actually dig out such a big basket!

 (End of this chapter)

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