She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 486: eyewitness

Chapter 486 Witnesses

Mia was so angry that her heart ached, "You go out first, I'll check it myself."

 If anything else can be found.

Seeing her ugly face, Zou Ming didn't dare to say anything and retreated directly.

 The door was closed, and there was a sudden silence in the office.

Mia flipped through the files tiredly, her eyes extremely irritable.

There were not many clues back then, but now, there may really be none left.

She is looking for a needle in a haystack. In this case, when will the president's task be completed?

While she was distressed, suddenly, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a name from the corner of her eye. Mia paused, frowned and looked back and forth several times, and found a breakthrough.

She curled her lips and raised a smile.

 Have it, maybe the key is here!

Chao Zhendong, the only witness to the fire scene that year, happened to be near the scene of the incident. Since he was not very close, he could not see clearly, so his confession and testimony were not that important.

Mr. Li only deleted the key information related to the case at that time. The unimportant testimony of this eyewitness was obviously not within the scope of his worries.

Mia read Cao Zhendong’s testimony three times, then touched her chin and fell into deep thought.

Even if he witnessed very little and could provide very little information, maybe it would be of some help to her?

It is better to go to the door and ask in person.

Thinking this, she immediately started to take action.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he ran into Zou Ming.

"Assistant Mia, where are you going?" Zou Ming, who was driven out by her, was circling back and forth at the door of the office in an uneasy mood, which attracted the attention of many employees, but he didn't pay attention and was thinking about what just happened. .

Seeing her suddenly come out, he was surprised and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Mia glanced at him and said softly: "I found an eyewitness and want to ask for details."

Zou Ming nodded with a clear look on his face. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said, "How about I bring two more people with you?"

He smiled and said, "You have just arrived in Imperial Capital and are not familiar with the situation. If anything happens, we can help you."

 However, Mia snorted coldly: "Help me? It's good if it doesn't cause any trouble."

She looked at him coldly and said what he was thinking: "Zou Ming, don't think that by being so attentive now, you can make up for Director Sun's previous mistakes. Your Special Administration Bureau secretly deleted files and falsified case information. "It's of a bad nature and I must report it to the president."

 They have concealed this matter for so long. If anything goes wrong during this period, the consequences will not be something the Special Administration Bureau can bear!

Zou Ming's face was a little pale, but he had nothing to say. He could only swallow his hard throat and said: "I know, Special Assistant Mia, we will not escape the mistakes we made. Everything depends on the association." Disposal, Special Administration Bureau accepts any punishment.”

 After doing this, he was mentally prepared for this day to come, and he had nothing to regret.

 “Where is Director Sun?” Mia asked.

Zou Ming: "He...he went home."

 Director Sun is in poor health. Unless there is any major incident, he usually spends his time at home recuperating.

Mia sneered: "I hope to see Director Sun appear in the office as soon as I come back from doing things. Do you understand?"

Zou Ming: "...I understand."

 (End of this chapter)

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