She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 487: Dead people

Chapter 487 Someone is dead

This is a relatively remote apartment community in Dijing. Because it is far away from the city center, the housing prices are much lower than those in some high-end communities. Most of the people who live here are office workers.

The security guard at the gate changed from his usual free and casual attitude. Instead of wandering around, he stood at the gate of the community with a serious look on his face, carrying a baton and staring at the passers-by.

 Where no one could see him, there was a slight layer of sweat on the palms of his hands behind his back.

The security guard wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced secretly in a certain direction. His expression changed for a moment, but it was fleeting.

Not far in the direction of his sight, there was a large group of onlookers gathered. They were all adults who were taking advantage of the morning market to buy groceries or people doing morning exercises. They were whispering to each other and looking at the cordoned-off people with strange eyes. Isolated place.

"Who did this? The police came to your door so early in the morning?"

 “You haven’t heard? This family is dead!”


The crowd suddenly exploded like boiling water. When they heard about the death of a person, everyone's face looked strange and unpredictable, with a hint of disgust, as if hearing this word so early in the morning was particularly unlucky.

“It’s true! It’s so unlucky early in the morning!” an aunt couldn’t help complaining.

“I heard that the person in this family died last night, or that the body was found by the courier this morning, so I called the police.”

“Tsk, tsk, I saw him saying hello to him yesterday, why is there no one there today?”

When one person heard his question, he approached mysteriously and whispered: "It is said that he killed him."

The man was startled and shouted: "Oh my God! How much hatred must this be?"

Even though their voices were very low, the people around them could still hear them clearly. After a while, the various ways of death and the various reasons why they were killed spread throughout the crowd.

Just when their discussion was in full swing, a young female police officer walked through the cordon and came out to stop them and said: "Okay! Stop chatting. Didn't you see the dead person? Please disperse, the police are still here. Need further investigation!"

She has a delicate appearance, is young, and has a pair of big, watery eyes, but at this time she was completely filled with indignation.

She had heard everything in the house just now. The gossip of this group of people really had no bottom line. The owner of the house had been killed, and these people were still talking about what he had offended someone who shouldn't be offended?

  It’s really not a big deal to watch the fun!

Chen Xiuxiu put her hands on her hips and looked even more serious: "Let's leave now! Otherwise, we will think you are obstructing official business!"

 When everyone heard her roar, they all shrank their necks and dispersed.

A policeman behind her was recording. Seeing Chen Xiuxiu being so indignant, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. He stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder: "Okay, it's just a group of onlookers. What do you care about with them?"

“But they are too unsympathetic!” Chen Xiuxiu pouted.

The policeman was stunned when he heard this, and then shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, he was a newly graduated intern, and his thoughts were simple.

"Otherwise? What do you think of them? Crying so hard for the deceased?" The policeman smiled: "It has nothing to do with themselves. They may not be happy to see their own excitement, but they will definitely be positive to see the excitement of others. This is what the people ah."

 Chen Xiuxiu puffed up her cheeks and was a little annoyed, "Why is it always like this..."

“Don’t worry about this, come here and record it quickly, otherwise the captain will get mad later, and you will have a good time watching it.”

Remembering the captain's usually cold face, Xu Xiuxiu immediately shuddered and quickly ran to the area she was responsible for, recording carefully.

When Mia came to this community, she found that the atmosphere was not quite right. She frowned and had a bad feeling.

Zou Ming followed her with two members of the Special Administration Bureau. Seeing that she had stopped, he asked, "What's wrong?"

 “Something seems wrong.”

 Something flashed through Mia's mind quickly. After leaving these words, her eyes flashed suddenly, her brows furrowed, and she quickly ran to the address of Cao Zhendong's home on the file. Zou Ming also quickly followed.

When they arrived, they happened to see a group of uniformed policemen carrying a stretcher covered with white cloth coming out of the house.

Mia's heart skipped a beat, and she rushed forward instantly. She crossed her long legs and climbed over the warning tape, trying to uncover the white cloth and inspect the body.

The nearest police officer did not expect that a woman would suddenly rush out and run directly towards the deceased. He subconsciously tried to subdue the victim to the ground, but unexpectedly, Mia locked him and was caught off guard.

 Chen Xiuxiu was the closest to them. When she saw what happened, she immediately came up to help. Unexpectedly, she was put down within three moves of her hand.


Other police officers were shocked to see Mia attacking the police directly, and immediately stepped forward to restrain her.

Mia narrowed her eyes, thinking only of the corpse on the stretcher, and was not in the mood to pay attention to these people. She tightened her fists, and was about to make a move to put them all down at once, but she was stopped by Zou Ming the next moment.

 “Wait! Assistant Mia!”

Zou Ming just wanted to stop her, but her movements were too fast and her reaction could not keep up. By the time he came to his senses, she had already started to move.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, stood between the police and Mia, and said with a dry smile: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Chen Xiuxiu was pushed to the ground by Mia, and her arm hit a stone. She was so painful that she almost burst into tears. She had always been pampered since she was a child. After graduation, she joined the police force where her uncle had some connections. It was only on her first day as an intern that she rescued an injured person. She is really promising.

But at this time, she didn't have time to think too much. She gritted her teeth and struggled to stand up, walked to the policemen, stood in a row with them, and asked: "Who are you? You broke into the warning zone without permission?"

She had a cold face and looked full of aura: "The police are handling the case, but you attack the police without knowing your origin. This is a crime of obstructing official duties!"

Mia narrowed her eyes and was in a very bad mood. She replied impatiently: "According to the script, when I was performing official duties, you were still a cell."


Chen Xiuxiu's face was red with anger, but she didn't know what to say to retort, so she could only stare at her with her big eyes blinking.

At this moment, a deep and majestic voice sounded: "What's wrong?"

 All the policemen immediately turned around.

 “Lead Team!”

 “Lead Team!”

Ye Qin just finished surveying the scene and saw this scene when he came out. His brows furrowed imperceptibly. He walked towards them slowly, stood in front of everyone, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Xiuxiu pointed at Mia and others: "Captain, they broke into the warning zone without permission and attacked the police."

As expected, Ye Qin frowned even more and looked at them sharply, "Assaulting the police? You are brave enough."

He was about to ask the people behind him to take down these people, but Mia sneered and said, "I don't have time to waste time with you here, Zou Ming! You can handle them."

After speaking, Ye Qin watched her striding directly towards the corpse of the deceased. His expression suddenly changed, "You!"

He was about to chase after him, but was blocked by Zou Ming's quick hands and eyes.

“Wait a minute, officer, we may have some misunderstanding.”

 (End of this chapter)

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