She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 488: There is nothing strange about the corpse

Chapter 488 There is nothing strange about the corpse

“What’s the misunderstanding? The police are handling the case. Who allowed you to get close to this place?”

Ye Qin had a cold face and said sternly: "Leave immediately! Otherwise, you will be detained for obstructing official business!"

Zou Ming quickly said: "No!"

He laughed dryly, glanced at Mia, sighed helplessly, took out his ID and said: "We are all traveling together, is it convenient, sir?"

Ye Qin was stunned for a moment, took the certificate and glanced at it, then looked up at him in surprise, "Are you traveling with us?"

“Yes, I’m Zou Ming, Special Administrative Bureau.”

Zou Ming coughed lightly and introduced himself to him.

Ye Qin's expression changed immediately, Special Administration Bureau, he knew the significance of this department.

Anyone who has heard the word "Special Administration Bureau" will only have one idea: mysterious.

 It’s really mysterious.

 It does not belong to any government agency, does not obey anyone's orders, exists independently, has a wide jurisdiction and great power, and no one dares to provoke it easily.

Even his boss was lucky enough to have cooperated with the Special Administration Bureau only once.

Ye Qin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and his attitude improved a lot.

 “I see, I was rude.”

Seeing that he suddenly slowed down his tone, the other policemen were stunned. Chen Xiuxiu didn't know why, so she blurted out and asked: "Captain, what is the Special Administration Bureau?"

Ye Qin's face darkened and he sternly scolded: "Shut up, don't ask about things you shouldn't know."

His tone was like ice. Chen Xiuxiu was so frightened that she immediately shut up, her eyes turned red, and she stood there with her lips pursed and at a loss.

 “Yes, I’m sorry, I just...”

 Halfway through her words, her voice gradually disappeared and turned into a quiet sob.

 “I’m sorry, captain,” she sobbed.

 She shouldn't have asked. Before joining the police force, her uncle warned her to talk less and do more, and don’t ask questions that shouldn’t be asked.

 As a result, it was only her first day at work, and she had completely forgotten all these words.

Ye Qin has a headache. He hates seeing women cry the most in his life.

 “Okay, I’m not scolding you.”

Just now, I was too surprised by the identity of Zou Ming and others, so I couldn't control my emotions, so my tone was a little serious. Who knew that this girl was frightened and cried.

How can you be so timid?

He sighed, turned around and explained to the others: "The Special Administrative Bureau is also a relevant department. In theory, it is our colleague. It must have been a misunderstanding just now."

When everyone heard this, they all nodded their heads if there was anything they didn’t understand.

“Captain Zou, I’m really sorry just now. The people under my command don’t know your identity.”

Ye Qin handed the certificate back to Zou Ming and smiled apologetically.

“Nowhere, it’s actually our fault that we didn’t explain our purpose.”

Zou Ming smiled mockingly, pointed at Mia who was squatting next to the stretcher and checking the body, and said: "This is my leader, Miss Mia. To be honest, we are investigating a case, and the owner of the house here is very important." Witness, the leader may have been a little impatient just now and lost his sense of proportion. I hope you can forgive me.”

Ye Qin was startled and secretly looked at Mia.

Is this woman so young and already a leader of the Special Administration Bureau?

  It is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

 He was slightly ashamed and said with a dry smile: "It's okay, it's okay."

While they were chatting and complimenting each other, Mia had already fully examined the body. She took off her gloves and threw them into the trash can aside. She stood up and asked, "Has the cause of death been determined?"

Ye Qin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, frowned, and said: "This is the strangest thing. The deceased did not show any abnormality before death, and there were no obvious injuries on the surface of the corpse."

 (End of this chapter)

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