She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 491: How much do you know about what happened back then?

Chapter 491 How much do you know about what happened back then?

Zou Ming was stunned, his hands were clenched into fists, his face was red, and he couldn't say a word to defend himself.

"If you are concerned about the grievances between the first team and the second team, you can report it directly and let God Q talk to me personally."

Mia just left these words and left regardless of his reaction.

"Oh, right."

She suddenly stopped, pointed to the body on the ground, and said: "Please do a detailed autopsy. I will come to get the report in person after a while. The crime scene should be protected and no one is allowed to enter, including those from your Special Administration Bureau. people."

She curled her lips and said, "As for the rest, don't worry about it."

 After saying that, she walked away without looking back.


Zou Ming stood there, looking at her leaving figure, his expression not very good.

Seeing this, the two people following behind asked cautiously: "Captain, what should we do now?"

Zou Ming closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said tiredly: "Do as she said. In addition, notify the director and ask him not to rest. There will be a lot of trouble waiting for him soon."

 “The most important thing—”

 He paused, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

 "Help me contact the people in the first team, I want to... report the current situation."


Zou Ming raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, sighing secretly.

If a few adults in the first team knew about this, I'm afraid no one in the Special Administration Bureau would be able to escape, and everyone would be implicated.

Over there, Mia returned to the car, took out her mobile phone with a solemn expression, and called Li Jiu immediately, regardless of what happened before.

At this time, Li Jiu was accompanying Li Chen in the ward.

She sat quietly on the chair, looking at her phone boredly. All the eyes around her fell on her, covertly and covertly, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little stagnant.


Li Jiu's eyelashes trembled slightly. She couldn't help it. She sighed, raised her eyes and asked, "Do you have anything to say to me?"

In the ward, except for Li Hong's family, all the Li family members are present. The current scene and atmosphere look more like a family meeting, except that the location has changed from Li's house to here.

Li Tingzhi, who had just learned the whole story from his father and grandfather, pursed his lips, looked at her with a deep look in his eyes, and asked thoughtfully: "Are you really my sister?" His question seemed a bit idiotic.

 The paternity test is out there, how can it be fake?

 But it’s not his fault. Li Jiu’s identity was too shocking. Until now, his mind is still in a mess and he can’t accept it at all.

Not only him, but also Li Jiu, no matter how strong her mental endurance is, she is still a little uncomfortable at the moment. Fortunately, Qi Jingci has enlightened her, so she looks much calmer than him now.

“Brother, isn’t your question in vain?”

Li Muye couldn't help complaining at the side: "You have confirmed it with dad and grandpa three times, and you have also seen the paternity test. You still don't believe it?"

  …“It’s not that I don’t believe it.”

Li Tingzhi held his forehead helplessly, not knowing how to express his feelings at the moment.

 “I just...can’t accept it for the time being.”

 He lowered his eyes, feeling incomprehensible.

He had already remembered the time when Li Jiu was voted out. After all these years, he could never forget the scene when they rushed there and there was only a sea of ​​fire.

The scene was in chaos. My father rushed in like crazy. My grandfather couldn't bear it and fainted. Everyone else kept shouting to put out the fire.

 “Someone, come quickly! Put out the fire!”

“There are still people inside! Where is the fire brigade? When will the fire brigade come?!”

 “Help! Someone is injured”

The chaotic shouts for help and sirens at that moment still echoed in his ears, and he could not forget it.

Mr. Li sighed and patted his shoulder: "Take your time. No matter what, Xiaojiu is your biological sister."

"I know."

Li Tingzhi raised his eyes and turned away the expression in his eyes. The sorrow he showed just now seemed to be an illusion. He looked straight at Li Jiu and suddenly asked: "Xiao Jiu, how much do you know about what happened back then?"

Li Jiu paused, a glimmer of light flashed across his eyes, and the next moment, the corners of his lips raised into a slight smile.

 I never expected that this question was actually raised by Li Tingzhi first.

 (End of this chapter)

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