She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 492: Would you please move back?

Chapter 492: How about you move back?

Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on her. Li Jiu knew that this issue would be raised sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

She knew very well that she and Wen Wen were buried in the fire at the same time. When the police discovered their skeletons and confirmed their identities, how did she survive and where was Wen Wen? These questions were destined to be inevitable.

 She just thought that Mr. Li or Li Chen would come to ask her, but it turned out to be Li Tingzhi.

The atmosphere in the ward was somewhat silent. Finally, Li Chen frowned displeased, coughed, and said, "Tingzhi, let's talk about these things later."

Of all the people present, he should be the one who wanted to know the clues about that incident the most, but he was worried about irritating Li Jiu and causing her bad memories, so he could only keep silent for the time being and wait until the time was right to discuss it again. Ask slowly.

Who would have thought that Li Tingzhi was so direct that he had no time to stop him.

Mr. Li also said: "Yes, Xiaojiu was only one full moon back then, what could she know?"

Seeing the cryptic expressions on their faces, Li Jiu lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, "It's nothing, you don't have to be so evasive."

  She knew what they were worried about, but there was no need for it.

As long as she can remember, she has grown up in the association and has been treated as her own daughter by Zhong Qing. If that incident had not happened, Zhong Qing was afraid that she would encounter similar dangers in the future, so he was ruthless and forced her to practice. She is still living in the association without any worries, eating and waiting to die, not knowing what the danger is.

"As long as I can remember... I have been adopted. The person who adopted me also loves me very much. I haven't suffered much since I was a child. Don't worry."

Li Jiu changed his statement and concealed the existence of the association and Zhong Qing.

 She hasn't yet figured out the relationship between the Li family, the association and her mother. She doesn't know what's hidden in it, so it's better to be cautious.

What's more, during this period of time, the Imperial Capital has been in constant turmoil, and some forces hiding in the dark have begun to make moves. At this critical moment, the more you know, the more dangerous it is. Keep it secret for as long as you can. If the time comes in the future, Or if she figured out the truth, it wouldn't be too late to tell everything.

She thought secretly and already had an idea in her mind.

After hearing Li Jiu's words, Li Chen and Mr. Li secretly looked at each other. Instead of breathing a sigh of relief, their brows furrowed even deeper.

Li Chen looked at Li Jiu with soft eyes, his eyes filled with distress.

Shan's mother has already told them that when they first met Xiaojiu, she was seriously injured and fainted in the mountains covered in blood. If they hadn't happened to pick her up and treat her, the consequences would have been disastrous. Did this stupid kid hide it because he didn’t want to make them worry?

Thinking of this, Li Chen felt even more guilty.


Li Chen struggled to smile, and his tone was almost choked: "I'm sorry, all these years, I thought... you were dead."

If he knew...that she was alive, he would find her at all costs!

 But now, it’s too late to say anything.

 In the end, he missed twenty years of her life.

Li Jiu shook his head, "You don't know anything, so you don't need to apologize to me."

Not only him, but also she, as the person involved, was confused and didn’t know anything.

Li Chen's eyes brightened, his brows relaxed, and his whole complexion suddenly improved a lot, "So, you forgive me?"


Li Jiu said helplessly: "I told you, I don't blame you."

Li Chen obviously couldn't listen to her words, and continued to ask: "In that case, Xiaojiu, would you like to move back? I want to... develop a relationship with you."

 He said the last sentence very carefully, carefully observing Li Jiu's expression, for fear that she would be unhappy.

His daughter had just been found, but it turned out that she almost belonged to someone else. He couldn't swallow this feeling.

Even if he agreed at the time, it was because of his status as an uncle. Today is different from the past. Xiaojiu is his biological daughter and cannot be abducted just like that!

 (End of this chapter)

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