She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 493: Li Tingzhi: Let you wake up a little bit

Chapter 493 Li Tingzhi: Let you wake up

Li Jiu's expression suddenly became subtle.


She thought he would continue to ask questions and even drafted a reason to deal with him, but when she heard such a sentence, she couldn't react.

Li Chen thought she was unwilling, so he quickly said: "Xiaojiu, although you and Qi Jingci are engaged, they are not married yet. If you live together, it will be very disadvantageous for girls."

Li Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth: "..."

"Before...well, your grandfather agreed for you to move out and live with him. It was purely because he was afraid that Li Hong's family would be bad for you in the future, so he wanted to find a supporter for you, but now..."

He paused and said: "Your life experience has been made public. Everyone knows that you are the legitimate daughter of the Li family. We will all be your backers. As for Qi Jingci... just take your time first. You Say what?"

Li Jiu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, and her expression was weird for a moment.

“Well, I think what dad said makes sense.”

Li Tingzhi suddenly said: "Xiaojiu, you are the eldest lady of the Li family now. It is really not good to live together without getting married. How about... move back first?"


Li Jiu was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Mr. Li: "What do you think, grandpa?"

Her eyes were extremely clear, and the meaning in her eyes was obvious. It was clearly you, the old man, who single-handedly arranged for the two of them to live together.

Mr. Li met Li Jiu's gaze, then looked at his son and grandson. He felt guilty for a moment, coughed lightly, and said calmly: "Xiao Jiu, I think..."

His eyes wandered for a moment and he said: "Your father is quite right."

He and Lao Qi had agreed on her marriage to Xiao Ci before, and a large part of the reason was to consider her future. At that time, she was an illegitimate daughter in the eyes of everyone, and even if he could protect her for a while, he could not protect her for a while. If he left one day and this girl was bullied by Li Hong's family, he would definitely not be at ease, so he made a mental effort to find a good backer for her as soon as possible.

Who would have thought that human calculations are not as good as God's calculations.

 Li Jiu is his Xiao Xi in the end.   He really can't bear to leave her now.

 So, let’s not admit what I said before. Face and other things are not as important as my granddaughter.

Li Jiu was completely speechless. She held her forehead helplessly and complained: "Grandpa... why are you like this?"

 Why are you going back on your word?

Fortunately, before she came, Qi Jingci specifically told her to calm down and try to get along well with her. If he heard these words, he would definitely become angry as a hedgehog.

It's still the kind with a thorn on its body.

“That’s right, grandpa, you have to keep your word.”

Fortunately, Li Muye did not forget his "friendship" with Qi Jingci, and spoke at the right time: "You were the one who brought Xiaojiu and Qi Jingci together before, but now that you have gone back on your word, can you keep your face with Grandpa Qi? "

Mr. Li: “…”

He laughed and scolded: "Little bastard, you have nothing to do with me anywhere? Go and cool off!"

Where is this brat on? Always help outsiders speak.

Li Muye curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "I'm obviously telling the truth... ow!"

However, before he finished complaining, his voice got stuck in his throat, and then he let out a short wail. He immediately looked at Li Tingzhi in pain, who had not changed his expression and retracted his hand, and asked: "Brother! Why are you pinching me?" ?”

Li Tingzhi withdrew his hand calmly, glanced at him, and said, "I want you to wake up and figure out whether your surname is Li or Qi."

Li Muye: “…”

Is this my brother?

 (End of this chapter)

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