She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 495: You can't experience the joy of puppy love

Chapter 495 You can’t appreciate the joy of puppy love

Li Jiu took the phone away a little, and after she finished venting, she said again: "In short, I really can't help with this matter, you'd better find someone else."

 After saying that, she wanted to hang up the phone.

Mia became anxious upon hearing this, "No, you are the only one who can help me."

Her tone immediately softened, "Okay Ajiu, I'm not familiar with the place in Imperial Capital, and the Special Administration Bureau is unreliable. Who do you want me to go to?"

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, surprised by how quickly her attitude changed, "Don't you mean we don't worry about it?"


Mia gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Being careless... is better than being unreliable."

 So far, the only most reliable helpers she can think of are the people in Team 2.

 As for the first team...

 She was not familiar with Qi Jingci, so she couldn't say this.

Li Jiu raised her lips and smiled softly. After thinking for a moment, she said, "Okay, I'll ask the third child to help you."


"You're welcome. Just follow the rules. Just treat her as if you hired her. After investigating the case, don't forget to pay the commission."

"…no problem."

 For the sake of the case, she endured it.

The corners of Li Jiu's lips rose a little more. He pretended not to hear her gnashing of teeth, cut off the call and called He Yao instead.

 “Lao San, are you free?”

There was no immediate answer on the other end of the phone. There was a faint sound of electricity, and then He Yao's voice sounded angrily: "What's wrong, boss?"

Li Jiumo: "...Are you being beaten?"

 Why do you sound so weak and about to die?

He Yaosheng is hopeless: "I feel more uncomfortable now than if I were dead."

Due to Qi Sijin's previous entrustment, she successfully moved into the Qi family again, and Mrs. Qi happily arranged her next door to Qi Anyan, with the idea of ​​letting the two of them communicate with each other. However, unfortunately, Qi Anyan was transferred to another place for a business trip. It will take at least half a month to come back.

Therefore, she can only stay alone in the empty room now, feeling extremely lonely.

"I don't understand. We obviously live closer to brother An Yan, but why do we spend less time together than usual?"

He Yao lay on the bed with her head drooped and kept sighing.

 Without Brother Anyan, life would be no fun. Li Jiu twitched his lips: "Is puppy love still justified?"

 This **** girl, are you stuffing her with dog food?

He Yao sighed: "Boss, you can't appreciate the joy of puppy love."


Li Jiu narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Are you looking for a fight?"

Her tone of voice was gentle and gentle, but with a hint of coldness.

He Yao shrank her neck, her heart trembled, and she quickly changed the subject: "Ahem... Do you have anything to do with me?"

 “Mia encounters a case, you go and help her investigate.”

 He Yao: "?"

He Yao looked confused: "Why do you want me to investigate? Does the Special Administration Bureau have to work hard?"

   “It’s really hard work.”


 Did something happen that she didn’t know about?

He Yao's heart for gossip immediately ignited, and she became energetic and asked, "What happened?"

From the boss’s tone, it seems like the Special Administration Bureau has done something serious?

Li Jiu told her what had happened. After hearing this, she sighed with emotion on her face and said twice, "One team can't do it. The emperor is not strict. Is God Q old and confused?"

I have always heard people in the association say what kind of **** Q is, but now it seems that it is mostly rumors.

  Even the direct subordinates of the Special Administration Bureau cannot control it. This rumor is very false.

Li Jiu raised his forehead and almost laughed angrily at her: "...Stop talking nonsense and go to work for me!"

He Yao curled her lips and said aggrievedly: "Boss, I am already very sad that Brother An Yan is not here, why do you still enslave me?"

 This was a double blow to her young mind.

"Because you are the only one free." Li Jiu snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense and go and investigate the case. If you don't understand the investigation, you don't have to see me again."


He Yao: Crying. Boss, what did I do wrong?

Li Jiu: Because you said my husband is stupid.

He Yao:? ? ?



 (End of this chapter)

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