Chapter 496

He Yao wanted to say an angry word to her, but she didn't dare because Li Jiu would beat her to death.

She curled her lips, said oh, and accepted the task.

After hanging up the phone, she turned to Qi Anyan to complain, "Brother Anyan, I miss you so much."

In the video, Qi Anyan arched his eyebrows, looked at her with incredibly soft eyes, and asked with a smile: "How much do you want?"

He Yao pursed her lips and said, “I don’t think about food or tea.”

He has been away these past few days and has no one to accompany him, making him almost bored to death.

Qi Anyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It will be some time before I can go back. Just listen to your grandparents. When I get back, I will take you out to play."

He Yao's eyes lit up, "Really?"

 He nodded.

 Thinking about it carefully, it is true that I haven’t played with Ayao for a long time, so I just took this opportunity to take her out to relax.

 “Then it’s settled, I’ll wait for you.”

He Yao's originally not very bright mood suddenly turned cloudy and clear, and she also felt that the matter Li Jiu told her was no longer so troublesome.

 The next day, she got up early, greeted Mrs. Qi and went out directly.

“Eh? Ayao, bring some breakfast to eat on the way.”

Mrs. Qi just wanted to stop her, but she ran faster than a rabbit and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

 “What are you doing in such a hurry?”

 Finally had a holiday, this girl must have been holding it back, she got up early in the morning and ran out to play without even eating.

 Children today.

Mrs. Qi smiled helplessly. However, she didn't know that He Yao got up so early not for fun, but because he had "business" to do.

At this time, she was standing in front of a building on the commercial street, with an endless stream of traffic behind her. The sound of vehicle horns and the roar of engines were mixed together, making people's heads dizzy.

He Yao plucked her ears, clicked her tongue, and looked at the Special Administration Bureau with disgust.

  Although it is often said that the great hermitage is hidden in the city, is this too shabby?

At any rate, it is the supervisory unit dispatched by the association to various parts of the world, but in the end, it just ordered an office building. Those who didn't know better thought it was a dangerous building that was about to be demolished.

She sighed, took the backpack she had brought with her when she went out, and walked into the building resignedly.

The receptionist stopped her sharply and asked with a strange look: "Miss, what can I do for you?"

Don't blame her for being nosy. He Yao was wearing a black mask at the moment, covering most of her face, only revealing a pair of apricot-colored eyes. Anyone who saw her would be suspicious if she looked like this for most of the day.

He Yao glanced at her calmly, lowered her voice, trying to sound more mature and steady, and said, "I'm looking for your director."

When the receptionist heard this, his expression changed, and he soon returned to normal, with a smile on his face again: "Sorry, madam, our director is not here today, please come back another day."

As she spoke, she made a gesture of invitation, which had a very obvious meaning of seeing off guests.

He Yao's expression did not change at all. She put her hand into her pocket, took out an ID and handed it to her, saying, "Tell you, Director, I'm waiting for her."

The front desk took it over and opened it suspiciously. His expression suddenly changed. He looked at the certificate with horror on his face, then looked up at He Yao, his fingers trembling slightly.

After a long time, he stammered with a trembling voice: "Okay, okay, please wait a moment."

 After saying that, he bowed respectfully to He Yao, then immediately turned around and left.

sky! Their Special Administration Bureau has an ancestor here!

 He can't handle it and must inform Captain Zou!

 (End of this chapter)

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